I Became The Academy’s Narrow-Eyes

Chapter 86: Calm Yourself, Miss Phibian

Chapter 86: Calm Yourself, Miss Phibian

What exactly is the ability of this necklace? And what is the method to unlock the power of this necklace?

Phibian, filled with worry, inquired in a manner that demanded some interpretation.

With a slight smile, Ceylon replied, Are you looking forward to it?

Phibian retorted with surprise and irritation at Ceylon, Ive never looked forward to it! Could you please not say such disgusting things?!

It wasnt anticipation but worry.

Phibian protested with vehement indignation.

Disgusting things?

Ceylon cocked his head in wonder for a moment, then raised his hands and leaned back.

Ahaha, is that so? It seems I have misunderstood. I apologize. But to say its disgusting thats rather sudden.

Sudden? This is even more sudden to me! Really. To expect such things. How dare you. Do you think everyones like you!




With a face burning from anger, Phibian used her hand as a fan to cool herself down while muttering under her breath.

So, about the ability of that necklace-

Ceylon began again, with a tone trying to placate Phibian.

Keep quiet! Shut up! Im not curious at all!

Phibian asserted her indifference and her purity with her response.


Despite feeling constantly provoked, Phibian urgently changed the topic.

She lifted the necklace she wore around her neck as if presenting it in the palm of her hand.


A very dark green.

An emerald necklace that captured the dense greenery of the forest on a deep night, simultaneously multifaceted and dark.

The jewelry was handed down to Phibian by her mother, the current head of the Leolalian family.

As a little girl, Phibian thought the necklace looked so beautiful on her mother.

The daughter gazing with admiration at the necklace her mother wore.

Upon noticing her daughters gaze, the kind mother gently smiled and took the necklace from her neck to place it around her daughters.

Ever since, that necklace became Phibians most treasured possession.

The definitive reason she came to favor the color green was also because of this necklace.

And yet, neither she nor her mother.

Knew of the necklaces hidden potential.

Instead, they both thought of it as a simple piece of jewelry.

But now-

A hidden ability, you say?

An ability concealed within an object.

This meant it was an artifact.

Phibians head tilted in bafflement.

If it were an artifact, how could she not have noticed until now?


It was possible she could not have known.

The mana contained within an artifact is meticulously concealed.

Unless one is an appraiser with extensive knowledge in that field, sensing mana from an object and realizing its artifact status is nearly impossible.

But what about her own mothers situation?

She was one of the most powerful mages on the continent.

Even the most well-crafted artifact couldnt escape the senses of such a powerful mage.

Still, her mother considered this necklace simply as decorative.

Was she deliberately hiding the fact that it was an artifact?

There was no reason to do so.

It made more sense to think that her mother was also unaware of the necklace being an artifact.

Are you sure about what you know concerning this necklace?

One of Phibians eyebrows arched.

Could you have gotten it wrong?

Her expression was one of scornful amusement.

Ceylon simply kept his easygoing smile.

Phibian watched Ceylon smile absentmindedly.

Wouldnt Ron, the male protagonist in the novel, wear just such a smile?

The thought robbed her of her senses momentarily.

Its annoying.

Hence, Phibian felt displeased.



She felt anger once more at the thought of being involved with such a man.

And worry.

She cautiously began to speak.

However, how exactly do you know about this necklace?

This was Phibians most puzzling point.

Even she and her mother, who had possessed the necklace for generations, knew nothing about it.

How then, could this man understand?

Hm, that would be-

Upon being questioned about the source of his information, the man pretended to be troubled, bringing his forefinger to his lips and sinking into thought.

Shall we just keep it a secret?

Then, with a casual smile, he evaded the answer.

At that gesture, Phibian thought:

This man.

Perhaps the necklace was just a pretext, and he was hiding other ulterior motives.

A decoy objective used to distract the female protagonist and lure her into a trap.

This was a tactic frequently employed by Ron on the female protagonist, Pien.

So, what am I supposed to do?

What was he planning to have her do for the sake of unlocking the hidden ability of this necklace?

It must be related to why youve summoned me at this late hour.

Phibian said, feeling a mix of tension and anxiety.

Of course. Otherwise, I would not have dared to be so rude as to summon Miss Phibian at such a late and ambitious hour.

If you know its rude, you certainly have some nerve to call me out.

Ha ha, I beseech your indulgence. I will make sure not to disappoint.

Not disappoint me, what in the world-

Turning his back to Phibian, Ceylon took a few steps away.

Then turned around and extended his hand toward her.

Mockingly, from a distance too far to reach.

I hope you had a good rest after the representative battle. Please take care. Its going to be a long night.

His gesture, almost smug with a signature smile, felt excessively contrived, like an actor in the middle of a theatrical performance on stage.

Yet he assimilated that affected air as naturally as if it was part of who he was.

The moonlight softly illuminated his figure.

Like the main character of a play bathed in the spotlight on stage, he seemed to dominate the open space.

Phibian saw various personas in Ceylon.

The main actor owning his place on stage.

A gentleman formally inviting a lady to dance.

A sly man trying to entrap an innocent girl.

Inadvertently, Phibian once again found herself obliviously watching him.

At first, she thought he was a mindless man.

But knowing now that she couldnt fathom his true nature, she found his appearance rather enigmatic.


Talking nonsense about being mysterious.


She felt he was being underhanded.


Phibian slapped her cheeks with both hands.

Get a hold of yourself.

Then he spoke again.

Oh. If it displeases you to accompany me on this ambitious night, I would be content with just borrowing that necklace for a moment.


What now?

Wasnt the necklace just an excuse?

If his words were true, simply lending the necklace would suffice to escape the situation without incident.

This was the outcome Phibian desperately hoped for.

After all.

Phibian felt both anxious and dissatisfied at the perilous situation of being alone with this man at a late hour in a secluded place.

Dont say things you dont mean.

But Phibian, with a reproachful tone, rejected his offer.

On what basis should she hand over this necklace?

Above all else.

If the necklace was truly the goal, why did he insist on meeting in this particularly secluded clearing within the grounds of the Academy?

Especially at such a late, ambitious hour!

She wasnt fooled.

This mans objective was definitely not her necklace.

Oh dear, have my feelings not reached you? I was being sincere.


For those multiple reasons.

She had no choice but to follow this man.

It truly could not have been a more vexing affair.


Ain Academy boasted a land so vast within the city of Arienne that one might question if it was indeed part of the city.

Within this expansive territory, there was an array of facilities for education, research, and convenience, and beyond that, all manner of things.

The place I now wander through with Miss Phibian is a prime example of this variety.

The scent of grass filled the air.

The cries of insects and birds that only started their activities in the dead of night.


At this moment, I am taking a walk through the forest in the dead of night with Miss Phibian.

My reason for designating this secluded clearing as our meeting place?

Because this clearing was near a forest located within the Academy grounds.

Why did I specifically set the time of our appointment at midnight a daring hour?

Because there was something I needed to do in the forest at that forbidding time.

All of these things.

They were for the sake of activating Miss Phibians inactive artifact.

[Artifact: Emerald Necklace with the Dark Enigma]

[Grade: Inactive]

Description: An emerald necklace that seems to embrace the night forest, carrying a dark green light within it.

Inactive Artifact.

This artifact, unlike typical ones, had a unique structure where certain conditions must be satisfied for the power within to be activated and for it to transform from an ordinary item into an artifact.

Why such a special construction?

It has a different use.

While ordinary artifacts are objects designed to store power,

This inactive artifact was intended to conceal power.

Perhaps its like the difference between a bag and a safe.


What exactly is contained within Miss Phibians safe?

The key.

[The Key to the Dark Forest]

[Grade: Heroic]

Description: It will guide you to the Dark Forest.

A key to enter the hidden dungeon known as the Dark Forest.

There was something I wanted within that hidden dungeon, the Dark Forest.

[Main Quest: Twigs of a Promising Hero]

-Achieve a 3-star realm within one week.

>Swords Department: Swordsmanship level 20

>Magic Department: Magic level 20

It was a means that could make me reach level 20 within a week.

So then.

How to activate this inactive artifact and use it as a key?

Luckily, the method wasnt too difficult.

The more complicated the conditions for activating an artifact, the more challenging it is to create an inactive artifact.

[Activating Phibians necklace is simple.]

[You just need to use a 3-star magic spell while receiving moonlight in a place surrounded by trees.]

After roaming the forest for a while, I finally found a place that met those conditions.

A clearing surrounded by trees.

The surrounding trees were neither tall nor thickly grown, leaving the sky above clear and open.

The unobstructed moonlight shone down directly on Phibian and me.

This looks like a good spot.

I stop walking and turn my back.

Facing Miss Phibian, who has been following me.


Then Miss Phibian shuddered sharply.

Do, do it here!?

Yes, we are going to proceed here.


Wait a second.

I was about to start the artifact activation ritual, so I reflexively replied were doing it here, but

What is Miss Phibian actually asking about?

At that moment


Perhaps its from walking too long, but Miss Phibians lips were dry as she swallowed.

Ah, I see.

I should have brought some water if I knew this was going to happen.

I have to finish quickly and take her back.

Miss Phibian, may I ask you just one favor?

Miss Phibian crossed her arms, holding her left arm with her right, hugging herself.

Then she speaks cautiously.

What if I say no, what then?


Somethings been off about Miss Phibian since earlier.

It seems impossible at this point to suddenly ask her, Could you kindly unleash a 3-star magic spell?

In the end, I turned my back on Miss Phibian.

With my eyes slightly open, I subtly utilized a 3-star dark magic spell without her noticing.

[Profane Flames]


A single leaf caught on a tree vanished without a trace.


All conditions had been met.

Now, the only thing left was for Miss Phibians necklace to shine brilliantly as the power within it became activated.


But no matter how long we waited, there was no response.

Whats going on?


[Oh, and theres one more thing regarding the conditions]

[It wont work if theres someone with an abnormal status condition nearby]

[I tried everything, but it wouldnt work and I was wondering why]

[Turns out, I had Excitement of Battle status from just finishing a fight, and thats why it wasnt working]


Even as we waited and waited, the artifact hanging around Miss Phibians neck did not activate.

Could it be that its not working because its dark magic, not just a regular spell?

That was the only reason that came to mind immediately.


At that moment, Miss Phibian murmured something.


Tell me! What is the favor you want?

She seemed perhaps embarrassed to comply with my request, feigning anger.

What is this, her acting like a tsundere or something?

Regardless, her prodding made it easier for me to explain.

Understood. In that case- Miss Phibian?


Are you thirsty?

Oh, just get on with it!

Ah, yes, my apologies. Miss Phibian, this may be sudden, but would you be able to perform a 3-star magic spell just once for me?


Miss Phibians expression wrinkled.

A 3-star magic spell?



Yes, it is rather sudden.


As I have mentioned previously, it is to unleash the power contained within your necklace.

Was that actually true?


Why did we have to go so deep into the forest?

Uh that also was to unlock the power in the necklace, but-

Despite appearing somewhat anxious when I began talking, Miss Phibian now wore a confounded expression.

Then, with a lack of vigor as if shooing away a fly, Miss Phibian casually swiped her arm.


With that, a gust swirled through the area, starting to shake the nearby leaves-

Was it because of the dark magic that the required condition hadnt been met?


Miss Phibians necklace, resting on her neck, began to glow with radiant light.


With that, I let out an exclamation.


For reasons unknown, Miss Phibian uttered a brief sigh.

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