I Created A Dungeon In A Cultivation World

Chapter 114 114: A Tale Of Courage And Sacrifice

After a while, Althea gently broke the silence. "Elara, can you tell me what happened in the dungeon?" she asked softly.

Elara took a deep breath and began to recount their journey. She explained how they had entered the dungeon and were suddenly teleported to a gloomy and dead place. She described the strange monsters called ghosts that had attacked them and how they had defended themselves. And then she spoke of the canyon they had stumbled upon and the huge tomb they had found

Althea's eyes widened in surprise. "A tomb?" she asked. "What was inside it?"

Elara took a moment to compose herself before continuing. "Inside the tomb, there were many traps and puzzles," she said. "But despite the danger, there were many treasures and rewards as well. We found 4-star healing pills and many other valuable items. But then we came across a huge door, and that's when the nightmare began. My grandfather and teacher Kael died protecting me."

Althea's face softened with empathy. "I am so sorry, my dear," she said, placing a hand on Elara's shoulder. "But their sacrifice will not be in vain. We will honor their memory and continue to fight for justice and righteousness."

Elara nodded, feeling a sense of comfort in Althea's words. "Thank you, Sect Master," she said. "I will continue to fight for the sect and honor their legacy."

Lady Althea smiled at her. "I have no doubt about that, my dear," she said. "You have shown great courage and determination. You are a true warrior."

Althea then paused for a moment before continuing. "But Elara, there is something else I must tell you," she said. "When I fought that unknown creature that was full of death aura, my connection with the projection was cut off. I tried to descend a projection again, but I couldn't. Something was blocking me. That's why I am glad that nothing happened to you."

Elara listened intently to Lady Althea's words, her heart beating with anticipation. "I see," she said. "Well, I managed to kill it, Sect Master. But it was already dying thanks to you. I felt its life force ebbing away before I struck the final blow."

Althea's eyes widened in surprise. "You killed it?" she asked, impressed. "That is quite an accomplishment, my dear."

"Thank you, Sect Master." she continued "The corpse disappeared," she said. "But then I saw something else. A sword, it was lying on the ground where the monster had been."

Althea's interest was piqued at the mention of the sword. "A sword?" she asked, curious. "What kind of sword?"

Elara reached into her bag and pulled out the sword. "Here it is," she said, handing it to Lady Althea. "I thought it might be useful for the sect, because I don't use swords, so I wanted to give it to you."

Elara handed the sword to Althea. As soon as the sword was unsheathed, a strong aura burst out, surprising Althea. She quickly contained the aura with her own spiritual energy, but she could feel the pressure emanating from the sword.

"This sword... it should be a 7-star treasure," she said, with a hint of awe in her voice. "Only this kind of treasure can give me pressure like this."

Elara was surprised at the sword's value. "Really?" she asked. "I had no idea."

Althea nodded. "Yes, this is a very valuable treasure," she said. "But I think it would be better if you kept it, Elara. You may need it in the future."

Elara hesitated for a moment before nodding in agreement. "Alright," she said, taking the sword back from Lady Althea. "I will keep it safe."

Althea smiled at her. "Good decision," she said. "Remember, Elara, as a warrior, you must always be prepared for whatever challenges lie ahead."


Argon and Isadora had been flying for two days straight, soaring over the vast and rugged landscape below. Finally, they spotted the Northern Mountains in the distance, rising up like a great wall in front of them.

As they approached, Argon was surprised to see signs of civilization. There were smoke plumes rising from some of the valleys, and he could even see a small town dotting the landscape.

"We should land somewhere secluded," Argon said to Isadora, his voice carrying on the wind. "We don't want to draw attention to ourselves."

Isadora nodded in agreement, and they began scanning the area for a suitable landing spot. Eventually, they found a small clearing nestled between two craggy peaks, far from any signs of human habitation.

As they descended, Argon noticed that the air was different here, filled with the essence of the earth and the wild. He could sense the power of the natural world and felt a surge of energy within himself.

"This is a good place," he said, looking around. "We'll stay here for a while and gather our strength before continuing our journey."

Isadora nodded and smiled. She knew that Argon was always cautious and wise in his decisions. She trusted him completely.

After a few hours of rest, Argon and Isadora set out towards the settlement they had seen earlier. As they got closer, they were surprised to see so many cultivators gathered in one place. This was unusual, as the Northern Mountains in the reports of Cambion, were known for their remote and treacherous terrain, and not many people ventured here.

Argon approached a random cultivator and asked, "Excuse me, why are so many people gathered here?"

The cultivator's eyes immediately caught sight of the shining qi stone in Argon's hand, and he licked his lips in anticipation.

"Ah, greetings fellow cultivator," the man said, bowing respectfully. "You must be new to these parts. Well, let me tell you, there's been quite a commotion around here lately. Some people have reported seeing a white pillar of light deep in the mountains, and everyone's convinced it's a sign of some great treasure."

"A treasure?" Argon asked, trying to keep the excitement out of his voice. "Have any of you been able to locate it?"

The cultivator shook his head. "Not yet, but everyone's searching for it. Some are even forming teams to explore the deeper parts of the mountains. Who knows what else they might find?"

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