I Created A Dungeon In A Cultivation World

Chapter 134 134: Special 7-Star Sword

It was filled with an assortment of treasures, including rare herbs, powerful talismans, and sparkling gems. But one item caught his eye - a sword unlike any he had ever seen before.

It was a 7-star sword, its hilt made of pure gold and encrusted with shimmering diamonds. The blade itself was made of an unknown metal, and it glinted in the light like a star in the night sky.

While the sword was indeed a 7-star sword, Kaelar couldn't help but feel that it surpassed all expectations of what a 7-star sword could be. The intricate designs etched into the blade caught the light in a way that seemed to make it glow from within. The handle was adorned with rare gems that shimmered and sparkled with every movement.

Kaelar reached out to take the sword, but as his fingers touched the hilt, he was enveloped in a burst of blinding light. When the light faded, he found himself standing in a vast, empty space, the sword held tightly in his grip.

The sword hummed with power, and Kaelar could feel its energy coursing through his body. He swung the sword experimentally, marveling at its lightness and the ease with which it sliced through the air.

"This sword is a true treasure," a voice said, interrupting Kaelar's thoughts. He turned to see no one, a voice rang again. "It was forged by the greatest swordsmith in all the land, using techniques and materials that have long been lost."

Kaelar nodded, awestruck. "It is an honor to wield such a weapon," he said, his voice filled with reverence.

"Indeed," the voice said. "But remember, Kaelar, that power comes with responsibility. Use this sword wisely, and it will serve you well."

Kaelar bowed his head in acknowledgment, feeling the weight of the responsibility that came with owning such a powerful weapon.

As he sheathed the sword, he felt a sense of gratitude wash over him. He had come to this deadland to explore, but he had found something far more valuable - a tool that would aid him on his journey to becoming a true cultivator.

Sect Master Kaelar and the elders left the tomb, their arms full of treasures, but their minds filled with confusion. Kaelar turned to the elders and asked, "How are we going to leave this place?" The other elders were also dumbfounded, now that they thought about it, they realized that they didn't know how to leave this place.

"We don't know," one of them said. "Sect master, what about we go back to where we got teleported."

"That's a good idea, we might see the portal in that place." Kaelar nodded.

Just then, one of the elders stepped forward, holding a small stone in his hand. "Wait, I may have something that can help us," he said.

The other elders looked at him skeptically, but Kaelar gestured for him to continue.

"When we killed the monster, I saw this stone glowing when the monster disappeared," the elder explained. "I thought it might be worth keeping."

Kaelar nodded, intrigued. "Let me see it," he said.

The elder handed him the stone, and Kaelar examined it closely. It was smooth and polished, with a faint glow emanating from its surface.

Without hesitation, Kaelar closed his eyes and focused his spiritual energy on the stone. Instantly, information flooded into his mind.

"This stone is called the returner stone," Kaelar announced, opening his eyes. "It can teleport up to six people to the outside world, and it can also teleport to a place called the exchange floor."

"This is amazing," one of the elders said. "We can use this to get out of here!"

Kaelar nodded in agreement. "Yes, but we need to decide where we want to go first. Should we go back to the outside world or go to the exchange floor?" he asked, looking at the other elders for their input.

The elders looked at each other, considering their options. "We came here to explore and gather treasures," one of them said. "Since it's called the exchange floor, it should be similar to the exchange district in every city right."

The others nodded in agreement, and Kaelar smiled. "Then we should go, I'm also curious about the place. Then it's settled, let's use the returner stone to go to the exchange floor," he said.

He held out the stone and channeled his energy into it, activating its power. A bright light enveloped them, and Kaelar felt the familiar sensation of being transported through space.

As the light faded, they found themselves in a large hall. Their eyes widened in surprise as they saw a steady stream of people appearing in the hall, seemingly out of nowhere. The hall was massive, with a high ceiling and marble pillars lining the walls.

Kaelar and the elders stood there, stunned by the sight before them. They had never seen anything like it.

Kaelar turned to the nearest person and asked, "What is this place?"

The person looked at him quizzically. "You don't know?" they asked, surprised.

Kaelar shook his head. "We were teleported here by a stone we found in a tomb," he explained.

The person although a little confused about what tomb he was saying, he still answered. "This is the exchange floor," they said. "It's a hub where cultivators from the dungeon come to trade goods, information, and even soul coins."

"Soul coins?" Kaelar asked, intrigued.

The person nodded. "If you want to know more about this place, you should ask the receptionist."

"Ok then, thank you." Kaelar thanked the man.

In the center of the room was a large circular receptionist desk, where a beautiful woman with long, flowing hair and a warm smile was busy attending to the new arrivals.

Kaelar and the elders approached the receptionist, still stunned by the sudden appearance of so many people. The woman looked up from her work and smiled at them.

"Welcome to the exchange floor," she said. "How can I assist you today?"

Kaelar cleared his throat. "We are new here," he said. "Can you tell us more about this place?"

The receptionist nodded. "Of course. This is the exchange floor, where adventurers come to buy and sell items, and exchange information. You can earn soul coins by killing monsters in the dungeon, which you can then use to purchase items or upgrade your equipment."

Kaelar's eyes widened at the mention of soul coins. "How do we access our soul coins?" he asked.

The receptionist smiled. "It's simple. Just say 'soul coins' in your mind, and your balance will appear in front of you. You can then use your soul coins to purchase items from the shops or exchange them for other people's treasures."

Kaelar nodded, impressed by the efficiency of the system. "Thank you for your help," he said. "We'll make sure to explore this place thoroughly."

The receptionist smiled. "Good luck on your adventures," she said, before turning her attention to the next group of adventurers who had just appeared in the hall.

Kaelar and the elders looked around, taking in the sights and sounds of the bustling exchange floor. They could sense the excitement and energy of the other adventurers, all of whom were here for the same reason - to become stronger and explore the mysteries of the world.

eαglesnᴏνel "This is truly a remarkable place," Kaelar said, his voice filled with wonder. "We have much to discover here." The elders nodded in agreement, and together, they set off to explore the exchange floor and see what treasures they could find.


At Skyhaven City, the streets were bustling with people coming to catch a glimpse of the rumored tower. Elara, along with the top four elite disciples of their sect, had secured a private room in a bustling restaurant. As they enjoyed their meal, one of the students, complained about waiting for an entire day.

One of the students, a young man with short brown hair named Rian, voiced his frustration. "We've been waiting here for a whole day, but still no sign of Sect Master Kaelar coming out of that tower. Do you think he died inside?" he whispered, fear and uncertainty lacing his words.

The grand elder who was appointed to protect, a stern-looking man with a long white beard named Master Zhi, shot him a disapproving look. "Don't speak such nonsense, Rian. Sect Master Kaelar is one of the most powerful cultivators on the Azure Continent. He wouldn't die so easily."

Lyra, a petite girl with long black hair, nodded in agreement. "Master Kaelar has faced much greater challenges than this unknown tower. I'm sure he'll come out soon enough."

Elara nodded in agreement. "Master Zhi is right. Sect Master Kaelar is known for his incredible swordsmanship. Even if he goes in the tomb, I doubt he will be in danger."

The final two students, a mischievous duo named Tavian and Lirien, exchanged a knowing look. "Relax, Linnea. Sect Master Kaelar is probably just meditating or something," Tavian said with a smirk.

Lirien chuckled. "Yeah, remember that one time he stayed in the forbidden place for a week straight? Everyone thought he was dead then too."

Master Zi cleared his throat, silencing the group. "Regardless, we must be patient and wait for Sect Master Kaelar to return. We are not the only ones waiting for him to come out of that tower."

Elara nodded. "Master Zi is right. We should use this time to train and cultivate our skills."

The group fell into a comfortable silence, each lost in their own thoughts as they ate their meals. The restaurant was filled with the sounds of chatter and the clinking of dishes, but the group remained focused on their own goals.

After their meal, they left the restaurant and walked towards the tower. Along the way, they passed by several other sects, each with their own unique style and techniques. Elara couldn't help but feel a sense of awe and respect for the other cultivators, all of whom were striving for the same goal - to become stronger and reach the pinnacle of cultivation.

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