I Became the Dark Knight in the Game

Chapter 12: Drunken Mule (1)

Chapter 12: Drunken Mule (1)

Dale headed to the temple of night. The scenery of the temple was exactly the same as before.

The pitch-dark darkness. The skeleton swinging a sword in a corner.

And the High Priestess Erielle.

Erielle whipped her head around when Dale arrived at the temple. Though her eyes were covered with a blindfold, it seemed her other senses were sharpened.

Welcome, brother in faith!

For some reason, she exclaimed in an unusually elated voice.

Clapping her hands, she continued.

Ive heard the rumors that youve turned the church into a shambles. As expected of you; as a follower of the Goddess of Night, I am deeply impressed.


What shambles?

Dale immediately denied it.

I dont know how these rumors started, but I just went into the church for some work and left, thats all.

Erielle smiled and nodded her head.

Haha, you are humble indeed. Everyone in the city knows that the followers of the Light trembled and wet themselves at the sight of your valiant figure, Sir Dale. This will surely elevate the goddesss dignity. The other brothers and sisters in faith are very uplifted too.

Dale wanted to deny it again but decided not to. It didnt seem like she would listen to his words.

It looks like the rumors have spread everywhere.

As usual, rumors tend to get distorted, and people believe what they want to believe.

Some would consider Dales actions to be of great religious significance.

Whether for better or worse.

In reality, it was just the delivery of a corpse.

Shaking off these thoughts, Dale asked.

I would like to use the prayer room.

Use the room on the left at the end.


Dale walked to the end of the corridor and opened a door.



A witch was praying in the prayer room, and she froze when she saw Dale suddenly burst in.

Dale awkwardly scratched his helmet.

Ah, I opened the wrong door.

He quickly closed the door of the prayer room. Angry high pitched screams erupted from inside the room, but he ignored them and moved on.

Dale entered an empty prayer room. He took off his helmet and placed it on the floor. Kneeling on one knee, he clasped his hands together and began to pray.

I have arrived.

Then there came the response.

Smoke rose from the candles on the silver candlestick before forming a shape.

Dales head lowered of its own accord.

He saw beautiful white feet and long black hair flowing down to the floor.

[You reek of an unpleasant scent.]

The Night Goddess spoke in a cold tone.

[The scent of light. Dale, my son, why do I smell that wretched scent on you?]

The scent of light?

A thought crossed Dales mind.

Thats right, back at the church

He explained to her what had happened at the church.

About transporting Marias corpse and the voice he had heard in the main hall.

The Goddess of Night seemed to understand.

[I see. Light, that woman, trying to smear her influence on my son I trust you, my son. You would not betray your Goddess. Right?]

Of course.

Dale quickly agreed, feeling like things might go awry if he failed to nod his head.

Only then did the goddess appear satisfied.

Dale quickly changed the subject.

I wish to offer a sacrifice.

He extended his right hand forward. A hand that was both soft and cold grasped Dales.

The souls Dale had collected so far surged out like a receding tide.

The goddess expressed her admiration.

[You have gathered quite a lot in such a short time. However, it is still insufficient to raise your grade.]

I will strive to do more.

[Its good to see you working hard, but dont overdo it.]

The goddess spoke gently.

[In exchange for your offering, I will bestow a blessing upon you.]

Choices appeared before Dales eyes.

Increase Strength

Enhance Armor

Strengthen Soul

It was always a time for contemplation. Dale fell into deep thought.

The sensible choice would be to increase my strength

Enhancing ones strength is always a sound decision.

Yet he had to consider the matter of balance as well.

My body does feel a bit weak.

Dale often took the lead in battle, charging forward to engage the enemy.

In doing so, he naturally became the focus of enemy attacks at times.

What if the enemies used holy water like the last time? Or if there was a skilled priest who could cast holy magic?

It would be dangerous.

No matter how strong he was, if his body wasnt strong, hed have no choice but to fight cautiously.

Being cautious meant he couldnt fully use his abilities.

Dale had no intention of becoming a glass cannon character.

He made his decision.

I will enhance my armor further.

[Are you certain?]


Immediately, a transformation occurred.

Darkness gathered on Dales pitch-black armor, deepening its color.

Dale quickly checked his status.


Grade: 2

Class: Dark Knight

Strength: 40

Defense: 25

Magical Power: 10


Spiritual Power: 10

[List of Skills]

Life Force Absorption


Half-Human, Half-Undead

Unholy Senses

Blessing of the Goddess of Night


The First Dark Knight to Set Foot in the Cathedral of the Church.

His defense value increased. This meant that Dale had become more robust.

Moreover, his growth wasnt limited to just that.

The Goddess spoke.

[With the offering youve made this time, the effect of Life Force Absorption has also become stronger.]

Stronger, you say?

[Youll be able to collect soul force and life force more effectively now.]

Dale used Life Force Absorption to gather the residual soul and vitality from corpses.

However, as his level as a dark knight was still low, he could only harvest a fraction of them.

To draw an analogy, it was like eating meat but leaving bits clinging to the bone.

But now, the Life Force Absorption skill has been enhanced. Dale could now obtain more life force and soul force.

In game terms, it meant an increase in the amount of experience gained.

Not bad at all.

The goddess gave further explanation to Dale, who seemed pleased with this.

[With the increase in the souls you absorb, the memories of those you encounter will become clearer to you. Now, if you concentrate, you can read memories as much as you want. But remember, this is not always a good thing. Use your power carefully.]

Ill bear that in mind.

Dale engraved the Goddesss advice in his heart.

The satisfied Goddess gently stroked Dales head.

Dale bowed respectfully and then stood up, putting his helmet back on.

He walked out of the prayer room. The Goddesss figure was nowhere to be seen.

As Dale emerged, High Priestess Erielle greeted him warmly.

Have you finished your prayers?


Then, Sir Dale, do you have some time now? It would be wonderful to have a deep conversation with you about the beauty of the Goddess of Night.

A smile played on Erielles lips. It was a smile filled with anticipation.

She took a step towards Dale, who instinctively stepped back.

First rule: Always be wary of the elves.

This is the first lesson Dale learned after falling into this world.

He truly believed that this lesson had allowed him to survive until now.

For reference, the second rule was Do not break the first rule.

Dale shook his head firmly.

No. I dont have the time.

Oh. Then when would be a good time for you? Ill make sure to adjust my schedule.

Im always busy.


After uttering these words, Dale left the temple without looking back. He had little desire to engage in lengthy conversations with the fanatical elf.

Erielle watched his departing figure in a daze.


The mercenary guild swiftly disposed of the belongings of the fallen mercenaries and distributed the money to their families.

And one-tenth of that money went to Dale.

Such was the rule of the mercenary guild.

Leon, who had taken on the task of disposing of the stolen goods, also completed his job.

I got a good price for them!

Did you finish everything already?

Yes! Theres a high demand for equipment these days. Many in the slums aspire to become mercenaries and improve their social status.

Leon extended a purse full of money to Dale, who accepted it.

Its quite heavy.

Upon opening it, he found that it contained several gold coins as well.

It was more money than he had expected.

Dale picked a few silver coins from the purse and handed them to Leon.

Leon was taken aback and frantically waved his hands.

No, no! Its okay! Ive already taken my commission.

Thats not for the commission. Remember you agreed to teach me how to read and write?

Oh! But this is too much

If thats the case

But I cant just ignore the kindness of Sir Dale!

As Dale began to retract his hand, Leon quickly grabbed the silver coins.

He was quick and swift just as youd expect from a gnome.

When Dale stared intently, Leon smiled shyly and said.

Then, Sir Dale, I will visit you whenever you have time.

Im always free. Because time is what I have.

Is that so? Then lets start tomorrow. Where are you staying now, Sir Dale?

Dale thought for a moment and answered.

In a stable.

. huh?

I slept in a stable near the city gate last night.

Innkeepers would plead with Dale whenever he showed up.

They would beg him to leave and beseech him to try another inn.

They also promised to let him stay in the stable for a night, pleading with him not to harm them.

After hearing the explanation of the situation, Leon had a perplexed expression on his face.

Uh, well, I understand, but that seems excessive. Are you okay with that, Sir Dale?

It doesnt bother me much.

Comfort was not a significant concern for Dale at the moment.

As long as there was a roof and he could avoid the rain, it was fine.

Although it was not entirely pleasant when some drunken customers would stumble through the stable and scream in surprise.

Um, still, we need a proper place for studying. You also need somewhere to keep your belongings. Shall I recommend you an inn?

Do you know of one?

Ive heard theres a place that accepts anyone as long as they pay. Its frequented by rough types, but I think youll be fine, Sir Dale.

Is there such a place in the city?

Dale asked Leon to draw him a map.

Just in case, so that he can avoid getting lost.

Draw it as detailed as possible.

Of course! Ill make it so clear that even a five-year-old wouldnt get lost. Leave it to me!


Leon diligently scribbled with his feather pen.

Dale looked on at Leon as he did so with trust.


Decades ago,

A sudden invasion of demons caused the empires capital to collapse.

The emperor was looking for a city to replace the capital and decided to build a new one altogether.

That city was Irene.

It was surrounded by three layers of walls.

The inner wall, the middle wall, and the outer wall.

Enclosed by the inner wall was the imperial palace, also known as the First District.

The emperor and his close aides seldom left this First District.

The second wall encompassed the Second and Third Districts. The Second District was home to the nobles, while the Third District housed the Mage Tower and other facilities.

Finally, the areas encircled by the outer wall were known as the outskirts, divided into the Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, and Seventh Districts, corresponding to the north, south, east, and west respectively.

The inn Leon mentioned was located in a remote area of District 5.

Dale held the map and looked blankly at the sky where the moon was already high. The sun had not yet set when he set off.

Its a bit late.

Dale took a wrong turn and ended up slightly, just slightly, lost.

He examined the sign of the inn, which featured a drawing of a donkey with its face buried in a beer mug.

Was it called the Drunken Mule?

He wasnt surprised by the shabbiness of the building itself.

However, the inn was unusually noisy.

Sounds of things breaking, smashing, and men shouting could be heard even from outside.

After a moment of hesitation, Dale pushed open the door of the inn.

Inside, chaos reigned.

More booze! Bring more booze!

Ah! That bastard hit me!

Whahaha! Smash it!

People were breaking bottles as a matter of course, throwing tables and dishes around, and some were even engaged in fistfights.

The atmosphere was so tumultuous that the drunkards didnt even notice Dales entrance.

Dale stepped further inside.

His eyes fell upon a woman crouched near the door.

The woman who appeared to be a waitress had her head buried in her knees.

Aaah, I cant take it anymore. I might as well just die.

Dale looked down at the woman. When she sensed the cold aura typical of a dark knight, she raised her head to look at Dale.

And she showed no hint of surprise upon seeing him. She just muttered with a resigned look.

Why the fu*k is my life like this?

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