I Created A Dungeon In A Cultivation World

Chapter 216 216: Alix's Battle (Part 1)

Yara's gaze shifted to Eryx, who was preparing himself mentally for the challenge ahead. Alix and Yara turned their attention to their friend, their expressions a mix of anticipation and confidence.

The announcer's voice echoed throughout the waiting room, capturing everyone's attention once again. "And now, let's move on to the next challenger. His name is Eryx!" The crowd erupted in applause, their excitement building as they eagerly awaited Eryx's entrance into the arena.

Alix patted Eryx on the back, his voice filled with encouragement. "This is your moment, Uncle Eryx. Show them the true power of lightning cultivation and your fist technique. We believe in you."

Eryx nodded, a determined glint in his eyes. "Thank you, my friends," he replied, his voice tinged with confidence. "I will channel the thunder and lightning through my fists and leave a lasting impression on everyone who witnesses this battle."

With that, Eryx stepped forward, leaving the waiting room behind as he entered the grand arena. The doors swung open, revealing the vast expanse filled with eager spectators and crackling energy. The applause and cheers thundered through the air, a testament to the anticipation that filled the arena.

The commentator's voice boomed, announcing Eryx's arrival. "Ladies and gentlemen, presenting our next challenger, Eryx!" The crowd erupted into a frenzy, their excitement reaching a crescendo.

Eryx stood tall on the platform, his body exuding an aura of raw power. The lightning within him surged, dancing along his veins and illuminating his presence. His gaze scanned the arena, meeting the eyes of the expectant audience.

As the applause subsided, Eryx's focus sharpened. He knew that his opponent would be of equal realm, and his only arsenal was the fist technique he had mastered within the second stage of the tomb. With lightning coursing through his body, he awaited the revelation of his next challenger.

The atmosphere grew tense as the announcer's voice cut through the air once more. "And now, behold, the opponent who will face Eryx!" The spectators held their breath, anticipation radiating from every corner of the arena.

In a flicker of light, Eryx's opponent materialized before him. A figure exuding an air of electric power, their fists crackling with lightning energy. This would be a battle of thunder and lightning, a clash of electrifying might.

The commentator's voice echoed with excitement, narrating the unfolding scene. "What an incredible turn of events! Eryx's opponent possesses lightning cultivation as well. This battle promises to be a clash of elemental forces. Let the lightning dance!"

Eryx's gaze locked onto his opponent, a mixture of respect and determination in his eyes. He raised a clenched fist in salute, his voice resonating with reverence. "Esteemed sir, I thank you for the opportunity to study the martial arts you've bestowed upon us in the second stage. But in this battle, I will not hold back. I will give my all and emerge victorious."

His opponent remained motionless, devoid of response, resembling a body without a soul. Eryx's brows furrowed in curiosity, but he quickly refocused his attention on the imminent fight. He knew that this battle would test his skill and resolve, especially since they would be utilizing the same martial technique.

With lightning coursing through his veins, Eryx positioned himself, ready to unleash the power within him. He channeled his cultivation, feeling the crackling energy envelop his fists. As he adopted his stance, sparks danced along his fingertips, a testament to the immense power he commanded.

The air became charged with electricity as Eryx and his opponent squared off. They mirrored each other's movements, their bodies poised for action. In a flash, they sprang into motion, fists crashing together in a spectacular clash of thunder and lightning.

The commentator's voice reverberated through the arena, narrating the electrifying showdown. "Ladies and gentlemen, prepare to witness a battle of lightning prowess! Eryx and his opponent channeling the same martial technique, their fists crackling with untamed energy. The arena trembles with anticipation as the clash of thunder and lightning unfolds before us!"

Eryx's lightning-infused punches blazed through the air, each strike aimed with precision and controlled power. He weaved and bobbed, evading his opponent's lightning-charged blows with lightning-quick reflexes. The spectators watched in awe as the two combatants engaged in a dazzling display of lightning-infused martial arts.

Sparks exploded with every impact, illuminating the arena with bursts of radiant light. The crackling sound of thunderous blows filled the air, intermingling with the gasps and cheers of the crowd. Eryx's movements were a testament to his dedicated training, each punch an extension of his will and the lightning flowing within him.

His opponent, equally skilled in the art of lightning cultivation, fought back with equal ferocity. They unleashed a torrent of lightning strikes, their fists becoming a blur of crackling energy. The clash of their fists sent shockwaves rippling through the arena, shaking the very foundation of the stage.

Eryx's senses were heightened, his lightning-enhanced perception allowing him to anticipate his opponent's movements with uncanny precision. He seamlessly countered their attacks, delivering electrifying retaliations that echoed with power. The dance of lightning continued, each strike carrying the weight of their cultivation and determination.

The commentator's voice soared with excitement, captivating the audience's attention. "What an incredible battle! The thunderous clashes of lightning-infused fists, the sheer display of skill and power. Eryx and his opponent are pushing the boundaries of lightning cultivation, showcasing the potential that lies within this elemental force!"

As the battle raged on, Eryx found himself reaching the limits of his current understanding of the martial technique. Despite his determination, he knew he was only at the entry level of the technique's true potential. But he refused to let that deter him. With unwavering resolve, he dug deep within himself, calling upon every ounce of lightning energy he possessed.

In a surge of determination, Eryx unleashed a devastating move—a technique named "Thunderclap Fury!" His fists became a blur as he channeled lightning energy into a series of lightning-fast strikes. Each punch crackled with raw power, sending shockwaves rippling through the air.

The arena erupted in awe as Eryx's Thunderclap Fury connected with his opponent, unleashing a cataclysmic burst of lightning. The sheer force of the impact sent his opponent hurtling backward, crashing onto the platform with a resounding thud.

Silence washed over the arena as the dust settled. Eryx stood amidst the aftermath, his body trembling with exertion, his fists still crackling with residual lightning energy. The crowd erupted into thunderous applause, their cheers filling the air with thunderous acclaim.

The commentator's voice rang out, filled with admiration. "What an electrifying display of lightning cultivation! Eryx's Thunderclap Fury technique has left us in awe. His dedication and determination have proven that even at the entry level, lightning can be harnessed with astounding power!"

Eryx approached his fallen opponent, his chest heaving with exertion, yet a respectful smile graced his face. He extended a hand toward his defeated adversary, a gesture of honor and recognition. "Esteemed cultivator, your lightning prowess was formidable. I thank you for the opportunity to engage in this electrifying battle," Eryx spoke with sincerity, his voice carrying a deep sense of appreciation.

But just like Yara's opponent, the figure remained unresponsive, devoid of any reaction. Eryx's brows furrowed in puzzlement, realizing that his opponent was nothing more than a body without a soul. As he watched, the figure began to fade, dissipating into ephemeral sparks of lightning.

The announcer's voice echoed once again, vibrating with excitement. "Ladies and gentlemen, let us give a round of applause to Eryx for his astounding victory! His Thunderclap Fury technique has left us in awe, showcasing the sheer power of lightning cultivation. This battle has been an electrifying spectacle!"

Eryx made his way back to the waiting room, where Yara and Alix awaited him. They greeted him with hearty applause and proud smiles, their eyes shining with admiration. The trio embraced, their camaraderie a testament to the bonds forged through their shared cultivation journey.

Yara clapped Eryx on the back, a wide grin adorning his face. "Incredible, Eryx! Your lightning-infused fists were a force to be reckoned with."

Alix nodded in agreement, his voice filled with enthusiasm. "Your Thunderclap Fury was a sight to behold. You harnessed the power of lightning with precision and finesse."

Eryx returned their smiles, a sense of fulfillment radiating from him. "Thank you, both of you. Our performances have surpassed even my own expectations. Let us continue to push the boundaries of our cultivation and inspire others to reach for greatness."

As the applause and congratulations filled the waiting room, a voice boomed over the speakers, interrupting the celebration. It was the announcer, ready to introduce the next challenger.

The commentator's voice filled the arena, his words infused with anticipation. "Ladies and gentlemen, make way for the formidable Alix! A practitioner of the fiery arts, he approaches the stage with flames at his fingertips. What fiery display shall he unveil for us today?"

Alix assumed a focused stance, his eyes locked on the opponent who awaited him. As the figure materialized, an aura of tension enveloped the arena. It was another cultivator of equal realm, ready to challenge Alix's fiery might. But what they didn't know was that Alix's bloodline of the lesser divine beast, the fire monkey, granted him an untapped reservoir of power.

The announcer's voice reverberated through the arena, tinged with surprise. "Oh, what do we have here? It seems we are in for an exhilarating showdown! Alix's opponent is none other than a figure second only to the boss, a half-human, half-fire lion monster. This battle promises to be a clash of primal might and scorching flames!"

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