I Became A Third-Rate Villain In The Hero Academy

Chapter 104: Lies (7)

I was still frowning, looking down at Piel.

'Even if it's not something like [Contractor of a Great Demon].'

I doubted that I could even make a contract with a regular demon, let alone a Great Demon.

As I've said before, the eyes of a Great Demon are especially discerning.

If just anyone could form a contract with a Great Demon, there would be a never-ending line of continent-wide geniuses, willing to sacrifice their souls for such a pact.

Everyone yearns for immense 'strength.'

Ever since the academy's establishment, many powerful heroes have upset the traditional class society.

Originally, the hierarchy is formed due to overwhelming power, whether it's authority or physical strength.

Of course, ranks such as Dukes still exist, but their prestige has not been the same since the advent of heroes.

For example, a genius like Andrew, despite being a commoner, would not have to bow to most nobles once he graduates and becomes a hero.

On the contrary, he would probably hold more prestige than lower-ranked nobles.

However, the idea of a Great Demon, a being so powerful that its mere existence could threaten the continent, forming a contract with a simpleton like Theo, is preposterous.

Even in the original game, the [Contractor of a Great Demon] was mostly considered an urban myth.

Although there may be some differences depending on the Great Demon, one thing is certain.

If one managed to contract with a Great Demon, they would excel in at least one field, whether that be power or intelligence.

'Of course, Theo has changed a lot since I've taken over...'

But to say that he made a contract with a Great Demon is going too far.

And I had to change drastically.

It is impossible to graduate with top honors from a place filled with prodigies acclaimed throughout the continent if you start as the lowest-ranked student in your grade.

It would be barely possible, even by using abnormal methods.

'Damn it, there's no way to prove this. What should I do.'

Piel already regards me as a [Contractor of a Great Demon].

If I can't prove otherwise, there's no telling how she might react.

Especially now when we are alone.

Even if I use Overload, it would be hard to get away from her.

While having these thoughts, I observed Piel's reactions.

And for good reason, as Piel's mood was anything but normal.

I could even feel the rage building up in her.

...Does she think that I'm lying to her right now?

Whew, I really have to choose my words carefully.

I double-checked if [Twisted Noble's Dignity] was properly amplified by the [Amplification Orb] before speaking.

"Stop glaring at me like that, Piel. I'm not something like a 'Contractor of the Great Demon'. If there's a way I can prove it, I'd like to."

Piel's eyes noticeably widened.

She hesitated for a moment with her mouth slightly open, then spoke.

"Hey, Theo. You..."

Piel stammered, a shiver running through her.

"...Don't misunderstand and listen."


"Th-th-th, clothes…."

Stammering as if she were mind-controlled by an alien, Piel struggled to form words.

'What, clothes? You want me to take them off again, in this situation?'

I said with a frown.

"Be clear about what you're asking. I'd like to clear up the suspicion of being a [Contractor of the Great Demon]."

"......Take off your clothes."


She really is asking this again?

I remember clearly stating before that I wouldn't do this.

Does she not remember?

I remembered the time in the training ground when Piel had suddenly asked me to undress.

Back then, she had felt like a runaway eight-ton truck barreling towards me.

I quietly observed Piel for a moment.

When our eyes met, she flinched.

Her gaze reminded me of a frightened deer. There was something pitiful about it.


I asked, my tone flat.

Unlike the last time, she wasn't trying to force me, she was simply asking for my consent... This time felt different.

Why did she seem so desperate to see me unclothed?

I'm curious.

Piel stared back at me, her face full of disbelief.

"...You really don't know why I'm asking?"

"That's right, I don't know."

I really was curious.

In the original game, Piel barely paid attention to anyone's appearance.

It wouldn't be for the simple reason of admiring my body.

Of course, Theo's body is fine.

No, it's as good as his face.

......Well, it looks good, but the performance is not so great.

Piel held my gaze for a moment, then bit her lip before speaking.

"...A [Contractor of the Great Demon] bears the mark of the demon they've contracted with."


Without realizing it, I found myself echoing her words in surprise.

A [Contractor of the Great Demon] bears the demon's mark?

This was news to me.

I knew what the mark looked like, but the original game never mentioned it appearing on the body.

...And how did Piel know about this, anyway?

Well, I can find that out later.

For now, it's clear that showing Piel my bare body will help clear up this misunderstanding.

But then again, the [Magic Cartridge] mark engraved on my body might raise further questions.

If I show her without thinking, Piel might misunderstand.

"So, you want to see my body to check for this mark, Piel?"


With that, Piel reached for the practice rapier hanging at her waist.


She looked serious, like she would genuinely kill me.

If I refuse to show her, she might kill me on the spot.

Piel was always the type to laser-focus on a goal and ignore everything else, barreling straight ahead towards it.


I decided to undress.

I removed my white uniform jacket, followed by the black shirt underneath.

Soon, my upper body was revealed.


Piel's eyes widened.

Her gaze settled on one place.

"You...... what is this?"

Piel's finger pointed to the left side of my waist.

Where the mark of the [Magic Cartridge] is engraved.

"It's a [Magic Cartridge]."

"......A [Magic Cartridge]? This?"

Piel furrowed her brows.

"Yeah, as you know Piel, I can't use magic. So, I had it engraved."

"......But I've never seen this symbol before. Where did..."

However, I couldn't tell her the truth.

Only I, a former player, knew about the [Magic Cartridge]; none of the original characters did.

It would remain a hidden artifact if it wasn't obtained by Neike, never making another appearance.

I spoke calmly,

"I acquired it near Waldeurk during vacation. Does this seem like the mark of a Great Demon?"


Piel said nothing.

And there was nothing to say.

The mark of the [Magic Cartridge] looks nothing like those of a Great Demon.

"Then I assume you're satisfied. As I've said before, I strongly dislike this kind of coercion. I don't like showing my body to others either."

With that, I started to put my clothes back on.


But Piel tightly gripped my arm.

...... Wasn't it over? What now?

"What is it, Piel?"


But Piel said nothing.

Her face turned as red as a tomato, and she bowed her head deeply.

"Answer me, Piel. What's going on? This is extremely uncomfortable. I want to get dressed quickly."

"......Ah, take off your, uh, lower clothing too."


I widened my eyes, hoping I had misheard.

"......Take off your lower clothing as well."

But Piel said exactly what I thought she did.

I can't believe it.

This is too much, even for you.

I expressed my irritation outright.

"Piel de Chalon, do you realize what you're asking......"

"I know, I know! I know it's a lot to ask. But I need to see to be sure. To confirm that you aren't a [Contractor of a Great Demon]......”

Piel still couldn't lift her head.

Seeing her, now blushing even to her ears, I sighed internally.

'Ah, what a mess I'm in.'

I truly feel like I'm doing a striptease.

But it's not that I don't understand Piel’s concerns.

She wants to be sure, once and for all.

Suddenly, I feel a pang of sorrow.

Piel de Chalon.

The moments when she would look at me with those sad eyes, the way she abruptly asked me to undress, how she suspected me during the Magic Dungeon incident......

Was it all because she saw me as a [Contractor of a Great Demon]?

......In a way, it's simple and pure.

Very much like Piel.

She could have just asked me to show her.

"I understand."

I'm not a gigolo who sells his body for a price, this situation is...... a bit different.

I have no other choice.

"But I will surely remember the embarrassment of today."

Hesitating for a moment, I then reached for the belt at my waist.

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