I Created A Dungeon In A Cultivation World

Chapter 47 47: Plague Sect

Xenos and the others felt their blood run cold at the admission. They knew that they were facing a dangerous foe, one who would stop at nothing to achieve his goals.

"Why did you join the Blue Wind Sect? What are you planning? What is the Plague Sect trying to do?" Patriarch Song asked, his voice steady despite the shock and fear he felt.

The closest Evil Sect in the Oland Kingdom was the Plague Sect, which has been torturing the neighboring kingdom for millennia.

The reason why there was no war between kingdoms in this region, was because the three kingdoms in this region were busy fighting the Plague Sect.

Sensing the danger they were in, Xenos and the others prepared for a fight against the evil cultivator, Tan Zong. They knew they were up against a formidable opponent who was willing to use any means necessary to achieve his goals. Xenos asked Tan Zong why he had joined the Blue Wind Sect if he was an evil cultivator.

Tan Zong chuckled at Xenos' question. "Why not? I needed a place to hide, and the Blue Wind Sect was perfect. It gave me access to resources that I could use to further my own goals."

"Ok, enough chatter... Prepare to die."

Tan Zong declared, the air around him grew colder and darker, and his eyes glowed with an intense red light.

This time, Tan Zong didn't use a sword, because his claws were as strong and sharp as a sword.

In the next moment, everyone becomes vigilant when Tan Zong disappeared, even Xenos didn't see how he disappeared. Then suddenly they just heard a shrill scream, and everyone saw a soldier whose life force was getting sucked, his body becomes thinner and thinner until he died.

After Tan Zong sucked the cultivation and life force of Elder San, in addition to the people that died since they entered the cave he finally breakthrough the next stage.

Right now, he can easily kill all these people, but he wants to torture them, he loves seeing the fear on their faces.

While he was killing the remaining people slowly, from the corner of his eye he saw the wolf that was unconscious starting to wake up. Earlier, when he was sucking Elder San's cultivation, the wolf attacked him, so he smacked it unconscious.

Tan Zong stopped his rampage, retreating silently into the distance. He was planning on letting them kill each other. The wolf immediately attacked Xenos, because it can tell that he is the strongest human. The remaining people who were still vigilant about Tan Zong, eventually help Xenos defeat the wolf.

The fight was intense, and after some time they eventually killed the wolf, but the cost was too big, only four people survived. Xenos, Patriarch Song, and two teachers.

Everyone suddenly heard a clapping noise, they saw Tan Zong clapping with a smirk on his face.

"What a good show... Since you humans give me such a good show, I will kill you all without torturing you."

The one teacher suddenly started begging for his life.

"Please!! Do-don't kill me I ca-can be your slave!! Make me an evil cultivator." The teacher started kowtowing with tears flowing down his face, he was disparate.

Tan Zong picked up a sword and beheaded the teacher, the other one didn't beg but just looked at the ground, preparing for death. Tan Zong beheaded him and Patriarch Song who was too tired to even say anything.

Xenos, the only one left standing, felt a mixture of emotions - anger, sadness, and fear.

Tan Zong, didn't waste any more time and beheaded Xenos, you can still see the anger on his face. But Tan Zong was more concerned about the cultivation he will get from the green creatures and the wolf.

Shortly after Tan Zong can feel his cultivation starting to rise rapidly, until he breakthrough again before stopping. He has a cultivation of fourth-stage Opening Qi Realm. He never thinks that he can rise his cultivation to two stages in just a day.

Even if he massacres a whole town, he can't rise his cultivation. What he was doing in Waydale City, he was planning on killing everyone in Waydale City with a plague he's been creating for five years now. But, I guess he doesn't need that anymore. Massacring the whole city will only rise his cultivation for two stages.

Right now that he already achieved the fourth-stage, he doesn't think there was any result of massacring the city, after all, no strong people were living there, right now.

Tan Zong who was about to leave stopped, because suddenly a teleportation array emerge on the ground, he can't believe what he was seeing.

Tan Zong moves closer to see it clearly, he struggles if he wants to step on that or not. Because he was sure that leads to an unknown place.

Tan Zong ready himself and step on it, the surrounding blackened for a moment. In the next moment, Tan Zong's eyes widened upon seeing the surrounding... He was inside a luxurious throne room.


Everyone, your author needs the power of power stone, please give it to me. 🤤🤤

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