I Can Copy And Evolve Talents

Chapter 82 Recounting Gains

Chapter 82 Recounting Gains


Name: Northern Longguard

True Name: Nameless

Attributes: [Formless], [Spawn Of Void], [Limitless Void], [Vestige Of Chaos], [All Eyes]

Soul Rank: [Walker]

Talent Fragments: [978/1000]

[Copied Talents]: [1/1]

[Owned Items]: [Mortal Blade], [Eternal Twilight], [Silver Sword], [Death glare] and 23 others.

[You can now check the information of your true name and attributes]

It didn't seem like it at first but a deeper look at it. His profile had really changed.

'Damn! I have five attributes?'

The maximum amount of attribute that drifters were allowed to have by Ul was only one.

When one receives a Name, an attribute is tied to it. Of course the name and attribute often has something to do with their talent.

Oftentimes, it's like a strings of fate are woven to connect a drifter to certain events that had occurred in past dimension that had fallen to the rift.

Northern was about to go through the same thing. Receive a Name and gain an attribute.

However, an anomaly was discovered.

Northern folded his hand, rubbing his chin as he thought:

'I suppose if the system had not taken full control, Ul would have done something to nerf me?'

However, because of the void essence that corrupted his soul energy it was made impossible.

'I don't know if this is a bad thing or a good thing.'

Northern stared indifferently at his status for a while. Particularly gazing at the attribute section. Then he scoffed and shrugged, saying:

"What can be bad about having five Attributes. Not just two but five!"

Something in his heart welled up, Northern could tell the coming days were becoming promising.

If he considered that he had not even become a drifter and yet he already had five attributes when all drifters had one!

Then if he takes into account the fact that he could now control and manipulate an energy far greater than Soul energy—void essence.

'So much potential to become strong… to become the strongest. Across all dimensions, only I will be the honored one!!!" Northern gleamed maliciously, the light in his blue eyes shining brighter.

He felt bad for having no talent of his own, then even worse for being able to copy just one talent as a walker.

But suddenly a great compensation had been offered to his heart.

But onto the most interesting part… Northern grinned as he anticipated it.

Now that Ul's affluence upon him had been completely removed by the system. It was possible for him to see the details of his attribute.

Northern enthusiastically summoned the letters with his mind.

True Name: [Nameless]

Description: You are a spawn of Void, you are nothing, a vessel of emptiness meant to serve only one purpose. Chaos and Destruction. You cannot be named. You are Nameless…


Northern tilted his head left and right.

'Something is odd, abusive and strangely amusing about this description' He evaluated.

He couldn't quite put his fingers on it but the description called him to nothing.

'Is that because of the nature of Void? A vessel of emptiness?'

The most amusing one.

"I cannot be named." Northern lips curled up.

"Something about this makes me feel like I'm special"

It was a different case if it said, 'you don't deserve a name. You should just be Nameless!' But that part of the description, 'you cannot be named. You are Nameless' had a powerful ring to it.

Like Northern was a vessel that could not be affected by the naming concept.

Northern shook his head as his thoughts went deeper.

'Let's just continue checking this for now'

True Name: [Nameless]

Description: [You are a spawn of Void, you are nothing, a vessel of emptiness meant to serve only one purpose. Chaos and Destruction. You cannot be named. You are Nameless. Your name is a vast sea of emptiness that swallows others and causes nothing but despair.]


UN-NAME: [You can absorb other's Name and make them Nameless. When names are absorbed, attributes are absorbed with it and broken into fragments. Attribute fragment can be used to enhance your own attributes. The stronger the rank of the name, the more fragments received]

Northern's mouth fell.

'Wo woo wooooo woooooo!!!'

He almost fell down the mountain but it wasn't hard to gain his balance.

Maybe it was because of the void essence that now filled his soul. He had a more definite control on his body than when he was using soul energy.

'Or it could be something else…' Northern objected.

Being able to unname a named person was huge! This literally makes him an anomaly!

'Wait! Was this the reason Ul said an anomaly has been detected.'

Meaning that if Ul had been allowed control, she would have surely done something to nerf him.

Northern exhaled and smiled heartily. Again, he looked so ridiculous. He said looking down at the panel:

"Man, I sure am grateful that the Copycat system stepped in" He paused and added, "I think I might just die from excitement, I haven't even checked my attributes yet! But wait, is it really normal to have abilities tied to one's name?" Northern wondered aloud.

However, there was no answer to such question, until he met other human. And maybe ask them?

Or maybe not.

He wasn't confident of his socializing skills so he would just put off that thought for now.

However, his name gave him an overpowering potential already. Being able to break their attributes into fragments and use them to enhance his own?

'I suppose that was just the doing of the Copycat system. Attribute fragments, talent fragments, that all sounds the same'

Northern exhaled, he lingered for a while before continuing the description.

True Name: [Nameless]

causes nothing but despair.]

Unique Ability: [UN-NAME]


Name: [Formless]

Rank: [Fated]

Description: [A demon of development, flexibility and adaptability. This attributes enables you to find it easy to adapt to anything. Natural phenomenon, state of being, state of mind, state of physicality… you can become anything while applying a paramount level of flexibility to yourself. Your formlessness absorbs others form into its own.]


Northern nodded in approval. Moving onto the next.

He moved onto the next:

Name: [Spawn Of Void]

Rank: [Mystic]

Description: [You are a Spawn Of Void because of this you can detect and manipulate Void essence to an immense degree]

Name: [Limitless Void]

Rank: [Mystic]

Description: [Limitless Void is a metaphysical world that exist in your soul]

Northern looked at the description for a while…with his brows raised.

'I have a world in my soul?' It sounded so confusing and he just couldn't wait to see that world.

However, he wanted to see it all first. Most especially the last one. He suspected that [All Eyes] could be the reason for his excellent eyesight. So he couldn't wait to just see its description.

He moved onto the next:

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