I Can Copy And Evolve Talents

Chapter 90 Champions Of Carnage

Chapter 90 Champions Of Carnage

Northern narrowed his eyes and clenched his fist.

'What was that just now… I definitely felt a gaze on me'

His eyes rolled left and right, dividing through the destruction to see if there was a suspicious creature.

But he saw nothing. After a couple of seconds he exhaled.

'Maybe I was just imagining it? No, it was very vivid. That wasn't just an imagination. Someone was watching me'

And it seemed like the person was advocating for him to leave.

Northern looked at Night Terror as his form weaved I'm between monsters bathing in their blood and wrenching chaos.

'Whatever Night Terror has that makes him so strong, I have it too…'

Both of the swallowed the Vestige of the Chaos Prince.

Both of them had grown exponentially.

Moreso, Night Terror did not have his visual prowess.

Northern opened his hands, a steely determination etched across his features.

"Perhaps it is time to join this battle," he muttered, as black sparks crackled to life, weaving intricate patterns in the air before him.

As the onyx sword materialized, Northern gripped the hilt tightly, swinging the blade down in a graceful arc.

In an instant, he flashed onto the battlefield like a loosed arrow, propelled by an invisible force.

Northern moved with blinding speed, his blade a blur of obsidian and his eyes emitting azure line of light as he carved a path through the horde.

His obsidian blade carved into the bodies of monsters but did never finished what it started. Northern skillfully flew across monsters and destroyed their patterns, leaving them to scramble on the ground.

Each monster fell but the flames of their souls were not extinguished.

Instead left at mercy by the viciousness of his blade.

Northern was intentionally leaving them alive. So long he didn't get the last kill, he won't get talent fragments. That way he can delay whatever was to happen if he gets to a thousand talent fragments.

Despite holding back on killing, Northern exhibited a splendid show of combat style.

With each swing of his obsidian blade, he wove intricate patterns in the air, channeling his precision and finesse through his body movements, from minute pivoting of his legs to shooting forward like a bullet.

Amazed at how he grasped the complete understanding and function of his own body. It was like he could unnatural feel every fibre of his muscles, he was totally aware of every nerves, every happening within him.

'And what happens if I push that awareness outside?'

Northern sought to experiment further even as he left deep gashes in monsters, deliberately avoiding their vitals.

Indeed the clear-cut cognizance he had of his body had to do more with his visual prowess than with his perfect body.

[Perfect Body] just provided his ocular powers the sturdy foundation to work to their maximum potential, perhaps even surpass it.

But his ability to be so aware of every inch if detail in his body, he suspected to be because of his eyes.

If it was possible to be able to feel and tell every detail and movement within his body because his eyes was a part of it… then it should be a walk in the park taking note of his surrounding.

Of course, [All Eyes] plenty much could do that already. Northern could perceive his surround at unparalleled detailed.

But it happened one after the other.

What Northern was looking at was being aware of his entire space without having to look.

Was it even possible to attain such a position.

[All Eyes] had shown a magnificent potential.

Northern couldn't help but wonder, 'Just how powerful can I become with these eyes'

Night Terror moved with a grace belying its size, weaving through the chaos with a fluidity that defied comprehension.

Entire bodies were cleaved apart with a single, sweeping strike, their severed appendages raining down upon the combatants like a grotesque shower.

Skulls were crushed, bodies rent asunder, and yet Night Terror remained untouched, a whirling dervish of annihilation.

The castle's defenses crumbled as the Night Terror pressed its advantage, smashing through barricades and fortifications with ease.

Walls crumbled, towers toppled, and the once-formidable citadel became little more than a ruined shell, a monument to the Night Terror's unstoppable might.

The cacophony of battle, the ceaseless roars and screeches of the combatants, overwhelmed the atmosphere. The stench of death hung thick in the air, a miasma of decay that clung to both warriors' very being.

Yet, through it all, Night Terror remained undaunted, indifferent to the massacre, a whirling vortex of destruction that consumed all in its path.

Its form shifted and distorted, morphing into ever more horrific and nightmarish shapes, each more terrifying than the last.

The horde's numbers dwindled, their ranks thinned by the Night Terror's ruthless inundulation.

Those that remained fought with a desperate fury, driven by a primal instinct for survival that overrode all reason and logic. Or was it just the madness?

But it was not enough.

Night Terror was an unstoppable force, a harbinger of annihilation that could not be halted or contained.

It moved with a singular purpose, its sole aim the utter eradication of all that stood before it.

Northern danced amidst the fray, his movements fluid and graceful, a stark contrast to the chaotic strut wrought by Night Terror.

His blade sang through the air, each strike precise and lethal, driven by a focus and determination that stemmed from a careful observation and analysis of his foe's movement.

His attempt to evoke an overwhelming awareness of his surrounding made him falter here and there during the fight but it wasn't as much to even leave a cut on his pale skin.

Moreso, his battle with Night Terror had proved to be effective.

'Now that I think about it, my body sought of got accustomed to fighting Night Terror. Could that have been because of [Formless]?'

Would that also explain the reason why his clone movements are being seared into his muscles?

'No… that can't be it. I'd have to give that one more thought after now, gotta focus'

With a burst of azure light, Northern propelled himself forward, his obsidian blade leaving afterimages in its wake.

He moved with blinding speed, closing the distance between himself and the nearest cluster of monstrosities in the blink of an eye.

The first creature, a hulking figure, with razor-sharp talons, swiped at him with a feral growl. But Northern was already several steps ahead… his blade a blur…

'A general?' He gasped as the monster deflected the strike with a resounding clang.

Northern pivoted on his heel, the onyx blade trailing black line as it carved through the creature's torso with surgical precision.

"I avoided your vitals…"

A spark of recognition belatedly ignited in the monster's eyes as it fell.

Perhaps the pain relieved it from the madness that had also consumed it.

Immediately, two more monstrosities converged on him, their gnashing maws agape and slavering with unholy hunger.

Northern didn't flinch, his movements fluid and graceful as he parried their frenzied attacks. Each strike was met with a precise counter, his blade turning to streaks of black lines. .

With a flick of his wrist, Northern disarmed one of the creatures, its severed limb clattering to the ground in a spray of ichor.

Before the critter could even register its loss, Northern's blade lashed out, cleaving through its skull in a single, decisive stroke.

'Crap, that was a mistake!'

[You have killed a…

The second monstrosity pressed its assault, undeterred by the fate of its brethren.

Northern met its charge head-on, his blade weaving an intricate dance of death as he parried and countered with lightning-fast precision.

The creature's strikes grew increasingly erratic, its movements fueled by mindless fury.

But Northern remained calm and focused, his eyes tracking every twitch and shift of muscle, anticipating each attack before it even began.

With a deft twist of his blade, Northern caught the creature's claws mid-swipe, the razor-sharp talons screeching against the onyx steel.

In a single, fluid motion, he redirected the creature's momentum, using its own force against it as he pivoted and drove his blade deep into its chest.

"Ah… again" He muttered.

The monstrosity let out a gurgling screech, its body spasming violently as Northern wrenched his blade free, a torrent of ichor gushing from the gaping wound.

The creature crumpled to the ground, joining the growing pile of fallen monstrosities that littered the battlefield.

No matter how careful he was, it was hard to fight and not kill. But he still had to try regardless.

Northern looked around, compared to when they just entered, the scenery had been contorted into a disgusting land of bloodshed and marred bodies.

Of course, more than half of this was wrought by Night Terror.

The monsters had grown very few and in a couple of minutes, the last remaining few were bound to meet the end of their lives too.

But something bothered Northern.

As if to confirm his suspicion. A deafening silence suddenly fell on the area.

Even Night Terror with his hand suspended in between the belly of one monstrosity paused and looked towards the main entrance of the castle.

Northern gritted his teeth, 'Something is coming!' He braced himself and clenched his hand tightly around the hilt of his sword.

With a tremoring push, the door of the entrance exploded, and a furred beast pompously stomped out of the castle, eyes burning with predatory viciousness.

Its once pristine white fur was now dirtied by dried blood, a grim testament to the madness of war that had consumed it.

Despite the filth that marred its appearance, the beast exuded an aura of undeniable power, its every movement dripping with menace.

As it surveyed the area with a menacing gaze, the air crackled with tension.

Night Terror stared at the beast indifferently and threw it face to Northern.

At its first appearance, Northern had almost trembled in fear. But a second later, his eyes widened and he uttered before knowing.

"Mr Fluffy?"

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