I Can Copy And Evolve Talents

Chapter 267 Bunch Of Homewreckers

Chapter 267 Bunch Of Homewreckers

Immediately the monster fell, the mountain became slightly brighter, the eerie silence was gone, and from afar, Northern could hear the clanging sound of swords.

The visor of the Night Terror armor glowed incandescently as he surged into quick movement, running elegantly, like a Terror in the Night.

Several other Lumidrakes were rampaging against the cohort, but the cohort did not seem to be having any issues repelling the dangerous attacks of the monsters.

Even the white-haired girl was holding on well.

However, Northern observed through [See] that, compared to the one he fought, they didn't have true names.

They also didn't have azure horns or spikes, their tails were not as long, and they generally were not as big.

Which meant that one had deliberately come for him.

It even separated him from the group to deal with him personally.


'Should I be honored?'

Sadly, it met a cruel fate at his hand before he could ask.

However, the numbers of the others were quite concerning.

Their scales might not have been as hard as those of the one he faced, but judging by the way even Raven was not able to kill them in one strike...

Not that they were having a hard time, but usually, for a Sage and a Master like Raven, they'd be done with this already.

Which just proves how strong these monsters were.

Northern twirled both swords, leaned forward, and pushed back a leg.

"I can't miss out on fun like this."

Northern's heart pounded with a mixture of adrenaline and excitement as he surged forward, the Night Terror armor shimmering with a dark and azure, almost ethereal glow.

Each step he took was silent and swift, a testament to the armor's namesake.

He moved like a shadow, a wraith among the sleeping giants of stone and trees.

Even though it was clearly day, darkness lingered in every corner of the forest. Perhaps, this was due to the towering trees and enormous rocks that shrouded the airspace of the forest.

As Northern approached the fray, the clanging of swords grew louder, mingled with the roars and hisses of the Lumidrakes.

The cohort was holding their ground admirably, their movements a symphony of lethal grace and precision.

Raven, with her twin swords, was a whirlwind of white light, cutting through the lesser Lumidrakes with practiced ease.

And Helena, wielding her black rod, danced between the creatures, her strikes precise and deadly, though they were not as effective as usual.

The white-haired girl—Terence, was using a unique mixture of soul essence and physical prowess—through her sword—to fend off the attacks.

Her movements were fluid and unpredictable, making it difficult for the Lumidrakes to land a hit.

Despite the pressure, her face remained stoic and focused, a stark contrast to the chaotic battle around her. In fact, she seemed more stoic than usual.

Terence, of course, was no weakling. She had always been capable of defending herself, so it was no surprise that she was doing amazingly well on her own.

Northern joined the melee with a fierce grin, his two blades—Mortal Blade and Soul Taker—whirling in deadly arcs.

He targeted a group of Lumidrakes that were advancing on Terence, their jaws snapping hungrily.

With a swift leap, he landed between them and her, driving the Soul Taker into the first Lumidrake's skull.

The creature convulsed, its eyes dimming as its essence was drawn into the blade, its soul vanishing with a single hit.

At that moment, Northern licked his lips with a grin.

He didn't pause. Pulling the blade free, he spun and slashed at another Lumidrake with the Mortal Blade, severing its front legs in a single, powerful stroke.

The beast collapsed with a pained roar, and Northern followed up with a downward strike, ending its life.

Terence nodded in gratitude, but there was no time for words.

Another Lumidrake lunged at Northern, its jaws wide open for a vicious harvest of flesh and blood.

He sidestepped just in time, feeling a slight tingle as the monster's gnashing teeth slid across his armor.

Using the momentum, he brought both blades down on the creature's neck, decapitating it in one swift motion.

Raven appeared beside him, her blades burning with white light as they sliced through the air.

"Nice of you to appear now. You were gone all of a sudden," she said with a cold glare, but in the depth of her eyes were sparks of excitement.

"I suddenly found myself alone. Looks like the leader of these things gave me the honor of a personal visit. Perhaps it deemed me the greatest threat," Northern replied, parrying a Lumidrake's claw with the Soul Taker. "But don't worry, I put a good end to it in time to save your asses."

A sudden powerful burst sounded, thwoom, causing the entire earth to vibrate such that Northern and Raven couldn't help but look at where it came from.

Helena's rod embedded in the beast powerfully, expelling a massive blast of black sparks that dealt significant damage to the surrounding area—even upheaving stones and crushing them to splinters.

She twisted the weapon, ripping it free and sending a spray of blood into the air, then glared at Northern and said:

"More of them are coming."

Terence moved closer to Northern.

"I guess the fact that you killed their leader explains why they are in such a frenzy."

Northern looked down for a minute.

Raven noticed and tilted her head slightly.

"Is something wrong?" she asked.

Northern hesitated, he frowned a little bit, and eventually voiced his concerns.

"I feel like… we shouldn't be killing them."

"Because they are beautiful…?"

"No…" he shut his eyes and looked down, his hold on both swords getting stronger. Then he uttered:

"Because this is their home… and we came to their home… Raven, we can't just enter into the habitat of a bunch of monsters and start killing them. It's not fair."

Raven tilted her head a little.

"They are monsters. Since when has fairness become a thing?"

Northern sighed, "Okay, maybe I sound weird."

Raven narrowed her eyes a little.

"You don't just sound weird, you sound odd. If we don't kill them, we will be killed."

"I know."

Northern's eyes scanned the battlefield.

Of course, he knew Raven was right; he just couldn't help the way he was feeling.

From the deeper recesses of the mountains, more Lumidrakes were emerging, their numbers seemingly endless.

At this point, they had to find a way to stem the tide, or they would be overwhelmed.

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