I Become a Mafia in the Academy

Chapter 34:

Chapter 34:

This is crazy. This is crazy.

Jin-woo mumbles to himself as he stares at the endless stream of furniture coming in through the freight elevator.

The movers rush out every time the elevator stops, and the furniture has an antique, old-fashioned feel to it.

As one by one, each mover brings out a piece of furniture, Jin-woos jaw widens.

Every single one of them is an awakened person?

That one, hes carrying the luggage on his backwhat the hell is that?

Se-ah, who had been looking at them blankly, cautiously opens her mouth, wondering if the other kids were feeling the same way.

If its a company with Awakened people like that working for them, isnt the fee tens of millions of credits! Ive heard rumors that chaebols only use companies made up of Awakened people when they remodel, butI never thought Id actually see that!

Se-ah clapped her palms to her cheeks in excitement as she realized how shocking the scene was.

A guy my dad knows is a remodeler. I was just looking for help.

To my surprise, everything I said was true.

Corleone businesses are woven into the fabric of Korean industry, and the people I was calling were from one of those businesses, Move Family, a cleaning company under Corleone.

[Move Family]

They are a family that specializes in cleaning up after big events within an organization, or when there is a situation that needs to be cleaned up, and they are unparalleled in this field, specialists in making a site new again.

Perhaps thats why their work is so quick and methodical.

Where do we put this?

You can put it over there by the pillars.

Gradually, the furniture began to arrive and Room Z, which had been nothing more than a storage room, began to take on a life of its own.

Robert, were going to be using wood for all the flooring here, so bring it in!

Were going to put up a wall from the pillar over there to here!

Are you sure youve carved all the tassels on that side? Test it again!

Put an interceptor on that wall and an antibacterial on this one!

The room, which was just a warehouse, was transformed into a fortress.

As I watched with satisfaction, Young-jae, who had been watching silently until now, pointed to the empty space.

President, it looks empty over there, is there anything else coming in?

You know what? The luggage in there is about to come in too.

The elevator screeched to a halt, even heavier than usual, before I could finish my sentence.

The heavy iron doors slowly opened, revealing Haru holding a file folder in her hand.

The president of the International Trade Club?

Young-jae, confused by Harus sudden appearance, pushes past her and approaches the elevator.

Youre here sooner than I thought.

Master I was able to get here quickly because of the support of the people sent by the head of the family.

The elevator is filled with exercise equipment, and this time, Se-ah jaw drops.

These are supposed to be legendary machines that only S-class guilds use, and even then, theyre worth tens of millions of credits per machine!

Its for me and the other members of the club so I thought Id buy the best.

As an exercise machine for the Awakened, whose physical abilities are completely different from the average person, the price was unimaginable, as Se-ah said.

Even if they had the money, they wouldnt sell it to just anyone, but this time, with Harus help, it was easier than I thought.

Even in the game, its something you can only buy if youre really flush with money, but when I asked my dad to buy me some exercise equipment for the Academy, he graciously handed me a card and I was able to buy it all, part by part.

Money is the best.

There are some things upstairs that you havent moved yet, right?

Yeah, about seven machines are still sitting in front of the incinerator.


Se-ah, who had overheard our conversation, dropped to her knees and started laughing like shed lost her mind.

Haha, ha! Wouldnt a facility like this be on par with an S-class guild? I feel like weve come too far to call it a club.

We havent finished the sleeping quarters, shower room, and recovery room yet, you shouldnt be feeling weak already.

Oh my godI could die, ah.

I take a long look around the dormitory, leaving Se-ah, who cant hide her excitement behind.

Thanks to [Move Family], who helped us move our belongings, most of our luggage is in the club room.

The only thing left to do is to organize the location of the items that didnt arrive, build a false wall, and add more showers and other amenities.

Theres nothing more to do.

Unless there was a request, the only thing we had done yet was to post a short promotional article on the Academys bulletin board and delete it, so it would be unreasonable to expect a request

Shi, excuse me. I came here after seeing the community postis this the Familia Club?

The moment I thought so, a woman walked into the empty space that had been casually torn apart in the process of moving various luggage and construction materials.

Judging by the yellow color of her name tag on her chest patch, she was a senior, a year above us.

She hadnt expected it to be so crowded inside, and she looked confused as she watched the workers and materials being moved around.

As I tried to grab her before she could escape, someone else was quicker than me.

Yes, yes, thats right, what can I do for you, and if youre here from theboard, I was wondering if you wanted my number too!

Thinking it was her from the post, Jin-woo suddenly turned around and approached the woman.

The woman flinches at his strange appearance and takes a shaky step back.

What, what the hell are you talking about.?

Hey, ignore this weirdo, hahaha! Its a lot of mess, isnt it? Theres some internal construction starting today, this is the Familia Club, come inside!

Luckily, Se-ah save seems to have protected the client.

I breathed a sigh of relief and headed to the president office of the Familia Club, which was actually a room, prepared to receive guests.

At first, it was simply an empty study with a table and chairs, but I was glad I had set it up in advance, just in case.

The members of the club sat on either side of me, and across from me sat the girl who would be our first client.

Oh, hello, Im Isheri, a second-year student.

Yes. Im Eugene Han, the president of the first-year Familia club.

I greeted her with a gentle bow, and she accepted my greeting with an even deeper bow.

Sorry, sir. Were still under construction and dont have any refreshments.

Oh, thats okay, I just realized that today is your first day, so I brought you some snacks and tea in my humble capacity.

Waving a hand at Kim Se-ah, who scratched her head in embarrassment, Isheri opened the bag she was wearing and pulled out a packet full of cookies and a thermos.

Uhhh.First of all, congratulations on your new club, I kind of hastily made these as a gift.Would you like to try some?

Isheri asks cautiously, sneaking a glance at me.

I nodded, noticing that the others eyes were already fixed on the cookies and the thermos.

Thanks. If it werent for the shoddy remodeling, wed owe you a treat.

Oh, no, Im the one whos in a hurry!

Shaking her head, she meekly pours the tea into the paper cups she brought and places one in front of each of us.

She looks embarrassed, but sneaks a glance at us.

This is .

Familiar flavors and aromas.

This tea tasted so much like the tea Parnello used to make for me at home.

Hehe. Its a fairy flower that only comes from the Fairy Garden. I dont know if youll like it, but I recommend dipping a cookie in the tea before eating it.

Was the tea Parnello was referring to fairy flower tea.?

I thought it was just a black tea from some fancy brand, but apparently it was brewed with petals from the dungeon.

Hehe. Im so happy that you enjoyed it.

Thats because your cooking skills are excellent.

And the three of them nodded at the same time as if they agreed with me. In response, Isheri hangs her head low as if shes embarrassed.

By the way, whats strange about this roomis that its so noisy outside, but its so quiet inside?

Ah, yes. Well, its a place where clients come, so I made sure to soundproof it.

In fact, the wall materials surrounding the room were all made of materials that blocked eavesdropping as well as outside magic.

Id even had a sigil carved into it with the help of the Move Family, so unless an archmage came to visit, they would never be able to overhear what was going on inside.

If youre worried about what you say leaking out, you dont have to worry.

From the look of it, she was about to say something that shouldnt be said outside.

After reassuring her, I look at her with calm eyes.

If youre here because of the forum post, I assume youre here to make a request. May I ask what kind of request youre here to make, senior?

I ask in as casual a voice as I can muster to put her at ease, then she nods and begins to open her mouth cautiously.

Ah, yes. First of all, let me formally introduce myself. Im Isheri, the head of the Recipe Development Club, and Im here to request a favor from the Familia Club.

Wait, Recipe Development Club?

The Recipe Development Club is one of the clubs that can be unlocked by completing club-related quests.

She appeared in the game as the head of the club for the content of creating your own dishes with various ingredients, and she was memorable because she was a female NPC who appeared later in the game and had her own fan base in the community.

She had long, curly silver hair, big eyes, and a top that was bigger than her size.

In person, I could see why the community loved her so much, calling her Bunny.

But then

Wed like to askto kick the crap out of that Ranger Club thats been bullying us!


Now, what was she talking about?

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