I Created A Dungeon In A Cultivation World

Chapter 159 159: Isadora And Ma Kong Arrive At Vieled Forest (Part 2)

Panic erupted among the crowd as the cultivators found themselves vastly outnumbered and ill-prepared for the onslaught of the undead. Desperate cries for help filled the air, but their pleas fell upon deaf ears. Isadora's command had taken effect, compelling the enthralled cultivators to attack their own allies with ruthless efficiency.

The scene quickly descended into a tragic massacre. Blades clashed, spells crackled through the air, and the anguished cries of the wounded mingled with the triumphant roars of the undead. The once-ambitious cultivators, now reduced to mere pawns in a macabre game, fought desperately for their lives.

The undead creatures, driven by an insatiable hunger for flesh and blood, descended upon the cultivators with savage brutality. Limbs were severed, bodies torn apart, and blood stained the forest floor. The once-aspiring cultivators were now caught in a nightmare they couldn't escape.

In the midst of the chaos, Isadora and Mah Kong stood as indifferent spectators, their eyes devoid of mercy or compassion. Isadora's passive charm power took on a sinister edge, enhancing the chaos and fueling the violence. A friend turned against friend, each cultivator consumed by an uncontrollable frenzy to satisfy their newfound mistress.

Amidst the screams and pleas for mercy, the tragic scene unfolded like a grotesque dance of death. Cultivators who had dreamed of treasures and power now found themselves trapped in a nightmare they could never have imagined. Limbs were torn asunder, bodies crushed, and the air thickened with the stench of blood and despair.

Isadora's voice, tinged with dark amusement, cut through the mayhem. "Oh, how delightful it is to witness such devotion and loyalty," she mused, her words carrying over the sounds of violence. "The depths of your desires truly know no bounds."

Mah Kong's heavy footsteps echoed amidst the carnage, a macabre symphony playing out to the discordant harmony of destruction. His every movement seemed to shake the very foundations of the world, further instilling terror in the hearts of the few cultivators still clinging to hope.

As the massacre continued, the once-thriving crowd dwindled to a handful of survivors, their bodies battered and souls shattered. The Veiled Forest, once a place of mystique and wonder, now bore witness to an unfathomable tragedy.

The air grew heavy with sorrow, the cries of the fallen mingling with the anguished wails of the survivors. The dreams of glory and riches had given way to a nightmare of bloodshed and despair. The cultivation world had become a merciless realm, where strength reigned supreme and the weak were but fodder for the merciless.

Isadora and Mah Kong, content with the devastation they had wrought, vanished into the Veiled Forest, leaving behind a scene of utter devastation and shattered hopes. The once-promising convergence had turned into a haunting reminder of the dangers that lurked within the realms of cultivation, a grim testament to the price one could pay for the pursuit of power.


Going deeper into the heart of the Veiled Forest, Isadora, and Mah Kong pressed forward with unyielding determination. Their mission was clear: to eradicate the Veiled Forest forbidden area, as they passed through, the trees and plants had been tainted by the decaying aura emanating from the undead creatures under their control. The very essence of life withered in their wake, as trees wilted and crumbled to dust, and the once-vibrant foliage gave way to an eerie desolation.

As they advanced, the forest itself seemed to groan in anguish, its ancient spirits lamenting the impending destruction. A chilling wind whispered through the skeletal remains of trees, carrying with it the echoes of forgotten souls. The ground beneath their feet crunched with desiccated leaves, a somber reminder of the life that had been extinguished.


Beasts, both fierce and formidable, emerged from the shadows of the forest, drawn by the disturbance and the scent of blood. Their eyes glowed with an untamed ferocity as they charged towards Isadora and Mah Kong, their fangs bared and claws ready to rend flesh. It was a formidable test of strength and skill that awaited them.

Isadora's gaze met the oncoming onslaught with a mixture of disdain and anticipation. "More foolish creatures seeking death," she remarked, her voice carrying a chilling undertone. "Allow me to grant your wish."

Her lithe form blurred into motion, her movements fluid and precise. With each graceful strike, she dispatched the approaching beasts with ruthless efficiency. Her hand became a deadly blur, slashing through the air with a speed that defied mortal comprehension. As she moved, her steps seemed to dance with an ethereal grace, a testament to her refined cultivation.

Beside her, Mah Kong towered like an immovable fortress. With each thunderous swing of his colossal axe, he cleaved through the onslaught of creatures, his raw power sending shockwaves through the ground. His roars shook the forest, instilling fear in the hearts of the remaining creatures that dared challenge him. They lunged, teeth gnashing and claws swiping, but their efforts were futile against his impenetrable armor and indomitable strength.

The battle raged on, a symphony of clashing steel, roars, and the anguished cries of the beasts. Isadora and Mah Kong fought side by side, a formidable duo that seamlessly complemented each other's abilities. Their movements were a testament to their synergy, an unspoken understanding forged through countless battles.

Amidst the chaos, Isadora's voice cut through the tumultuous clash. "These pitiful creatures stand no chance," she sneered, her words carrying a tinge of mockery. "Their feeble existence will be extinguished, just as this wretched forest shall be."

Mah Kong's deep voice boomed, matching the thunderous cadence of his attacks. "Their resistance is futile," he bellowed, his words resonating with an air of finality. "We shall purge this forest of all that opposes, His Lord."

The beasts continued to throw themselves against Isadora and Mah Kong, their numbers seemingly endless. With each fallen adversary, another took its place, driven by a primal instinct to protect their territory. Yet, despite the relentless onslaught, Isadora and Mah Kong remained unwavering.

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