I Become a Mafia in the Academy

Chapter 52:

Chapter 52:

They start to panic at the sudden appearance of the vehicles.

What are those?

Boss, arent they coming here?

You ask like I dont know that?!

In a flash, cars pull into the parking lot where we are and circle the guys.

The guys faces harden as a group of men in black suits begin to emerge from the stopped cars at the same time.

You dont think youre going to get away with this crazy shit?!

I wonder if they realized they were in a trap but they point their guns at me and Han Seo-joon and shout.

Boss, what should we do? Shouldnt we run?

One of the crew members, sensing a bad atmosphere, asks the boss.

How can we run when theyre like that, you stupid bastard! Hu Hey, kid. Stop biting these people right now. If you want to live, stop them right now!

He finally realizes whats happening and takes me and Han Seo-joon hostage.pathetic.

Thats when Han Seo-joon grabbed the gun and put it to his temple.

Uh, huh?

The guy looks surprised and reflexively raises his hand, but Han Seo-joon snaps his wrist and steals the gun in a flash.


The guy is frozen in place, stunned by the suddenness of the action as Han points the gun at him.

Get on your knees.

You, you crazy, you think you can hold me down and be okay, you think my kids will stay still if I die!

As he yells that, the guys around us each raise their weapons and glare at the guards around us.

They look like theyre about to pounce.


I think he means it as a threat, butI shake my head and turn to the bodyguards.

Weapons up, everyone.

As if theyd been waiting for me to say it, each bodyguard began opening their trunks, pulling out heavy weapons and pointing them at the men.

Shotguns, submachine guns, assault rifles, and even heavy machine guns we pointed at the mobs.

Even with this, they wont stand still? I think theyll stay still.

Let me live.

Apparently, guns are the greatest form of negotiation invented by man.

* * *

What? Failure? How is that possible?! I gave you 50 million won, 50 million, and now you say you cant do it?

What am I supposed to do then?! Take a bullet from that rich man with his bodyguards armed with heavy weapons?!

At this moment, Kwon Su-hyeop and the president of the Kang Buddha Excitement Center were arguing.

Your Awakened dont even need guns to kill him, you could have just wiped him out and broken his hands and feet!

When Heung Shin-soos words made Kwon Soo-hyeop angry, he shouted at him with a red face.

Its not working, damn it! Those bodyguards were all Awakened, too! Shouldnt you be the one to blame? You hired us to investigate in the first place, and you almost got all of our employees killed!

Mr. Heung Shin-soo was furious. Apparently, the information they had on the target was so-so.

They only found that he was a wealthy man who had a bit of a stake in an affiliate of the Hanwol Group and was an orphan with no family ties, with both parents dead.

But what the hell were those ridiculous bodyguards, and where the hell did those heavy weapons come from?

Even if South Korea had legalized guns because of the dungeon, it didnt make sense that they would have such heavy weapons unless they were soldiers.

Then at least give me my money back since you failed!

Are you insane, you gave me 50 million credits for this shit, and you want to take it back?

The exasperated Heung Shin-soo pushed his finger against Kwon Su-hyeops chest and said.

Remember, you just ordered an assault against people you shouldnt have touched. Do you understand?

People who shouldnt be touched.

Who the hell does he think he is to talk like this?

To be honest, Id like to rip you apart right here and now, but you know why I dont? Because your father is the head of the Hunters Guild, huh? Get lost!

In the end, Kwon Soo-hyeop, who had been scolded and returned home, unable to control her boiling anger.

Who the heck is this guy and why is everyone acting like this?

In the International Trade Club, Lee Haru, stands with Eugene Han.

The guys in the Board Game Club, who have a ridiculous name but are actually pretty good, stand up for him, and Isheri from the Recipe Development Club, who has a recipe that will surprise the world, cooks for them.

Who the hell is this guy, what the hell is he?

Then an idea popped into Kwons head.

If Heung Shin-soo cant do it, I can ask the other guysto do it, right?

Although he only looked for Heung Shin-soo because he couldnt use the name of his father and the guild, he realized that he had no choice in the matter.

Yes, if its not Heung Shin-soo, I can leave it to the professional contractors.

It wasnt too difficult to find a professional contractor. There was even an organization that could be considered a specialist in this field.


Was a mafia group under the Corleone umbrella, known for even making children stop crying.

Wouldnt the Cowalnoz Family, which has a symbiotic relationship with his fathers guild, grant his request?

With that in mind, Kwon immediately went to the nearest office of the Cowalnoz Family that he knew of.


The call came from his father, who was probably busy with the guild right now.

Dad, whats going on

[You crazy bastard, stop what youre doing right now!]


[I dont know what the hell youre doing, but stop right now, okay? Im begging you, please.]

He never heard his father plead like that before and the succession of incomprehensible situations drove Kwon Soo-hyeop crazy.

* * *

Im sure this wont cause you any more trouble.

Back at the manor, I told Han Seo-joon to leave a message for the boys father in Corleones name, telling him to keep an eye on his son.

Of course, it wasnt for me.

I knew that if he bothered me again it would be Parnello or someone else in the organization who would kill him from then on, not me.

This time I was lucky and stopped him before the issue reached my fathers ears, but I didnt know what would happen next time.

Maybe my father would find out first and make a move.

Does he know that I just saved his life and his family?

If hes intelligent enough to order your assault fromHeung Shin-soo, hes probably looking to get someone else to do it again.

I cant imagine anyone being that stupid.

There was no way in hell I was going to take on another job with a guy who had bodyguards armed with heavy weapons.

Well, I dont need to get bloodied over a kids prank.

Besides, Id have to train him myself, and I didnt want to use the power of the organization for something like this.

Did I mention that I have no work this Saturday and Sunday?

The last four days have been mostly uneventful because, as an executive, most executives work on their own turf, and mine was the Academy.

However, they couldnt entrust an executive with unrelated tasks. And so it had been a long time since Id taken a semi-enforced break, and it had been a long time since Id taken a successor class.


Im dying again.

Parnellos class was diabolical.

I was still terrified of Parnellos phenomenal ability to hit as hard as he could, but just enough to not hurt.

By the way, Master. Your promotion party is also scheduled for next week.

A celebration party? By the looks of it, my father is the organizer.

Thats right. It was supposed to be on the day you were promoted, but Maestros clothes are coming out next week, so he picked that day.

Next weeks going to be crazy, with the all-out war, the party, and how many alternate schedules.

Oh, and Don extended an invitation to the president of the Hanwol Group, so Im sure hell be there.

People from the extended family are coming too?

I had something to tell them about the International Trade Club this time, so I thought it wasnt such a bad idea.

Besides, the information about my maternal grandfather, the chairman of the Hanwol Group, hasnt been exposed much in the game so if I met him this time, I might be able to get a character book or some new information.

Im looking forward to this.

I see. Thats how its going to be for now.

Yes, Master.

* * *

I used to have a strong dislike for the sponge chef who lived under Bikini Island. I mean, how in the world could Mondays be good if he was too?

For me, Mondays were murder.

I hate it.

Eugene Han, president of Familia. Is it correct that youre coordinating with Kwon Soo-hyeop, president of Ranger Club, to have an all-out war?

Yes, thats right.

Kwon Soo-hyeop, president of the Ranger Club. Are you coordinating with Eugene Han, the president of Familia?


Then in the name of the Seoul Hero Academy Student Council, I will authorize an all-out war between the two clubs.

Its lunchtime at Seoul Hero Academy and while everyone else was eating or taking a break, the two of us were currently in the student council room, preparing for the all-out war.

The person giving us permission to fight is Seo-yeon, a member of the student council at Seoul Hero Academy who also holds the title of club director.

She was also the one who Ji-hyun personally approached with the three club certificates.

The all-out battle will take place at 3pm today, when there is no duel class, and since the field in the duel room is limited, it will be held on an outside field designed for large-scale battles. Do you have any objections?

We both shake our heads.

Seeing that neither of you have any objections, we will proceed, and you are free to leave.

As I bow my head and leave, Kwon Soo-hyeop, who has remained silent until now, glares at me.

What did youdo to my father?

Hmm? What are you talking about?

Dont pretend like you dont know. On the day the people I sent ran away scared of you, why was my father crying and screaming at me not to do it!

Apparently hes talking about something that happened last week.

FunnyI guess Han Seo-joon was right. This guy is a real idiot.

I snorted at his cocky attitude.

I guess it was you who sent those assholes, huh? You pathetic asshole.

What, what?!

He panics, realizing hes unwittingly confessed.

Youre too proud to get down on your knees and apologize for being an idiot, which makes it more annoying for me. Are you proud of the fact that you contacted a gangster and told him to break my limbs?

Shut up. I didnt ask anyone to do that.

You just said you sent them, and now youre saying you didnt. Is it possible you have short-term memory loss from being beaten over the head with facts?

Shut up!

Just as the fact-beaten guy was about to lunge at me in a fit of rage, the door we came out of opened with a bang.

No disturbances in front of the student council office.

Seo-yeon, who must have heard him from inside, glared nervously at Kwon Soo-hyeop and went back inside.

I turned around and sighed when I saw him holding his hands up in the air because of her sudden intervention.

Im so tired on Mondays.

Lets get this out of the way.


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