I Created A Dungeon In A Cultivation World

Chapter 118: Thunderbolt Sect

 Chapter 118: Thunderbolt Sect

But as the first rays of sunlight peeked through the window, Argon knew that they had to get up and continue their journey. He reluctantly untangled himself from Isadora's embrace and stood up.

He gently kissed Isadora's forehead and rose from the bed, getting dressed quickly. Isadora watched him with a small smile on her lips, and a little reluctant, knowing that their moment of bliss was over for now.

"My Lord, where are we headed?" she asked, sitting up in bed.

"We need to rent a flying beast," Argon replied. "Yesterday, I saw a place nearby where we can do that."

Isadora nodded, understanding the urgency in his voice. "Of course, my lord," she said, getting out of bed and getting dressed quickly.

As they made their way out of the inn, Argon explained their plan. "We need to get to the east as quickly as possible," he said. "Our best bet is to rent a flying beast to get there."

Isadora nodded, knowing that it was the only way they could make it there in time. "Do you have any preference for what we should rent, my lord?" she asked.

Argon thought for a moment. "No, not really," he said. "As long as it's fast and can get us to our destination quickly, I'm fine with anything."

They made their way to the rental shop, where they were greeted by a gruff-looking man behind the counter. "What can I do for you?" he asked.

"We're looking to rent a flying beast," Argon said, trying to keep his tone polite.

The man nodded and began to list off the available options. "Well, we have the Skysnake, the Firebat, the Swampgull, and the Shriekbeak," he said, gesturing towards a list on the wall behind him.

Isadora tried her best to stifle a laugh as the man introduced each creature one by one. The Skysnake looked like a giant worm with wings, while the Firebat was covered in bright red fur that looked like it was on fire. The Swampgull looked like a cross between a pelican and a toad, while the Shriekbeak had a long, hooked beak that looked like it could tear through steel.

Isadora looked at each creature in turn, trying her best to hide her disgust. "Do you have anything else?" she asked.

"Well, I've got quite the selection here," he said, running his finger down the list. "Let's see, we've got giant bats, flying snakes, and oh, here's a good one - a vulture with the wingspan of a giant eagle."

Argon and Isadora exchanged a look, trying to hide their laughs at the bizarre and ugly creatures on the list. The man continued to read off his list, completely oblivious to their discomfort.

"And here we have the infamous Harpy," he said, pointing to a picture of a creature that looked like a cross between a bird and a woman. "She's a real beauty, ain't she?"

Argon couldn't help but let out a chuckle at the absurdity of it all. "I think we'll pass on the Harpy," he said, trying to keep his voice steady.

The man shrugged and continued down the list. "Okay, how about a giant beetle? Or a flying fish?" he said, pointing to various creatures on the list.

Argon and Isadora exchanged another look, this time struggling to contain their laughter at the absurdity of the creatures on offer. Eventually, they settled on renting a large eagle with an impressive wingspan. Argon paid five thousand low-grade qi stones for it.

As they made their way out of the rental shop, Argon turned to Isadora with a grin on his face. "Well, that was certainly an experience," he said, shaking his head in amusement.

Isadora chuckled, the memory of the bizarre creatures still fresh in her mind. "Yes, it certainly was," she said. "But at least we have a mode of transportation now."

With that, they mounted the eagle and took to the skies, ready to continue their journey towards the east region.

Isadora couldn't help but gasp in amazement as they soared through the air on the back of the eagle. "Oh my lord, look at the view," she exclaimed, pointing out at the breathtaking scenery below them.

Argon smiled, happy to see Isadora enjoying herself. "It is truly beautiful," he agreed. "The rolling hills, the lush green forests, and the neatly cultivated farmland all look so peaceful from up here."

Isadora nodded, her eyes twinkling with wonder. "It's like a painting," she said, admiring the rows of crops in the fields that stretched out for miles. "Look at how evenly spaced the wheat and barley is planted, and the different colors of the leaves on the trees."

Argon smiled, taking in the sight as they flew over rows of neatly planted crops and grazing livestock. "It's beautiful," he said, nodding in agreement. "This is what a well-cultivated land should look like."

They continued to fly in silence for a while, taking in the stunning view below. As they flew, Isadora rested her head on Argon's shoulder, enjoying the warmth of his body.

When she saw that Argon didn't say anything, she leaned her body on him, relishing in the peaceful moment. "This is so nice," she whispered, closing her eyes and taking a deep breath of the fresh air.

Argon smiled, feeling a sense of peace wash over him as he listened to Isadora's voice. He would be lying to say, that he was not grateful to have her by his side.

As Isadora leaned her head on his shoulder, he could feel her warmth and affection radiating towards him. He wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her closer, feeling content and at ease in her presence.

Without saying a word, they continued to fly through the sky, enjoying the view and each other's company in silence.


It took Argon and Isadora a month and a half to reach the city of Skyhaven, one of the largest cities in the eastern region, under the Heavenly Sword Sect. Along the way, they saw numerous villages and towns, but only stopped to feed their rented eagle. Argon was impressed with the speed and convenience of the flying be as. Argon couldn't help but praise himself for renting the flying beast, just imagining himself flying a month and a half, make him tired. When they arrived in Skyhaven, the eagle flew off on its own.

Upon arriving in the city, Argon and Isadora were awed by the size and bustling activity of the place. They immediately set out to find an inn to rest in and to gather information about the region. The city was called Skyhaven due to the presence of many tall towers and spires that reached high into the sky, giving the city a unique appearance.

As they walked through the crowded streets, Argon's identification eye began to detect the cultivation levels of the people around him. He could see at least twenty individuals who had reached the Golden Core Realm, a feat that impressed him greatly.

"Isadora, look over there," Argon pointed towards a group of people, "Those individuals have reached the Golden Core Realm. It's good that this continent is prosperous."

Isadora looked towards the group and nodded in agreement, but you can tell the she was not that interested. "Yes my lord, it's quite impressive. In the three kingdoms, a Golden Core Realm expert is considered a top powerhouse."

Argon couldn't help but grin, 'Yes, and the more powerful they are, the more soul coins I get. This trip is going to be very profitable indeed.' he thought

Also, although he was out of the dungeon, he has not abandoned it. With the soul coins he gets every day, he has already bought a lot of undead creatures to send to the lower floors. He has also purchased three mini-bosses for the small tombs and two for the big tombs.

They eventually found a quiet inn on the outskirts of the city and settled in for the night. Over the next few days, they made inquiries about the various factions and schools of cultivation in the region, trying to gather as much information as possible.

One day, as they were walking through the streets, they were suddenly approached by a group of cultivators wearing the colors of a well-known school in the east region.

"Hey, you there! What brings outsiders like you to our city?" the leader of the group sneered, eyeing Isadora up and down. "And who's this beautiful lady you've got with you?"

Argon raised an eyebrow and took a step forward. "We're just passing through, no need to make trouble."

"Hey, you two! What business do you have here in Skyhaven?" the leader of the group asked in a condescending tone, eyeing Isadora up and down.

"We are just passing through," Argon replied casually, not taking the group seriously.

"Well, you better watch your step around here. This is the territory of the Thunderbolt Sect, and we don't take kindly to outsiders." The leader sneered, looking at Isadora again. "But we might be willing to make an exception for a beauty like yours. Why don't you come with us and we'll show you a good time?"

Isadora remained calm and collected, but Argon could sense her annoyance. He placed a hand on her shoulder and stepped forward, towering over the group.

"I'm afraid you've made a mistake, gentlemen," Argon said, his voice low and menacing. "My lady and I have no interest in your company. So, if you'll excuse us, we'll be on our way."

The leader of the group looked up at Argon with a sneer, thinking he could take on this arrogant outsider. "You talk big, but can you back it up?"


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