I Created A Dungeon In A Cultivation World

Chapter 142 142: All Out War (Part 3)

With every victory, the cultivators grew bolder, their teamwork and coordination becoming second nature. They exploited the weaknesses of the goblins and hobgoblins, targeting vulnerable spots and overwhelming them with their combined strength. The battle was intense, but the humans had the upper hand, their cultivation techniques and synchronized attacks gradually wearing down the enemy's forces.

As the clashes continued, the cultivators became a well-oiled machine, moving and striking in perfect harmony. Their bodies glowed with Qi, their movements infused with the power of their training. They were a force to be reckoned with, embodying the indomitable spirit of their village.

But Alix and Leon knew they couldn't afford to rest on their laurels. They had to press forward, to reach the heart of the cave where the boss awaited. Alix's voice thundered across the chamber once more, cutting through the din of battle.

"Push forward! Maintain your formation and keep advancing! We cannot let them regroup!"

Leon's voice echoed in harmony with Alix's, urging their comrades to fight on. "We are stronger together! We've come too far to falter now! Onward!"

With renewed determination, the cultivators heeded their leaders' call. They fought with unwavering resolve, driving the goblins and hobgoblins back. Each step forward brought them closer to their ultimate goal—the boss room, where the true test of their strength awaited.

The clash of clubs and the surge of energy filled the air as the humans advanced, leaving a trail of defeated enemies in their wake. They fought as one, a unified force that could not be broken. The fight was intense, the stakes high, but the humans were determined to prevail. They had tasted victory in this round, and they would not rest until they stood triumphant at the end.

As the humans pressed forward, their spirits high and their determination unyielding, a sudden shift occurred in the battlefield. The ground trembled beneath their feet, and a chilling wind swept through the chamber. Alix and Leon exchanged a glance, their eyes widening with realization. The Qi Gathering Hobgoblins had arrived.

From the shadows, the hulking figures of the hobgoblins emerged, their bodies emanating a sinister aura. The earth shook as they stomped their spiked clubs against the ground, channeling their Qi into the earth itself. The chamber became a battleground of chaos and danger.

The hobgoblins unleashed their earth spike technique, causing sharp spikes to erupt from the ground with deadly precision. The unfortunate humans caught in the path of the spikes were impaled, cries of pain echoing through the chamber. The air grew heavy with tension as the remaining cultivators readied themselves for the next wave of the battle.

Zam, his eyes narrowed, stepped forward to face a Qi Gathering Hobgoblin. Fire blazed in his palms as he channeled his cultivation technique, creating a barrier of scorching flames to protect himself. The hobgoblin, undeterred, raised its spiked club and charged with a ground-shaking roar.

Zam dodged the first swing with a nimble sidestep, his movements fueled by his mastery over fire. He retaliated with a concentrated blast of flames, aiming for the hobgoblin's exposed flank. But the hobgoblin's thick skin proved resilient, the flames merely singeing its outer layer.

Eryx, observing Zam's struggle, rushed to his aid. His lightning-fast strikes pummeled the hobgoblin's defenses, landing precise blows on its weak points. The hobgoblin staggered under the combined assault, its spiked club falling momentarily to the ground. Seizing the opportunity, Zam unleashed a torrent of fire, enveloping the hobgoblin in a blazing inferno.

Nox and Kato, engaged in their own battles, fought with unwavering resolve. Nox's shield of pure energy deflected the incoming earth spikes, while Kato bolstered their defense with a surge of Qi. They held their ground against a pair of Qi Gathering Hobgoblins, their teamwork and coordination shining through.

The hobgoblins charged towards the vice-captains, eager to engage them in a one-on-one fight.

The vice-captains' fights were intense, a display of skill and determination. Each blow landed with the force of a thunderbolt, and each evasion was executed with grace and precision. The air crackled with energy as the cultivators unleashed their cultivation techniques, pushing themselves to their limits.

Meanwhile, Alix and Leon maintained their position, conserving their strength for the final battle. Their eyes flickered with concern as they witnessed the peril their comrades faced. The situation was dire, and they knew they had to act swiftly to turn the tide in their favor.

Leon's voice rang out, commanding and resolute. "Vice-captains, hold your ground! We must neutralize these Qi Gathering Hobgoblins swiftly. Our brothers and sisters are counting on us!"

Alix's voice joined Alix's, amplified by his cultivation technique. "We are the backbone of this force! Show them the might of our village!"

With renewed determination, the vice-captains rallied their strength. They combined their efforts, launching coordinated attacks on the Qi Gathering Hobgoblins. Their strikes were calculated and precise, exploiting the hobgoblins' weaknesses and overwhelming them with their united force.

Zam and Eryx's flames roared higher, enveloping the hobgoblin in a blazing vortex. The hobgoblin howled in agony as its skin charred and cracked under the relentless assault. With a final surge of flames, it collapsed, defeated.

Nox and Kato, their defense unyielding, saw an opening in their opponents' onslaught. Nox unleashed a powerful blast of energy, sending one of the hobgoblins flying backward, while Kato seized the opportunity to strike the other hobgoblin with a swift, precision punch. The hobgoblin stumbled, its club slipping from its grasp.

Liara and Feng, locked in a fierce battle with another pair of hobgoblins, exchanged a quick glance. Liara's eyes gleamed with determination as she summoned her energy blades, their ethereal glow illuminating the chamber.

She launched herself at the hobgoblin in a whirlwind of strikes, her blades slashing through the air with deadly accuracy. Feng, his body surrounded by an earthy aura, manipulated the ground beneath the hobgoblin's feet, causing it to lose balance and exposing its vulnerable spots. He struck with lightning speed, delivering powerful blows that shattered its defenses.

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