I Created A Dungeon In A Cultivation World

Chapter 99 99: Eldorin And His Group Arrive At Eternal City (Part 2)

The guards on the wall looked at them vigilantly, as if expecting an attack at any moment. It was clear that they took their duty to protect the city seriously.

The leader of the city guard stepped forward and shouted at the group, "Who are you? And what business do you have in the Eternal City?" His voice was harsh and demanding, making it clear that they were not welcome without a good reason.

Eldorin stepped forward, holding up his hands in a gesture of peace. "We are here on a mission from the neighboring Kingdom. We come in peace and mean no harm." He hoped that his calm demeanor would ease the tension between them.

The guard captain was not convinced, however. "You could be spies or invaders, for all we know. We cannot just let anyone in without proper clearance."

At this point, one of the soldiers on their side, who had been growing increasingly haughty and impatient, demanded that they be allowed in. "Do you not know who we are? We are the elite soldiers of our perspective Kingdom, and we demand to be let in immediately!"

The guard captain's face darkened, and he drew his sword. "You may be elite soldiers, but that does not give you the right to barge into our city uninvited. If you do not show us proper respect, we will be forced to take action."

Eldorin could sense the tension rising, and he knew that things were about to escalate further. He tried to intervene, "Please, let us not resort to violence. We are here on a peaceful mission, and we do not want to cause any trouble." But the soldier from their side was not willing to back down.

"We have come a long way to reach this city, and we will not be denied entry by a bunch of upstarts who think they can challenge us. Open the gates now, or face the consequences!" The soldier drew his sword, and the other soldiers from their side followed suit, ready to fight.

The guards on the wall also drew their weapons, preparing to defend their city. The two sides stood facing each other, ready to clash at any moment.

Eldorin could see that the situation was about to get out of hand. He tried to calm them down, but even his people were growing annoyed by the haughty soldiers on their side. Eldorin knew that he needed to act fast before things spiraled out of control.

Just as he was about to use his cultivation to calm everyone down, a different kind of energy descended upon them. The ground shook, and the air around them grew heavy. Eldorin felt as if he was being weighed down by an invisible force. He looked around and saw that everyone else was feeling it too.

The generals and the soldier from their side both looked up in fear, their faces pale with terror. They were frozen in place, unable to move or even speak.

The heavy aura continued to descend upon them, and some of the soldiers from the two kingdoms slumped to the ground, kissing the dirt in submission, even the people of his sect can barely stand up. Eldorin could feel the power of the aura, and he knew that they were no match for it. He could sense that this was not a natural phenomenon but the work of someone with immense power.

Suddenly, a melodic and captivating voice filled the air, causing Eldorin and everyone else to look around in wonder. The voice said, "If you wish to enter the city, you may do so. But if you bring trouble with you, I will bury you right here." The voice was so enchanting and beautiful that it was hard to imagine it coming from anything other than a divine being.

Eldorin felt a sense of awe and reverence wash over him. He immediately realized that this voice belonged to someone who was far more powerful than any of them could ever hope to be, he even felt that it was more powerful than his Sect Master. So he knows from the aura, that the person their confronting was a Core Formation Realm expert.

He bowed his head in respect, and the soldiers on both sides followed suit, humbled by the power of the voice.

Eldorin spoke up, "Please forgive our arrogance and haughtiness. We did not know who we were dealing with. We mean no harm to your city or your people. We are here on a peaceful mission and wish only to complete it without causing any trouble."

The voice spoke again, "I sense that your intentions are pure, and I will allow you to enter the city. But remember, if you break your word and cause any harm, you will face the consequences."

Eldorin nodded, "Thank you for your mercy and understanding. We will not forget your warning." With that, the heavy aura lifted, and the soldiers on both sides were able to move again.

Eldorin led his group through the open gates and into the city, grateful for the chance to complete what they need to do without bloodshed. He knew that they had been lucky to avoid a conflict with someone of such immense power, and he hoped that they would never have to face her wrath again.


Isadora made her way back to the special floor to report back to Argon. She could feel her heart racing as she anticipated the praise that she would receive from him. As she approached the throne chamber, she straightened her uniform and tried to act formal but seductive at the same time. This was a delicate balance that she had to maintain, especially considering the recent tension between her and Argon.

She pushed open the doors to the throne chamber and saw Argon sitting on his throne, looking as imposing and powerful as ever. Isadora felt a rush of desire wash over her as she gazed at him, but she quickly regained her composure and approached him with a confident stride.

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