I Became A Third-Rate Villain In The Hero Academy

Chapter 109: Do My Best (4)

"How did you clear it? Please tell us. We barely found the entrance yesterday. I promise I'll repay the favor!"

"We got caught in some debuff magic and barely escaped. Please, Theo! Let us know what's next. Anything at all would be great!"

"The rise of the lowest-ranked student! Theo! Nice!"

Students all around me were either seeking information, expressing envy, or gazing at me with admiration.

...It was suffocating.

They even know that we cleared it.


While I was off searching for the hidden piece, Travis and Monica must have spread the news.

As proof, the two looked at me with pride, like parents watching their child who just won first place in a spelling bee contest.

'Well, this will be good for my reputation.'

Of course, I won't be telling them anything.

Keeping my composure under the students' gaze, my attention shifted to Andrew, who was equally surrounded.

"Andrew, did you really incinerate hundreds of small zombies? Wow, no one in the first year could do that. It must have been hard for you too, right? You really are a genius mage!"

"Tell us how you did it, please~ I promise I'll pay you back, okay?"

Andrew was soaking in the praise and attention with a delighted face.


Ah, how adorable.

Yes, Andrew has suffered a lot.

He also followed my orders well.

Enjoy it, you fool.

As I attempt to escape from the crowd of students—


A bubbly golden-haired elf embraced me.


"Hehe, Theo. I've missed you so, so much!"

As she said this, Siena vigorously rubbed her face against my chest.

Despite being 150 years old, her behavior was even more childish than 14-year-old Jang Woohee's.

Fortunately, elves don't wear makeup, so my clothes remained clean.

'But this is getting troublesome.'

I wonder how she'll react when I scare her spirit away with the divine beast.

Would she post elven warriors on me?

I don't dislike Siena.

She's given me an [Elixir of Stamina Recovery], which you can't buy even with money, twice without expecting anything in return.

Even when hunting 'Turning White,' she didn't expect any compensation.

If it weren’t for her clinginess, she would be tolerable...

"Give me some space, Siena."

I'm not used to being the center of attention, especially not like this.

The constant sensation near my chest is also hard to ignore.

Surprised by Siena’s forwardness, the other students made way, turning their attention to their own team members.

Regardless, Siena did not let go of me.

"I don't want to, hehe. ...But, Theo. Something feels different about you. I feel a nasty aura from you."

Siena narrowed her eyes as she looked up at me.

"It seems to be coming from your bag..."

"Just... keep some distance for now, Siena."

I twisted my body, breaking free from Siena’s embrace.

Whether it's due to the power of spirits or not, Siena’s intuition is indeed sharp.

She noticed the unopened divine beast box.

"Hmm, it's really strange... Sylphy senses a distressing energy too..."

Before I knew it, Siena was lost in her thoughts, deeply contemplating.

I wasn't about to let this opportunity slip.

I quickly distanced myself from Siena.

Then, I looked around.

Even now, many eyes were focused on me.

A female student exclaiming 'Oh my, oh my!' in girlish awe.

A male student with a bored look in his eyes.

A female student, her face turning red, lost in her own thoughts.

A male student, mouth agape, looking on with envy.

······And three women with complex looks in their eyes.

'Aisha, Jang Woohee, Piel.'

All three had complex expressions, but I've never seen such a look in Aisha's eyes in the original game.

She was scowling as she stared at Siena.

Perhaps she's thinking, 'As a direct descendant of the Waldeurk family, one must maintain their dignity!'

Well, I don't know if Siena would understand that kind of thing...

A little later.

When the gazes had somewhat subsided, I briefly shared some additional strategies with Aisha and Jang Woohee.

Aisha nodded appreciatively.

"I didn't even consider tackling the boss, but if things had gone as you described, Theo, we would have struggled even without a boss. Thank you, truly. We need to clear another section before the deadline tomorrow. As I've said before, if you need my help, don't hesitate to ask."


"......What's with that skeptical look? Of course, I'm not as strong as you, Theo, the direct descendant and future head of the Waldeurk family, but I'm quite capable, you know? I'm sure there will be times I'll be of help."

Aisha looked at me with a slightly playful smirk.

'I simply spoke as I usually do.'

Just as calmly, I responded.

"I'll keep that in mind."

The more allies on my side the better.

Jang Woohee, who had been quietly listening to my conversation with Aisha, chimed in.

"Thank you, Theo. Everything has been exactly as you've told us. We're done for today, so we'll give it another shot when we're rested."

"Alright, I got it."

"And you know......"

Jang Woohee went up to me.

She was only as tall as my chest.

She fidgeted with the hem of my clothing.

It seemed like she had something to say.

When I bent my head to look at her, she whispered into my ear.

"Have you seen any more of the future?"

"..None so far. Nothing clear enough to say."

"......Alright, thank you. Like what Aisha said...... let me know if you need anything."

Jang Woohee pulled back, a gloomy expression on her face.

Since the future is moving faster than it should, I should tell her the truth about 'Woo Hyoyeon' sooner than originally planned.

Since I can't tell her now, I need to control her expectations well.

I nodded and spoke.

"I wish everyone good luck. I'll take my leave now."

"Alright, Theo. Thank you. Remember to let me know if you need anything, alright? Don't struggle on your own."

"......Take care. The same goes for you."

Leaving Aisha and Jang Woohee behind, I returned to the rest of my team.

It's been a tiring day with so much happening.

But since I didn't overuse [Overload], I'll likely feel just a bit sore tomorrow.

I decided to save the [Elixir of Stamina Recovery].

It would be a waste to use it now.

The following day, at 1 p.m.

The 'Dungeon Exploration' practical evaluation is ending.

Professor Rok looked at the waiting students and spoke.

".....All teams managed to find the entrance. There was even a team that defeated the boss. Although there were injuries, they were minor.....

You all worked hard. We're going back to the academy straight away, so get on the carriage."

As Rok turned his back, the other instructors guided the students to the carriage.

Students who were injured boarded a specific carriage, where healers were waiting.


I suppressed a smile as I boarded.

Our team was the only one to defeat the boss.

Naturally, we came in first.

Second place went to Jang Woohee/Noctar’s team, while third place was taken by Aisha/Siena’s team.

Andrew was still enjoying the praises of the other students.

I'm sure they've realized the advantages of being close to me.

Even if I say something a little out of place, they're probably more likely to follow.


After sitting down, I thought back on the practical evaluation.

The primary goal, acquiring another hidden piece, has been achieved.

In addition, I obtained a lot of shop coins as a bonus.

Moreover, I made sure to instill in the other students the idea that they could benefit from being on good terms with me.

Of course, there was that uncomfortable mishap with Piel.....but since we cleared that up, I might be able to borrow 'that.'

'Everything is going as planned.'

Thinking so, I crossed my arms and closed my eyes.

I would unbox the hidden piece after arriving at the academy.

Opening it would be very tiring.

I might as well get some rest in advance.

Just a bit past 1 a.m.

The carriage arrived at the Academy.

Given the late hour, all the students returned to their rooms.

Likewise, I headed to my dorm.

Amy, who always bowed her head in greeting, was absent.

She probably hasn't arrived yet.

Feeling a bit empty, I entered the room, unpacked my belongings, and promptly pulled out the hidden piece containing the sealed divine beast.

'Quite exciting.'

The box that the players called the divine beast random box.

Of course, on the surface, it seemed like an ordinary pet.

Many players cared for and cherished whatever creature emerged from it.

'I wonder what will come out.'

I carefully unwrapped the delicate cloth surrounding the box and opened it.

Inside, there was a round orb emitting a soft, mysterious white glow.

The first person to touch it becomes the owner of the divine beast.

'I hope it's something small.'

Elinia Academy, for the mental health of students, actually encourages keeping pets.

However, it would be difficult to keep larger animals like wolves or tigers in a room.

With a fluttering heart, I reached out and touched the round orb.

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