I Created A Dungeon In A Cultivation World

Chapter 201 201: Three Kingdoms United (Part 1)

Azrael's gaze narrowed as he listened intently. His mind, however, focused on a different aspect of Alix's existence. "Tell me, Tan Zong," Azrael inquired, his voice tinged with curiosity, "Is there anything remarkable about Alix himself, beyond his bloodline? Is he cunning, resourceful, or perhaps possesses a unique talent that sets him apart?"

Tan Zong paused for a moment, considering Azrael's question. He knew that Azrael's interest lay not in the bloodline but in the potential use Alix could have for their lord, Argon. "Alix is not just physically powerful," Tan Zong responded cautiously, "He possesses a sharp intellect and exceptional adaptability. His strategic acumen is unmatched among cultivators of his level. It is as if he can anticipate his opponent's every move, making him a formidable adversary."

Azrael nodded, his gaze distant as if lost in thought. "Such qualities are valuable," he mused. "Alix's abilities and his bloodline might indeed make him an asset to our cause. I shall observe him closely."

Tan Zong's smile widened, sensing Azrael's interest aligning with his own sinister ambitions. "Excellent," he replied, his voice barely concealing his excitement. "I have provided you with the information you sought. Now, it is time for us to work together, Azrael, and ensure the Eternal City remains under Lord Argon's control."

Azrael's eyes glinted with determination. "Indeed, Tan Zong. Our loyalty to Lord Argon is unwavering. We shall protect the city from any threat, utilizing all the resources at our disposal."

As their conversation came to a close, an unspoken understanding passed between them. While the rest of Argon's subordinates were aware of Tan Zong's twisted mind, their focus remained on the preservation of the Eternal City and the greater cause. Azrael, on the other hand, saw an opportunity in Alix, a potential piece on the chessboard that could be utilized to further their ambitions.

Azrael raised his hand, tapping into his spiritual sense, and cast it over the entire Eternal City. Despite its relative size compared to the prominent cities of the Azure Continent, it held significance due to its rapid development and the influence it wielded. Azrael's search was precise, honing in on Alix's presence within the city, his mind attuned to detecting unique energy signatures.

After a moment of concentration, Azrael's eyes flickered with a faint light. "I have found him," he declared, a touch of satisfaction in his voice. "Alix is currently in his base, situated in the northern district of the city. Let us proceed there and see what potential lies within this young cultivator."


Inside the meeting room, Alix and Feng continued their discussion, strategizing and exchanging ideas about gathering information on the Dark Moon Clan. Alix emphasized the importance of understanding the clan's overall power and their strengths and weaknesses, while Feng assured him of the Harmony Alliance's commitment to the task.

As their conversation progressed, Alix suddenly felt a peculiar sensation, causing the hair on his body to stand on end. A shiver ran down his spine, and an instinctual awareness told him that someone was watching him. His gaze darted around the room, searching for the source of this unsettling feeling.

On the other side of the city, Azrael, maintaining his spiritual sense, observed Alix's reaction with surprise. Despite the vast difference in their realms, Azrael had not anticipated Alix's ability to perceive his presence. He had expected his spying to go undetected, but Alix's keen senses had proven otherwise.

Intrigued by Alix's heightened awareness, Azrael silently withdrew his spiritual sense, concealing his observation.

Meanwhile, unaware of Azrael's presence, Alix dismissed the strange sensation as a passing anomaly. He refocused his attention on Feng, continuing their discussion and making plans for their upcoming meeting to exchange gathered intelligence. Alix couldn't shake off the lingering feeling, but he knew he had more pressing matters to attend to.

Seeing Alix's reaction, Feng couldn't help but notice the concern on his friend's face. "Is something wrong, Alix?" Feng asked with genuine worry.

Alix hesitated for a moment, not wanting to burden Feng with his suspicions. But after a brief pause, he decided to share his unease. "I felt a strange presence, as if someone was watching me," Alix admitted. "It was nothing significant, probably just my imagination."

Feng's expression turned serious, knowing Alix was not the type to be easily spooked. "If you felt something, then it's worth investigating," he said firmly. "We can't afford to take any chances, especially in times like these."

Before Alix could respond, Feng continued, "On a different note, the scouts I sent to the Dark Moon Clan territory haven't contacted me back yet. I fear something may have happened to them." His worry was evident in his voice.

Alix's concern grew as he absorbed the information. "The Dark Moon Clan might be even more formidable than we thought," he said, furrowing his brows. "It's possible that they detected our scouts and took action."

Feng nodded grimly. "That's my suspicion as well," he replied. "I'll give them some more time, but we should prepare for the worst. We can't risk sending more people into the danger zone blindly."

Alix's expression grew serious, realizing the gravity of the situation. "No. We should organize a rescue mission or send a stronger team to investigate if necessary. Our priority is the safety of our people and gathering accurate information."

Feng admired Alix's sense of justice and determination. "You're right," Feng agreed, his voice firm. "We can't just leave our comrades, even if they are already dead. They deserve to be brought back and given a proper farewell."

Alix nodded, appreciating Feng's understanding. "Exactly. We can't abandon them. We'll gather a team, the best we have, and head to the Dark Moon Clan territory to find out what happened," Alix declared.

"We must proceed with caution," Feng cautioned, concern evident in his eyes. "The Dark Moon Clan is dangerous, and if they were responsible for our scouts' disappearance, they might have the ability if there are intruders."

"I understand the risks," Alix replied firmly. "But we can't let fear dictate our actions."

Feng smiled proudly at his friend's unwavering resolve. "You're a true leader, Alix," he said. "I'll accompany you on this mission, and together, we'll face whatever challenges come our way."

Alix returned Feng's smile, grateful for his unwavering support. "Thank you, Feng. Your presence gives me strength," he said sincerely. "We've faced countless challenges together, and this will be no different. Let's gather the team and make the necessary preparations. Time is of the essence."

Feng nodded, his expression resolute. "Agreed. We'll assemble the strongest cultivators we have, and I'll inform the other groups about the situation. They might be able to provide us with additional resources or assistance."

As they made their way to the door, Feng paused and turned back to Alix. "Remember, Alix, our main goal is to ensure the safety of our people and gather information. If it becomes too dangerous, we must prioritize our own lives and retreat."

Alix understood the gravity of the situation. "I understand, Feng. The lives of our comrades are important, but we must also protect ourselves. We'll proceed with caution and make wise decisions."

With their determination renewed, Alix and Feng left the meeting room, each with their own responsibilities to fulfill. Feng bid his goodbye, his duties as the leader of the Harmony Alliance calling for his attention elsewhere.

"Good luck, Alix," Feng said, clasping his friend's shoulder. "I have faith in your abilities and in our team. We'll meet again soon, with good news."

Alix reciprocated the gesture, his eyes reflecting determination. "Thank you, Feng. Take care and stay safe. Until we meet again."

With that, Feng turned and left, leaving Alix to gather the team and prepare for the perilous mission ahead. The fate of their fallen comrades and the secrets hidden within the Dark Moon Clan awaited them, and Alix's sense of justice burned brighter than ever.


The sun rose on a new day, casting its golden light over the Eternal City. But amidst the city's bustling streets, a somber atmosphere hung in the air. News had spread like wildfire, and the citizens were abuzz with anger and concern.

"Did you hear about the Phoenix Blades?" a cultivator exclaimed, his voice filled with disbelief. "They were attacked by those arrogant Azure Continent people!"

A group of cultivators gathered around him, their faces reflecting a mix of anger and frustration. The Phoenix Blades were renowned as the number one group in the Eternal City, known for their strength and good deeds. To see them fall prey to outsiders was a blow to the city's pride.

"I knew those Azure Continent folks were trouble," another cultivator chimed in, his voice seething with resentment. "They always look down on us people from the Three Kingdoms. They think they're superior just because they have more resources than us."

A murmur of agreement rippled through the crowd. The Azure Continent, with its towering structure that pierced the sky, was a constant reminder of the divide between the two regions. Meetings between the Three Kingdoms and the Azure Continent were often tense, filled with arrogance and condescension from the Azure Continent representatives.

"But why would they attack the Phoenix Blades?" a young cultivator asked, his voice filled with confusion. "What did they hope to gain from it?"

A seasoned cultivator stepped forward, his face etched with lines of wisdom. "It's hard to say," he replied, his voice grave. "The Phoenix Blades have always been a symbol of power and unity within the Eternal City. Attacking them might be a strategic move to weaken our defenses or to send a message. But one thing is clear, they seek to sow discord and exert dominance over us."

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