I Became a Level -99 Vicious Lord

Chapter 74:

Chapter 74:

Chapter 74


A rain of arrows.

But the arrow barrage meant nothing to Otto and his men.

The mages raised their left hands and pointed to the sky in unison.


From the palms of their hands, circular shields emerged, merging together to form a large disc-shaped barrier over the heads of the Otto and his group.

*Ting! Ting! Ting! Ting! Ting!*

The rain of arrows bounced back and forth, unable to penetrate the magicians defenses.

As expected.

Otto nodded at the performance of the mages.

Demon swordsmen of the Kuntachi family.

Impeccable Swordsmanship.

Magic Spells.

Their ability to master both disciplines, both of which were difficult to master, was truly versatile.

In fact, at the same level, it wasnt too difficult for a single Kuntachi family magician to take on five or more ordinary knights.

Attack, no questions asked.

A cold smile tugged at the corners of Ottos mouth.


Yes, Your Highness.

Go fuck them up.


As soon as the order was given, Amukhan began to run at a terrifying pace toward the oncoming horsemen of the Magritte Kingdom.

Do the old dragon a favor.

Otto left Kairos in charge of Quran and sprinted after Amukhan.

There was no need to fight.


He could leave it to Camille and the Kuntachi familys magical swordsmen.

But he was going to do it anyway, because he desperately needed the experience.

I need to fight more. Im not good enough yet.

Otto had many battles ahead of him, and he was up against a lot of powerful people.

He had to train himself by gaining battle experience whenever he could, as the road ahead was a thousand miles long.

Were coming.

Camille watched Otto run off, and tried to lead the magical swordsmen to his aid.

But Kairos would not allow him to do so.

Leave him alone.


Hes trying to get some hands-on experience, and what good would it do to help him?

Is that so?

It is a knights duty to help his lord become stronger.

I see.

Camille understood Kaiross words, and decided not to intervene.

Ottos growth is something he desperately wants to see as well. .

* * *

Ah, Amukhan?!

The commander of the Magritte Kingdoms cavalry was horrified as he realized that it was Amukhan who was running at such a terrifying speed.

Amukhan, the demon of Haver Prairie.

His fearsome fighting prowess was infamous not only in the Prairie, but also in the Magritte Kingdom.

He was the last person you wanted to encounter here in the Haver Prairie.

But they were too close to order a retreat.

You scum, how dare you come here!

Amukhan shouted, blasting a Magritte Kingdom cavalryman in the head as he charged.

Ah, Amukhan?

Holy shit!

The Magritte Kingdom horsemen were horrified when they realized it was Amukhan.

For trespassing on my tribes territory you shall pay with your lives.

Amukhan growled.


Thump! Thump!

Then dozens of wolf spirits, almost as big as tigers, appeared and began to attack the Magritte Kingdom horsemen.

Hey!, you cant do it all by yourself!

Otto yelled at Amukhan as he tried to single-handedly wipe out all the enemies.

It was one thing to gain experience, but there was something more important.

Aaahhhh! My experience points!

Ottos heart sank as his precious experience points were killed by Amukhan.

Eh, Fuck it!

As soon as Otto rushed into the battlefield, he imbued the Blazing Fire Armor Set he received from Edham with mana.

Blast, blast, blast!

Flames erupted from every inch of the armor, radiating a powerful heat.

[Notification: <Flame Release> completed!]

A message flashed before his eyes.

Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah!!!

Searing flames erupted from all over the <Blazing Fire Armor Set>, engulfing the horsemen of the Magritte Kingdom.

The result.

[Notification: Your experience has increased!]

[Notification: EXP is up!]

[Notification: EXP is up!]

[Notification: Youve earned experience!]

EXP up.

[Notification: Congratulations!]

[Notification: You have leveled up!]

[Notification: Youve reached level 101!]

He leveled up.


Otto stuck his tongue out at the sight before him.

Charcoal was all around him.

They were the cavalry of the Magritte Kingdom just a moment ago.

How strong is this skill?!

Indeed, the destructive power of the Blazing Fire Armor Set was enormous, as it was made by dwarves.

Of course, it wouldnt work against people with high magic defense.


As proof, the officer commanding the Magritte Kingdom cavalry was still alive.

Of course, with severe burns all over his body, he was unlikely to live long.

I couldnt tell, but he must have been wearing an item that increased his magic resistance.

Why are the Magritte Kingdom troops hanging around here?

Ooh, were just scouting.

Do you think Ill believe that?

Otto snorted.

What kind of scouting is brazenly wandering into the territory of the Kongurat Tribe like this? Do you think Im an idiot?


Youre Helmuts lackey.

Otto nudged him.


The officers eyes flickered, and Otto didnt miss the subtle shift.

Thats right. Helmut is in league with the Kerrates.

A cold smile crossed Ottos face as he concluded.

What do you mean by that?

Amukhan interjected.

Helmut are you saying that he has joined forces with the Kerrates tribe?


Otto nodded.

Otherwise, why would the cavalry of the Magritte Kingdom be roaming around here at this time?


Yeah~ You can refute that. But I wont listen~ Im right about everything.

Otto cut him off.


A changeling guarding the borders of the Magritte Kingdom.

He defends the Magritte Kingdom from the nomadic warriors of the Haver Prairie.

But hes actually one of the 100 Lords, the main characters in the game Territory Wars.

And so Helmuts main scenario begins with a rebellion and ascension to the throne.

* * *

Marquis[Frontier, Margrave].

A lord who rules over a territory, usually a borderland that is frequently invaded by foreign forces.

Because they ruled over strategic locations of great military importance, they were capable men of great military skill and force.

Marquis Helmut was one such changeling.

Helmut de Valdemar.

Born into the Valdemar family, which had ruled the area bordering the Haver Prairie for generations, he had never allowed the nomads to invade since he inherited the title and became a Changeling.

It was to the point of being evaluated as the most outstanding margrave in the history of the Valdemar family.

But for all his prowess, Helmuts patriotism and loyalty to his country were not high.

In fact, his frustrations were piling up and threatening to explode.


Because the Magritte kings had been exploiting House Valdemar for generations.

For nearly two hundred years.

A few months ago.

What did you just say?

Helmut turned to Count Maureen.

Count Maurren was King Magrittes right-hand man.

You mean to tell me youre taking another 50 knights and 1,500 soldiers, plus provisions?

Youll have to tone it down, Your Excellency.

Count Maureen chuckled and soothed Helmut.

I am afraid we have been misunderstood.

Misunderstanding? What misunderstanding?

Isnt House Valdemar one of the most loyal of loyalists, having fended off nomadic invasions for generations? If you raise your voice, people might misunderstand your loyalty to His Majesty the King.


I know this is hard for you. His Majesty is always grateful to the Marquis. But what can I say, the situation is difficult, and I have no choice but to ask the Marquis for help.

What do you mean, difficult? Isnt our country at war right now? Is it okay to take away troops and supplies for no reason at all?

Helmut fumed.

Were the ones who are struggling! Were the ones who are always short of men and short of food! Were the ones who are constantly fending off invasions from the nomads, and you know it!

Are you taking your frustrations out on His Majesty?

Well, not really, but.

Your Highness.

Count Maureen pressed Helmut with a cold voice.

Your Excellency the Marquis is a vassal of His Majesty the King. House Valdemar is a venerable family that has been loyal to the Crown for generations.


And the current head of House Valdemar has expressed his displeasure with what His Majesty is doing?


A good thing is a good thing, and its not a bad thing to help His Majesty. Be loyal.

The military might of House Valdemar was a great burden to King Magritte.

Purging the Valdemars would have led to civil war.

He also feared that nomadic tribes would take advantage of the civil war to invade.

So Magrittes successive kings used checks and balances to keep the Valdemars in check.

They imposed high taxes, took away troops under one excuse or another, and took away food and other supplies whenever they could.

As a result, the region under their control remained stagnant and unimproved for two hundred years.

It was hard enough to defend the borders against nomadic invasions, but when they did manage to grow up, they were always forced to live in poverty, with the king pinching their pennies.

Oh, and

Count Maureen added.

In case you were wondering, your daughter is doing very well.


Shes been doing very well at the Academy lately, and His Majesty is very fond of her.

The moment.

I want to kill all.

Helmut lost his temper and nearly cut Count Maureen to pieces.

Helmuts daughter had been sent to study at the academy in the capital, which was more like being taken away as a pawn.

The mention of such a daughter.

This ungrateful treatment of my family, who have served the kingdom by guarding the borders for generations I cant take it anymore I cant take it anymore.

Later that day.

I intend to start a revolution.

Helmut dropped the bombshell in front of his entourage.

Rather than continue to be exploited and treated unfairly by the royal family, he would risk his life to overthrow the country.

A few weeks later.

Good to see you.

Helmut traveled deep into the Haver Prairie, secretly meeting face to face with the nomadic chieftain.

It was a traumatic event, meeting and talking face-to-face with a nomadic chieftain who had been his enemy for generations, but Helmut didnt mind.

He had already decided to rebel, so what could he do?

Loyalty to the kingdom of Magritte had long since been abandoned.

It is good to see you, too. I never thought wed talk face to face.

One of the most powerful men in the Haver Prairie.

Togril, chieftain of the Kerrates tribe, smiled at Helmut.

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