I Created A Dungeon In A Cultivation World

Chapter 232: Revival (part 1)

Chapter 232: Revival (part 1)

As they toiled day and night, they also noticed that the daily attacks of the undead 
lessened. It seemed the monsters had learned to fear the barrier of the Celestial 
Haven, realizing that this base was no longer an easy target.
One evening, as the sun dipped below the horizon, the alliance leaders stood atop one 
of the completed towers, surveying their creation with a sense of pride.
"We did it," Lady Xin said, a smile gracing her face. "Our base is now a force to be 
reckoned with."
Yara chuckled, "Who would have thought that from ruins, we could build such a 
remarkable fortress?"
Captain Zao raised his axe in the air, "To our alliance's strength and the protection of 
the Celestial Haven!"
"To our alliance!" they all echoed, raising their weapons and hands in unison.
As the celebration continued, Alix couldn't help but feel a surge of hope. The 
challenges they faced were immense, but with their united strength, unyielding 
determination, and the power of the Celestial Haven, they were ready to face 
whatever this Dark Moon Clan had in store for them. Their journey was far from over, 
but with each obstacle they overcame, their bond as allies and friends grew stronger, 
making them an indomitable force in the world of cultivation.
Inside his secluded cultivation chamber, Argon sat cross-legged, completely 
immersed in his training. The energy around him swirled with intensity, and his 
concentration was unwavering. Suddenly, a robotic voice echoed in the chamber, 
breaking his profound focus.
"Subordinate Isadora and subordinate Ma Kong are ready to revive."
Argon's eyes snapped open, and a spark of excitement ignited within him. "Already 
three months have passed," he mused to himself, recalling the time he had sent his 
trusted subordinates on a mission.
Without a moment's hesitation, he rose from his meditation position and swiftly 
made his way towards the grand throne chamber, the heart of his domain. The 
throne, an imposing structure adorned with ancient symbols, awaited him at the far 
end of the chamber.
As he moved through the corridors, he sent a message using his spiritual energy to 
summon Cambion and Azrael, his other loyal subordinates. The message conveyed a 
sense of urgency, prompting them to join him in the throne room immediately.
Within minutes, Cambion and Azrael arrived, their presence reflecting the power and 
skill they possessed.
"My lord, you summoned us," Cambion said with a respectful nod, his eyes curious 
about the urgency of the meeting.
Azrael's expression was more stoic, but he too was eager to hear why he had been 
Argon wasted no time in revealing the reason for their gathering, "Isadora and Ma 
Kong are ready to revive," he declared, a mix of anticipation and pride in his voice.
Cambion spoke first, "That's wonderful news, my lord. Isadora's illusion and Ma 
Kong's strength will undoubtedly be valuable assets.."
Azrael nodded in agreement. "Indeed, their return will strengthen our forces."
Argon's eyes gleamed with satisfaction. "Yes, their revival holds great promise. But 
before we proceed, tell me, has there been any significant event or intrusion in the 
dungeon during my seclusion?"
Cambion stepped forward to provide the report. "On the first floor, my lord, there 
have been no major happenings. Since the day of Alix's expedition, no one has even 
come close to reaching the boss room. The defenses we put in place are holding 
Azrael then spoke, his tone measured and composed. "On the second floor, My Lord, 
the Clan Leader of the Dark Moon Clan managed to conquer a large tomb. Aside from 
that, there have been no other significant events on that level."
Argon furrowed his brow, considering the information carefully. "That is interesting," 
he said thoughtfully. "The other two leaders of the big three forces in the Azure 
Continent have not made any attempts to explore the dungeon. It is unusual, 
especially when the Dark Moon Clan's leader has been active in our territory."
Cambion nodded, a hint of concern in his expression. "I did investigate the matter, my 
lord, but I couldn't find any concrete evidence as to why they haven't explored the 
dungeon. However, there is a rumor circulating among the cultivators that they might 
be on a mission to keep the Azure Continent safe, along with the leaders of major 
Azrael added, "It's possible that they are focusing their efforts on external threats, 
protecting their territories, or engaging in other important tasks to maintain the 
balance of power in the continent."
Argon considered the possibility. "It could be true. The cultivation world is full of 
dangers, and there are always external threats lurking."
Back in the throne room, Argon's attention returned to the matter at hand - the 
revival of Isadora and Ma Kong. With a decisive nod, he turned his focus inward and 
addressed the system within his mind, "System, revive Isadora and Ma Kong."
The robotic voice of the system responded, "Host, while reviving them, do you want to 
make their cultivation reach the Core Formation Realm?"
Argon paused for a moment, considering the implications of this decision. Elevating 
their cultivation to the Core Formation Realm would significantly enhance their 
strength, making them even more formidable assets to him. However, it would also 
require a considerable amount of soul coins, a resource that was not infinite.
Argon inspected his reserves and found that he had 200,000 soul coins at his disposal. 
With determination in his eyes, he replied, "Yes, upgrade their cultivation to the Core 
Formation Realm."
As soon as Argon gave the command, 100,000 soul coins were swiftly deducted from 
his reserve. In an instant, two golden arrays emerged in the throne room, radiating a 
brilliant light. Within the arrays, the figures of Isadora and Ma Kong began to take 
shape, their bodies slowly forming as if they were awakening from a deep slumber.
As Isadora's ethereal figure materialized, her eyes opened, revealing an intense gaze 
that scanned the surroundings with a mix of wonder and recognition. A soft smile 
graced her lips as she locked eyes with Argon.
Meanwhile, Ma Kong's hulking frame gradually solidified, and he let out a deep, 
resounding laugh as he regained consciousness. His eyes, filled with loyalty and 
determination, met with Argon's, and he clasped his hands into fists, bowing 
respectfully to his lord.
Cambion and Azrael, witnessing the revival of their fellow subordinates, were filled 
with admiration and respect for Argon's decision. They had seen firsthand the 
capabilities of Isadora's illusion techniques and Ma Kong's unparalleled strength, and 
now with their cultivation elevated to the Core Formation Realm, their power would 
soar to even greater heights.
"My lord, you have made a wise choice," Cambion praised, "Isadora and Ma Kong's 
enhanced strength will undoubtedly bolster the dungeons defence."
Argon smiled, acknowledging their praise. "Indeed, their strength will be crucial in 
fortifying the dungeon's defenses further."
As Isadora and Ma Kong fully materialized, they stood before Argon, radiating power 
that surpassed their previous forms. Isadora's illusionary aura seemed more potent 
than ever, and Ma Kong's imposing figure exuded an aura of invincibility.
"Thank you, my lord, for granting us this opportunity to serve you again," Isadora said, 
her voice filled with gratitude. She couldn't hide the joy in her eyes, knowing that she 
would be able to stand by Argon's side once more.
Ma Kong, known for his straightforwardness, couldn't contain his excitement. "My 
Lord, I feel invincible! With this newfound strength, I'll protect you and the dungeon 
with all my might!"
Argon's smile widened as he looked at his loyal subordinates. "Your dedication is 
admirable, Isadora, Ma Kong. I trust that your return will significantly contribute to 
the safety of our dungeon."
Isadora's cheeks flushed slightly, her heart pounding with emotions she couldn't 
entirely hide. She glanced at Argon, trying to maintain her composure despite the 
happiness welling up inside her. "Thank you, my lord," she said, her voice soft but filled 
with sincerity. "Your trust and support mean everything to me."
Ma Kong, on the other hand, couldn't help but show his exuberance. With a 
determined expression, he declared, "With our enhanced strength, no intruder shall 
pass our defenses!"
Argon chuckled, appreciating the stark contrast between his two loyal subordinates. 
Isadora, ever graceful and composed, and Ma Kong, always forthright and passionate. 
"I have no doubt about that," Argon replied, his voice carrying an air of confidence. 
"Your skills are unmatched, and now, with the power of Core Formation, you will be 
even more formidable."
As Isadora and Argon exchanged glances, Cambion and Azrael remained silent, but 
their expressions conveyed their unspoken understanding of the bond between Argon 
and Isadora. They had observed their interactions, and it was evident that something 
special existed between the two.
Argon, too, knew that his relationship with Isadora was far from ordinary. Though the 
cultivation world could be treacherous and unpredictable, he found solace in knowing 
he had someone as loyal and caring as Isadora by his side. Their connection had 
grown stronger over time, and he couldn't deny the sadness he felt when Isadora 
sacrifice herself for him.
With a composed demeanor, Argon turned his attention back to Isadora and Ma Kong. 
"Now that you are revived and your strength augmented, we have much to discuss 
about the recent events and our plans moving forward," he said, guiding them to the 
large table in the chamber.
As they settled down, Cambion and Azrael joined them. The four subordinates sat 
together, their unity and camaraderie evident, united under the leadership of Argon.
The throne room became filled with discussions and strategic planning, each member 
contributing their insights and ideas. Under Argon's guidance, their combined 
strengths formed an indomitable force, bound together by a shared purpose.

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