I Found A Planet

Chapter 371 - A Millenium Of Peace

Chapter 371:

A Millenium Of Peace

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

After talking with the government and reaching an agreement, Xing Hai Technologies disclosed some parts of their deal to the media.

“The Life Extension Medical Service is expected to be officially introduced and applied in three years’ time.”

“More than 90% of families will be able to afford treatment”

“By incorporating the medical insurance plan and the pension deduction plan, some elderly people can enjoy treatment without paying a penny.”

“Our country’s average life expectancy will be extended to at least 150 years old in the future.”

“The aging crisis is solved. Population growth has recovered to a positive rate. The labor force is increasing by millions each year.”

When these articles came out, many netizens debated them. Some were happy and some were upset.

“It will be introduced in three years. That is awesome! I can spend another 50 years with my parents.”

“My grandfather is 98, it seems that he has to make the extra effort to live to over 100 before he can experience a new spring.”

“Haha! With this, there’s hope for our economy, the consumer market, and real estate. Population is everything. The elderly will not die; they will be transformed back into the young and middle-aged population. This means that the country will have consumption power, a labor force with a greater ability to work, and enhanced economic vitality.”

“It seems that I have to buy another house. I could have inherited two houses from my parents, my in-laws, and I also have a house of my own. I would have a total of three houses, which is way too many. Now that members of the older generation have their lives extended for another 50 years, how can I not buy a new house after my son has his own family? Ah, Xing Hai Technologies, you are giving me more pressure.”

“This is very good! In the next 50 years, the domestic population will grow by ten million per year. The prime period of real estate will come, and there will be room for housing prices to at least triple.”

“Let’s hurry and buy land! Our opportunity has arrived! Thank you, Xing Hai Technologies!”

Countless voices were raised in excitement and laughter could be heard from all corners of the nation.

Domestic real estate companies were gearing up. They had pumped themselves full of excitement and energy for this prospect. The entire real estate industry was in a frenzy.

It was foreseeable that the pressure on young people would increase a lot.


Over the next few months, Xing Hai Hospital gathered centenarians from all over the nation and, after obtaining their consent, sent them to the Northwest Desert Reconstruction Area to participate in the life extension medical experiment.

The experimental process was transparent and open. Netizens could follow the treatment status of each elderly person every day.

The effect was miraculous.

The hair color of an old man with a full head of silver hair began to turn black. The wrinkles on the faces of the elderly patients gradually dissipated, and their bodies were enriched by fresh muscles; their complexion also changed from a yellow-brown or a sallow shade to fair and ruddy.

People no longer needed their crutches because they could gradually move with ease. They became physically strong and healthy and walked like they were flying.

It was like time was being magically reversed. Each centenarian shed the effects that time had taken on their looks. The clock had been turned back to the time when they were about 30 years old, with the looks of those in the prime of their lives.

In just three months, time had been turned back 50 years.

Even changes that happened today could be compared to the changes that occurred yesterday; it could all be seen with the naked eye.

Countless people were stunned. Some experienced an unprecedented spiritual impact as their mouths hung wide open

“God...God, how is this possible?”

“This is something that only God can do!”

“A miracle! This is the divine grace that God has imparted to mankind, and it can only be received at Xing Hai Hospital. Lost lambs, God responded to our faith and gifted us eternal life!”

“This is great! God did not lie to us. He had his divine grace descend onto Xing Hai Hospital. Eternal life! We will all get eternal life!”

However, a notice from Xing Hai Technologies had the effect of immediately pouring cold water on them.

The announcement said: “Not everyone has the right to live longer.”

“To those criminals whose natures are resistant to change, corrupt officials, ignorant opponents of science, drug pushers and dealers, the extremists who have brought disaster to the world, I am sorry. They will not be covered by the Life Extension Medical Service.”

“We hope that the world will become more beautiful, so we should leave more of the good things and filter out the bad things. It’s just like the cultivation of good breeds, and the cultivation of talents. People yearn for good things and so does Xing Hai Technologies.”

“Fairness is very important. Xing Hai Technologies respects the diversity of the world, but we also have our own faith and ambition. We believe in science and are committed to the ideas that science can make us invincible. Our ambition is to make the world a better and more peaceful place. We support rationality and knowledge. We are against foolishness, ignorance, isolation, chaos, and evil. We will act according to our philosophy.”

“Xing Hai Technologies is a high-tech enterprise. We will walk further down the road of exploring technology. We will not force anyone to change anything, but we have the right to decide which customers to serve. Customers believe in us and we have even greater belief in our customers.”

When this announcement came out, intelligent people immediately understood the meaning.

“The meaning is very clear. It’s just six words—believe in science, get eternal life.”

“I think there is a very great significance behind this kind of selection. There are too many ignorant people on the internet. There are fake news stories created around the doubting that Merica had landed on the moon, the irrational fear of genetic modification, and all kinds of outlandish beliefs. If one does not pay attention, his brain will be immediately taken away by others. The most fundamental reason is that they fear science; they don’t believe in science. They use their limited common sense to try to understand things that they can’t comprehend and draw conclusions that they stick to stubbornly and seriously. They have to calm down and read more books.”

“I find the talk of god or deities to be the most annoying. Those people shamelessly describe the life extending technology as ‘divine grace from the gods’. They should just go to see their gods immediately. I would never accept them if I am Xing Hai Hospital. No matter how much they pay, I will not accept them.”

“I support Xing Hai Technologies. Sometimes, one’s attitude must be clearly displayed, and one must hold fast to the position of truth! If science becomes silent or regresses, ignorance will sweep through. The world is indeed diverse, but it cannot make ignorance mainstream.”

Netizens expressed their opinions in droves.


In the blink of an eye, time moved on.

It was now late March, 20X1.

A major event had taken place in the field of international diplomacy.

The wildly popular and highly prestigious President Lanfelord, with a support rate that was off the charts and who had led Merica out of crisis, visited Z country for the first time.

Lanfelord had been President for 7 years and had focused on dealing with domestic affairs in that time. He had not officially visited any country except when he was attending some major international conferences.

This visit to Z country was his first international visit.

Global media were highly focused on this event.

A former dominant nation.

A current superpower.

However, the comprehensive strength of the two was not much different. They could be called the two ends of the world.

What would the leaders of these two countries talk about when they met? What tensions would be created?

Before the visit, Lanfelord said to the media in a high-profile comment, “My visit will establish more than a thousand years of peace for Earth, eliminate all devastating wars, and let human civilization progress as a united whole... If this negotiation is successful, I should get ten Nobel Peace Prizes.”

This attracted a lot of attention from the media.

More than a thousand years of peace?

Eliminate all wars?

The whole of human civilization in unity and moving forward?

Many European countries felt their hearts skip a beat. Perhaps...

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