I Created A Dungeon In A Cultivation World

Chapter 97 97: Dryden's Return

Elara nodded in agreement, "We can offer our help in sealing the entrance to the dungeon. It may take some time and resources, but it is the only way to ensure the safety of your people."

The king and his officials breathed a sigh of relief, grateful for the white robe people's offer of assistance. "Thank you for your help," the king said, bowing deeply. "We will do whatever it takes to protect our people."

As they were conversing, a messenger earlier arrived at the meeting hall with an urgent report. The messenger approached the king and bowed deeply before handing over the report. The king quickly scanned the contents and his face lit up with excitement. "My lords, the report confirms the existence of the city inside the Endless Forest! This is incredible news!"

The white robe people exchanged knowing glances, and Eldorin smiled warmly at the king. "We are pleased to hear that, Your Majesty. With this information, we can begin to plan our expedition to the forest."

The king turned to his officials and issued commands. "Prepare our best warriors and gather supplies for the expedition. We must seize this opportunity to increase our power and obtain valuable items."

The officials nodded eagerly, and the room was filled with a buzz of activity as preparations were made for the journey ahead. The white robe people watched with interest, impressed by the king's quick action and determination... And greediness.

Well, he will be lying to himself if Eldorin wasn't interested in these rumors. So, he sends a report to their sect, so by tomorrow the sect should send a group of strong cultivators.

As the meeting drew to a close, the white robe people rose from their seats and bowed deeply to the king. "We look forward to accompanying you on your journey to the Endless Forest. Together, we can overcome any obstacle," Eldorin said.

The king nodded in agreement, his respect for the white robe people growing with every passing moment. "Thank you for your assistance, My Lord. I still didn't thank you enough for saving my kingdom from the monster. We are fortunate to have allies like you in these troubled times."

Elara smiled kindly at the king, "It is our honor to be of service, Your Majesty. We are here to protect and aid those who are in need." She then turned to the officials and added, "Please inform us of the details once you are ready to depart. We will make sure to prepare accordingly."

With that, the white robe people took their leave, leaving the king and his officials to plan their expedition to the city inside the Endless Forest. Excitement and anticipation filled the air as they prepared to embark on a journey that could change the fate of their kingdom forever.


In the neighboring Kingdom of Como, similar rumors had been circulating about the city inside the Endless Forest. The King of Como had heard of the news and decided to send an expedition to the forest.

The expedition was led by a skilled general, who had experience in leading troops into unknown territory. The soldiers were well-trained and well-equipped, with weapons and supplies for a long journey.


Meanwhile, in the capital city of Oland, a different kind of excitement was brewing. Word had spread like wildfire that Dryden, the long-lost founder of the kingdom, had returned and was making a move to reclaim the throne.

It was the talk of the town, and people gathered in the streets to discuss the latest news and rumors. Some were skeptical, believing it to be nothing more than a hoax or a ploy by some power-hungry individual. Others were hopeful, longing for a leader who would restore their kingdom to its former glory.

In the grand hall of the royal palace, a crowd had gathered to hear what Dryden had to say. The atmosphere was tense, and guards were stationed at every corner, ready to intervene at the slightest sign of trouble.

Dryden stood at the center of the hall, flanked by a few loyal followers. He was an imposing figure, with a stern face and a commanding presence. The room fell silent as he began to speak.

"People of Oland," he said, his voice ringing out with authority. He also used his essence to make sure that everyone in the city can hear him "I have returned to claim what is rightfully mine. For too long, this kingdom has been ruled by corrupt officials and a weak, ineffective king who cares more about his own pleasures than the welfare of his people."

The crowd murmured in agreement, and some even cheered.

"I have evidence that the current king, whom I had trusted and given the throne, was behind the assassination attempt on my life. He wanted me dead to ensure that he could continue his reign unchallenged. But I have survived, and I am back to take what is mine."

The room erupted in applause, and the guards tensed, unsure of what to do.

"I have already taken action," Dryden continued. "I have executed those corrupt officials who have been stealing from the people and pocketing the kingdom's wealth. And I have ordered the arrest of the current king, who will face trial for his crimes against the kingdom and its people."

The residents in the city cheered even louder, and some began to chant Dryden's name.

"I did not come back to claim the throne out of ambition or greed," Dryden said, his voice rising above the noise. "I came back because I saw my kingdom in peril, and I could not stand idly by. I built this kingdom from nothing, and I will not allow it to crumble under the weight of corruption and mismanagement."

The people roared with approval, and the guards also cheered along with the residents. Dryden had won them over with his words, and his heroism in founding the kingdom started to resurface, making him even more popular than ever.

Dryden's return to the throne was imminent, and the people of Oland were ready to support him with all their might.

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