I Became An Academy Spearman

Chapter 57: Cadet Han Seong. Excuse me for a moment… (1)

Chapter 57: Cadet Han Seong. Excuse me for a moment… (1)


Han Seong was now walking with Carly. The atmosphere between the two had changed drastically compared to when they entered the instructors lunch room.

Neither of them had opened their mouths yet. He glanced sideways at Carly. He was confused because she was still walking calmly, despite the emotions he had seen her combat silently before.

She had suddenly stopped him, right before he had left the lunch room. And she made a request, even though she looked quite embarrassed to him.

Han Seong. I want you to accompany me to a place for a while.

But she didnt even tell him where it was not even now. Han didnt even know where they were walking to. He didnt know what to do in this situation.

I guess she liked my words? The words of hurt he had said. Although he had made his follow up statement about her impact on him to cover up the mistake he had made, there was a bit of sincerity in his words. Of course, he didnt think he would ever get the chance to say it again.

The important thing was that he knew his words had influenced her.

As he thought about it, his eyes met Carlys staring back towards him as they continued walking.

She soon smiled awkwardly.

First, I would like to apologize. I hope I didnt make you uncomfortable by having you follow me.

He immediately responded with a smile.

Im the one who should apologize. Because I was going to leave without hearing your answer He had got up from his seat because he thought she would be better off alone, but now that he thought about it logically, it might seem disrespectful.

You dont have to worry about that. Im not a fussy woman. Besides, I dont think Cadet Han Seong was inconsiderate.

Im glad you think so.

He was relieved.

Carly didnt seem displeased, although she was more discreet than before.

However, he couldnt help but feel sorry.

I liked the Carly who spoke without hesitation. He had felt a bit of a crush when she treated him with closeness, when she spoke to him sympathetically.

However, that seemed to have disappeared. Carlys charm was in her spontaneity, but he could clearly tell that she now wanted to keep her distance from him.

On the other hand, Cadet Han Seong will like where we are going.


Yes. Its a place every cadet at the Academy would like to have. After yesterdays fight and our conversation, I want to do something for you. Actually, Im giving you preferential treatment. But discrimination is normal at the Academy, so its okay. Carly said in a soft voice, eyes darting back out across the grounds.

But the more Han listened, the more questions came to his mind. It was obvious that she thought highly of him. Posted only on NovelUtopia

But where the hell are we going? He couldnt guess anymore.

She should simply tell him where they were going, but Carly didnt want to. Her eyes were full of expectation, as if she expected him to be surprised.

All right, he said, surrendering. Ill find out when I get there. It certainly had to be a worthwhile place.

Yes. You can look forward to it. Now she smiled at him naturally, and he could freely smile back.

As I expected. he thought, his cheeks flushing slightly. Pretty girls looked even prettier when they smiled.


Carly led him through different secret spaces that normally only instructors could enter. It took almost 20 minutes for them from the time they exited the lunch room to their destination here, as she opened the door for him to enter.

Han felt such a great shock that he couldnt describe in words when he contemplated the place. This place is He could not believe it. He stood with his mouth open for a moment.

The space was a blue training camp. There were various items that glowed mysteriously, but pulsated with power. Ironically, even though it was the first time he had seen those items, he knew more or less what they were intended for.

Well he had to know now. Why here?

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