I Became A Third-Rate Villain In The Hero Academy

Chapter 110: Wild (1)


As soon as I touched the orb, I felt very tired quickly.

It was like using Overload for more than a minute.

But I couldn't let go yet.

I squinted at the round orb, keeping my hand on it for another 10 seconds.

Slowly, the orb that came out of the box started to change and take form.

Just like in the original game, there weren’t any dazzling effects.

I looked at what was forming on the floor.

It was small.

About a foot?

It's not a big animal, so it can stay inside. At least that's good.

I saw short, fluffy white fur.

Hmm······ A cat?

I couldn't see its face yet.

Thinking this, I watched the shape change.

Then, I saw the Divine Beast's face.

A tiny face.

Shiny black nose.

Big, round black eyes.

Small, pointy ears.

"······A puppy?"

I looked at the Divine Beast in its full form.

Yes, it was a puppy.

The Divine Beast was a small white puppy with sleepy eyes and a tiny pink tongue sticking out.

Given the trait [Twisted Noble's Dignity], I thought it'd be a proud cat.

This was surprising.

People say it takes the form of an animal that 'kind of looks like its owner', but a puppy?

Does Theo act like a puppy sometimes?

Of course, since he's just a basic villain who leaves early, I wouldn't know about his past.

Anyway, I'm glad it's not a big animal like a wolf or tiger.

I looked at the small, white creature without much emotion.

The little creature, looking very curious, turned its head around, looking around and sniffing.

-Pew, pew, pewww.

It sounded like a baby dolphin, like most baby puppies.

It looked like a tiny ball of cotton.

Before I realized, I was smiling, bending down and reaching out to the Divine Beast.


The puppy, looking at my hand which was almost as big as itself, let out a cute sound. It then started licking my hand.

It warmed my heart.

Since arriving in this world, this was the first time I truly felt comforted.

As I was enjoying the puppy licking and playfully biting my hand, a system prompt appeared before me.

[Please name your Divine Beast.]

[Once named, it cannot be changed.]

'Hmm, a name······.'

I quickly racked my brain.

A name.

A good name for this tiny cute creature.

The soul of an artist, that has slumbered within since making a clay house in elementary school art class, stirred.

I thought harder than I ever had before.

I needed to give this small, white, adorable creature the perfect name.

After much consideration, I settled on one.

"Little Fist."

I was proud of my choice.

It felt like my inner artist had truly awakened.

Little Fist, how fitting a name is that?

I grinned widely and gently stroked the creature.

By its looks, it could have been named Happy or Beep, or even the typical name of the manager of a local salon might work*.

But giving it such a name would be a crime against my artistic spirit.

-Pew, pew, pewww!

Perhaps Little Fist liked its name, as it chirped in a playful tone and nibbled on my pants.

It sure loves to nibble.

I heard young puppies have a habit of chewing on things, must be that.

"Who’s a good boy, who’s a good boy~"

I cuddled Little Fist and rocked him gently.

Holding him, I felt pure joy.

For a moment, all my troubles faded away.

Is this how it feels to become a father?

I realized that even I, of all people, had a paternal instinct, as I locked eyes with Little Fist.

— Kiiing!

As our eyes met, Little Fist's sleepy eyes widened in surprise.

"Oh my, you're so smart. Recognizing your dad already. I wonder who you got your intelligence from?"

As I reached out to pet him,


He bit my finger.

It didn’t hurt, of course. Little Fist hadn’t grown its teeth yet.

Even as a divine beast, he acted just like a regular puppy.

"If you keep biting, your dad's going to go 'ouch', okay?"

-Pew, pew, pewww!

Little Fist continued to chirp in my arms.

I guess being sealed in a box for so long must be disorienting.

With that thought, I set Little Fist down.

He scampered all over, making pew noises.

He looked like a tiny white furball zooming around.

Watching him, I momentarily forgot about getting cleaned up...

─Woof, woof-woof!

Suddenly, Little Fist started barking into thin air.

I had a good guess as to why.

'He's probably seeing spirits.'

I can't see spirits at all; it's just an assumption.

But that's probably it.

Siena must have sent another spirit to stalk me.

But now with Little Fist here, that wouldn't be a problem.

Nice try, Siena!

"Good job."

I gave Little Fist's head a gentle rub.

The feel of his soft fur was calming.


I was in a good mood.

I should clean up quickly and then sleep with Little Fist by my side.

Having the Divine Beast close helped with stamina recovery.

Plus, Little Fist was just too charming.

I could see why people loved having pets.

As I played with Little Fist, who continued to playfully bite me...

Knock, knock.

Someone was at the door.

"Who's there?"

─It’s Amy, young master.

"Come on in."


─Yes, young master.


Amy opened the door and stepped in.

"I'm sorry for coming so late, young master. I've just gotten here... Oh?"

Amy's eyes grew large as she looked at me.

Or rather, at Little Fist.

"Is that a puppy, young master?"

"Yes. I got him because I was feeling a bit lonely."

"You get like that too, young master?"

"What do you mean?"

"Oh, nothing. Please ignore that... Oh?"

Amy looked even more surprised.

Little Fist had quickly moved towards Amy and jumped into her embrace.


Amy's lips formed a tiny smile.

She seemed at a loss, looking at the little, white creature in her arms.


She held him carefully, gingerly, as if he might break or get dirty.

"He's so adorable... What's his name?"

"Little Fist."

"Little Fist..."

Amy began to pet Little Fist, smiling all the while.

Little Fist seemed to like Amy's touch, making cute sounds and settling comfortably in her arms.

I watched the two, feeling content.

There's something about seeing a girl with a puppy.

'But why isn't Little Fist trying to bite Amy?'

The thought suddenly crossed my mind.

It always tried to nip at me when I got close.

"Young master? He... seems to have fallen asleep."

Sometime during their interaction, Little Fist had snuggled against Amy's chest, looking completely at peace.

He even let out a contented sigh.


That damn puppy.

In a large house where the main members of 'Turning White' resided,

Within its many rooms was a spacious office, lavishly decorated.

However, a chilling atmosphere hung heavy in the room.

This was due to the sharply-featured man sitting in a grand chair, his chin resting in contemplation.

He broke the silence.

"You mentioned we're still getting updates from Melon at the academy?"

"Yes, yes, Honorable Maitri sir! These are the reports Melon has sent, compiled together!”

The nervous attendant presented the papers to Maitri and respectfully lowered his head.


One of the leading figures in 'Turning White'.

A powerful individual entrusted by the supreme leader of the group, full authority regarding all operations at Elinia Academy.

"I see."

Maitri closely examined the documents given by the attendant.


Tossing the papers onto the desk, Maitri continued.

"Something doesn't add up."

“Is, is that so? Your intuition is never wrong, Honorable Maitri, sir!"


Pushing aside his subordinate's nervous chatter, Maitri lost himself in thought for a moment.

"Oh, isn't the academy's mid-term exam next week?"

"Yes, yes, it is! Then there's the academy festival the following week!"

“Right, I’ve decided.”

"W-What have you decided, if I may...?”

The attendant didn't get to finish.

With a venomous smile, Maitri declared,

"I'll see for myself. I can't let 'that person' down. I'll visit during the exams. Make the preparations."

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Haha I kinda wished it was something random like a frog. Also baby dolphins make a lot of sounds so I guessed a pew pew sound?

The title is taken from the song of the same name by 9Muses.

*Happy and Beep are apparently pretty common pet names. Similar to calling your pet Spot or fluffy in NA?

5/5 Enjoy the chappy!

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