I Created A Dungeon In A Cultivation World

Chapter 53 53: The Clash Began (Part 2)

The man rose to his feet, his eyes blazing with an intense energy. The dark aura around him had intensified, and his body seemed to be pulsating with power.

Ma Kong was surprised at first but smiled widely afterward. He charged towards the middle-aged man once more, swinging his massive axe with all his might.

But this time, the middle-aged man was ready. He raised his hand, and a massive burst of dark energy shot towards Ma Kong, colliding with the monster's attack in a blinding explosion.

The two attacks collided, causing a massive shockwave that shook the entire city. The ground trembled, and nearby buildings crumbled to the ground as the two warriors battled with all their might.

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, the dust settled, and the two combatants stood facing each other.

Ma Kong grinned, impressed by the middle-aged man's strength. "You're not bad, for a human," he said.

"Haha, you are also good yourself. I can't believe there will be someone who can push me this far in my own territory. Even a late-stage Qi Gathering would avoid fighting me on my own territory."

The reason why the cities under the Plague Sect still stand to this day, even in the attacks of the three kingdoms. Because the city lords have the city wrapped around their fingers.

They already planted something on the slaves and soldiers of their city, even the rogue evil cultivators that are staying in their cities.T

hey can use these people to heal themselves, and buff themselves to wield even more power for a short period, just like what happened earlier.

Ma Kong chuckled, his eyes gleaming with excitement. "Very well," he said. "Let's continue this fight until one of us falls."

The evil cultivator charged towards Ma Kong once more, his body glowing with dark energy. Ma Kong grinned, swinging his massive axe with all his might. The two attacks collided, causing another massive shockwave that shook the entire city.

The battle raged on, with neither side able to gain a clear advantage. The middle-aged man's attacks were quick and precise, but Ma Kong's sheer strength and endurance were almost impossible to overcome.

As the battle raged on, the people of the city watched in awe and terror. Even the hobgoblins and goblins stopped for a moment, they had never seen anything like this before. But shortly after, the goblins continued their attack again.

The battle between Ma Kong and the evil cultivator grew more intense with each passing moment. The ground shook with each blow, and the air crackled with dark energy.

Ma Kong swung his axe with ferocious strength, while the evil cultivator evaded and countered with lightning-fast strikes. The two warriors seemed evenly matched, neither one able to gain a clear advantage over the other.

But then, the evil cultivator unleashed a powerful blast of dark energy, sending Ma Kong flying backward. The monster crashed into a nearby building, shattering it into rubble.

The evil cultivator advanced towards Ma Kong, ready to strike again. But then, something strange happened. Ma Kong began to glow with a golden light, and his wounds started to heal rapidly.

The evil cultivator was taken aback. "What is this? How can he heal so quickly?" he exclaimed.

Ma Kong rose to his feet, his eyes blazing with a new intensity. "You underestimate me, human," he growled. "I am not just a mindless monster. I have power that you cannot imagine."

"I'm surprised that you manage to injure me, even though it was a small scratch, it was still a feat..." He looked at him with a grin on his face. "And because of that, from now on I will be serious and use a skill."

Hearing it, the evil cultivator almost lost it, now that he thinks about it, he never sees his opponent use a skill.

Ma Kong grinned, knowing that his opponent was now afraid. He raised his axe, ready to unleash his ultimate attack.

Suddenly, the ground beneath their feet started to shake. The air around him crackled with energy as Ma Kong channeled his power into his weapon.

A sudden surge of power emanated from his body. The ground shook as Ma Kong unleashed his ultimate technique.

With a mighty roar, he swung his axe, unleashing a massive shockwave that obliterated everything in its path. The evil cultivator was caught in the blast, unable to evade in time.

He was not done yet, his axe began to pulsate with dark red energy. You can even hear a growl, that will send shivers down your spine to anyone who listens.

"Behold, the power of the Demonic Axe!" he roared.

Ma Kong throws his massive axe toward the evil cultivator who just got out of the rubble.

The axe turned into a massive demon bull made of dark energy that shot towards the evil cultivator.


The demon bull collided with the evil cultivator, causing a massive explosion that sent shockwaves rippling through the air. Ma Kong watched with satisfaction as the evil cultivator was blasted backward.

The impact was so powerful that it created a massive shockwave that shattered the surrounding buildings and sent debris flying in all directions.

As the dust settled, Ma Kong walked towards the spot where the evil cultivator was standing. He saw that the cultivator was lying on the ground, motionless.

Ma Kong approached the fallen cultivator, he saw that the cultivator was almost unrecognizable. He had been vanquished, his body was broken and was almost cut in half.

He pulled his axe that almost split the evil cultivator in two.

Ma Kong didn't waste any more time and killed all the remaining people. He then ordered the monsters to loot the city, although the dungeon doesn't need it, he knows that there was someone who needs it. Argon already told him about Tan Zong and Cambion.

The once-thriving city was now reduced to rubble and ruins. The buildings were nothing more than piles of stone and debris, and the streets were filled with the bodies of the dead. The air was thick with the smell of smoke and burning wood.

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