I Created A Dungeon In A Cultivation World

Chapter 175 175: The Ominous Seal (Part 2)

Finally, after what felt like an eternity of painstaking effort, they reached the heart of the fallen tree god—a small chamber bathed in a gentle, otherworldly radiance. At its center, embedded within the core, lay the seal.

Kaelar's eyes widened in awe as he beheld the seal's intricate design—a convergence of ancient runes and profound symbols that contained the power of the demon's finger. It pulsed with an ominous aura, hinting at the immense destructive force it held.

Kaelar voice broke the reverent silence. "We must act swiftly. According to the memories I received, the seal requires the stabilization of four Core Formation cultivators. We are the four needed to fulfill this task."

Kaelar continued, his gaze fixed upon the seal. "We must pour our cultivation essence into the seal, intertwining our energies to restore its stability. It will require every ounce of our strength and focus, but failure is not an option."

The grand elders took their positions around the seal, their hands hovering over its surface. Together, they channeled their cultivation essence, their energy converging into a harmonious symphony of power. The seal responded to their touch, glowing with renewed vitality.

Time seemed to blur as they focused their efforts, their unity strengthening the seal's foundation. Each core formation cultivator infused their essence, stabilizing the seal and reinforcing its barriers. Beads of sweat formed on their brows, their bodies trembling with the exertion of their cultivation.

Slowly but steadily, the seal regained its former strength, its pulsations becoming more harmonious and controlled. The dark energy that had permeated the Veiled Forest started to recede, replaced by a serene tranquility.

As the last surge of energy coursed through their bodies and into the seal, a wave of relief washed over the cultivators. They had succeeded in their mission, safeguarding the Azure Continent from imminent destruction.

Kaelar's voice was filled with a mixture of relief and concern. "We have stabilized the seal, but we must be aware that this is only a temporary solution. The seal will require a continuous infusion of energy to maintain its strength. If we stop channeling our cultivation essence, it will weaken and eventually break, and this time, it will happen faster."

Grand elder Lan nodded, his expression grave. "Indeed, Sect Master. The seal is in a fragile state, and it will take more than our presence here to ensure its long-term stability. We cannot afford to sit here forever, dedicating all our energy to this task."

Grand elder Zhou added, his voice tinged with worry, "The four of us are powerful cultivators, but we have responsibilities beyond this seal. Our sects, our disciples, rely on us. We cannot abandon them for an indefinite period."

Kaelar sighed, acknowledging the truth in their words. "You are right. We cannot neglect our duties to protect the Azure Continent as a whole. We need to find a solution that allows us to continue our responsibilities while maintaining the seal's integrity."

Grand elder Mei spoke up, her eyes filled with determination. "What if we seek help from other Core Formation cultivators? If we can gather a group of trusted cultivators who are willing to share the burden, we may be able to establish a rotating system, ensuring that the seal receives a constant stream of energy."

Kaelar's expression brightened at the suggestion. "That's a viable approach. We will need to reach out to sects and cultivators who have a deep understanding of the stakes involved. Together, we can form a coalition, a united front against the impending darkness. By pooling our resources and strengths, we can ensure the continuous protection of the seal."

Grand elder Lan nodded in agreement. "We must act swiftly. Time is not on our side. We will gather the trusted cultivators, explain the situation, and rally their support. The fate of our cultivation world rests on our ability to maintain this fragile balance."

As the grand elders discussed their plan, Kaelar's mind raced with the urgency of their situation. He knew that he couldn't leave the seal unattended, but he also recognized the need to inform his disciples, especially his top student and the future of the sect. With a resolute determination, Kaelar turned to his trusted messenger bird, a swift creature capable of carrying his message across vast distances.

He retrieved a small parchment and wrote a concise yet vital message, outlining the coordinates of their location and the gravity of the situation. He explained the need for his disciple's presence and the importance of their involvement in the protection of the Azure Continent. The message conveyed the urgency and emphasized the trust Kaelar placed in his disciple's abilities.

Once the message was securely tied to the bird's leg, Kaelar whispered words of encouragement to the creature, imbuing it with a trace of his own cultivation energy. The bird chirped softly, understanding its mission, and spread its wings, taking flight into the vast sky of the Azure Continent.

Kaelar watched the bird soar into the distance, a symbol of hope and a carrier of his plea for assistance. He knew that his disciple would receive the message and understand the gravity of the situation. He trusted their abilities and their unwavering loyalty to the sect.

With a renewed sense of purpose, Kaelar turned back to his fellow grand elders. "We have taken the first step in securing the aid we need. Now, let us gather our strength and continue our mission to protect the seal. Time is of the essence, but I have faith that our disciple will join us soon, ready to face the challenges that lie ahead."

The grand elders nodded in agreement, their resolve strengthened by Kaelar's confidence. They knew that they had set a plan into motion, and with the arrival of their disciple, their forces would be bolstered, increasing their chances of success.

Together, they resumed their positions around the seal, their focus unwavering as they continued to infuse it with their cultivation essence. They awaited the arrival of their disciple, knowing that with each passing moment, the fate of their Azure Continent hung in the balance.

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