I Became a Level -99 Vicious Lord

Chapter 73:

Chapter 73:

Chapter 73

The flight was uneventful.

Thanks to the favorable weather, Quran flew effortlessly to Haver Prairie with little flapping of his wings.

Of course, there was a minor incident along the way.

Ive never flown on a dragon in my life. I must tell my mother back home.

Magician Qasim vowed to tell his mother in the Kuntachi Duchy about this amazing event.

But she wont believe me, hahaha.

The story was so far-fetched and unbelievable, he would be glad if he isnt slapped.

For a moment.

Humans are creatures of adaptation, right?

The excitement of this amazing experience wore off over time.

As the flight passed the 10-hour mark, He started to get bored.

Ugh. Im sleepy.

Qasim dozed off, unable to fight off the sleepiness that was creeping in.

And then.



The turbulence caused Quran to jerk momentarily, and the dragons massive fuselage jerked violently.

The result.


Qasim momentarily lost his center of gravity and fell out of the saddle, plummeting into the distant ground.


Qasim screamed as he fell.

But no one heard him.


He was flying so fast and making so much noise that his screams were drowned out.

In their frenzied scrambling, no one noticed Qasims fall.


Qasim thought it was all over as he fell.

Ah Im going to die like this. He hadnt even gotten married yet Mom Im going first.

Qasim simply closed his eyes and humbly accepted his fate.

There was no way he could have survived a fall of several kilometers in the air, even if he was a magical swordsman.

And so, stunned, he plummeted to his death without a parachute.

Just then.


A wyvern that happened to be flying nearby turned its gaze to the rapidly falling Qasim.

Kik (oh?) kyaak kyaak kyaaak (what is this)?

The wyvern was puzzled as its prey Qasim fell from the sky out of nowhere, but it quickly cleared its mind.

It flew toward Qasim at lightning speed and snatched him up.


The wyvern flew back to the nest, rejoicing in its unexpected windfall.

With a stunned Qasim in its clutches.

* * *


A giant dragon swoops down toward the forest.

But the landing was anything but spectacular.


Quran lost his footing the moment he landed.

*Wudang wudang!*


*Thump! Thud!*

Quran tumbled and rolled for a few laps, destroying about a fifth of the forest that had been used as an airfield.

The result.



Holy shit!

Otto and the others were scattered by the unexpected accident.

Theyd all been bounced off the back of Quran.

Ugh. That was close.

Otto grumbled as he blew his signal.

One by one, his subordinates gathered around him.

Is everyone okay?

Otto asked.

Im fine.

Do you think your people are this bad?

Im fine, too.

Camille, Kairos, and Amukhan were scratched and dented here and there, but they didnt seem to be seriously injured.

Were fine, too.

The Kuntachi familys magical swordsmen also seemed to be unharmed.

Phew. Thats good.

Otto breathed a sigh of relief when he realized that no one was seriously injured.

Wait. I dont see Qasim.

Magus Shonan reported to Otto.

You dont see Mr. Qasim?

Yes, Your Majesty.

Didnt he disappear last time as well?

Otto remembered that Qasim had been mistaken for a spy during the last war and had fallen from grace.

I felt a little sorry for him then.

The situation was so urgent at the time that no one had realized that Qasim had failed.

As a result, Qasim was mistaken for the enemy and spent nearly a month in jail.

Apparently, he was ejected far away when he fell and might be badly injured.

Yeah, he must have seen the flares.

Otto said, sounding worried.

Lets go find him.

The three mages stepped forward.


Otto decided to leave them to search for Qasim.

The situation was urgent, and they couldnt all go looking for him.

After the three mages left to search for Qasim.

Are you okay, old dragon?

Otto asked Quran, who was lying on his stomach and groaning.

Mmmm My whole body aches Mmmm Mmmm!


I dont have the energy I dont have the energy Grunt My legs are shaking and I dont have the strength to get up Ive been flying all week on air and I havent even crashed.

Failing to land was one thing, but flying for two days must have taken its toll.

Quran, an old and sick dragon (about 9,900 years old/demented).

Even flying was not easy for him.

Youve had a hard time, old dragon, now get some rest. Ill take you home.

Okay Thank you.

As soon as Quran squeezed out his power and transformed into a human, he became limp.

His strength was gone, and he fainted.

Old dragon, old dragon!

Otto hastily shook Quran awake, pouring a stamina potion into his mouth.

And then.

[Notification: Qurans stamina has been restored by 3! (27/175,435,221)]

Qurans stamina capacity was now over 175 million.

175 million? Ive been feeding him high-grade stamina potions and hes only down to 3?

As a dragon, Qurans total Life, Mana, and Stamina were enormous.

No change

Otto threw all of his high-level Stamina Potion at Quran.

[Notification: Quran has restored to 3 Stamina!]

[Notification: Quran has restored to 3 Stamina!]

[Notification: Quran has restored to 3 Stamina!]


[Notification: Quran has restored to 3 Stamina!]

Not like the message will go away anyway soon.

Oh, old dragon. How can you be so weak, you should rest up.

Otto pitifully rubbed Qurans arms and legs.

He felt sorry for Quran, who was old and sick and couldnt even fly properly anymore.

* * *

Otto and the others immediately left the forest and reached the meadow.

The Haver Prairie was wide enough to make any man tired.

The green Prairie stretched as far as the eye could see.

The sky was high, the air was cold, and the wind was dry.

A green but barren land.

That was the Haver Prairie.


Otto and the others rode their Tatar horses, the specialty of the Khabar steppes, toward Ulaanbaatar, the home of the Kongurat tribe.

Where the hell is Ulaanbaatar? You said it was around here.

Its over there.

Amukhan answered Ottos question by pointing to the distant horizon.

Huh? Over there?

Yes, were almost there.

I dont see anything?

I can see it.

Dont lie.

Otto denied Amukhans words.

I can only see the horizon, arent you looking in the wrong direction?

Its true. There it is, and if we keep going, its Ulaanbaatar.

Youre lying.

Im not lying.

Fuck you, I cant see anything! Theres nothing!


Tsk, tsk, tsk.

Kairos interrupted, giving Otto a slap in the face.

You ignorant bastard.

What, now?

Otto snapped.

Im ignorant?

Then youre an ignoramus, arent you?

What the hell, Im not ignorant!

You stupid, foolish bastard, dont you know that nomads living in these vast grasslands usually have incredibly good eyesight?


People who live in open places like this naturally have good eyesight. And after so many years of nomadic life, theyre accustomed to being alert to their surroundings, so their eyesight is bound to improve.

Is that so?

Tsk tsk. I cant believe you dont know such basic common sense. I thought youd be a dumbass, but youre an ignoramus.


Otto shook with rage at Kairos choice of words.

He didnt have ten mouths to feed, as hed just accused Amukhan of being a liar without knowing anything.

Well see.

Otto shuddered.


In the distance, a group of horsemen began to approach at a terrifying speed.

What are they, the Kongurat?

Otto was embarrassed to be caught off guard, so he turned on his Clairvoyance skill, but to no avail.

<Clairvoyance didnt give him the ability to see very far.

How dare you!!!

At that moment, Amukhan exploded in frustration.

What is it? Why are you suddenly so aggressive?

Those guys theyre the army of the Magritte Kingdom.


Running around near the sacred city of Ulaanbaatar without a care in the world.

Otto was stunned to hear that it was the army of the Magritte Kingdom.

The Magritte Kingdom was a country bordering the Khabar Steppes, and although it was small in size, it was a military powerhouse with a very strong military.

Why is the Magritte Kingdoms army here?

The Magritte Kingdom usually defended its territory against nomadic warriors from the Haver Prairie, but it rarely attacked first.

Despite being a military powerhouse, they knew how difficult it was to deal with nomadic horsemen on Tatar-bred steeds.

Have they suddenly gone mad? he wondered.

The question didnt last long.


Arrows began to pour down like rain.

The horsemen fired in unison, trying to turn Ottos group into a beehive.

* * *

Same time.

Magic Swordsman Qasim slowly opened his eyes at the sharp sound that pierced his ears.

Where am I Im supposed to be dead, this cant be heaven, no way.

It was too convincing.

I hadnt done anything bad, but I wasnt good enough to die and go to heaven.

So.. Im not dead?!

Qasim looked around in anticipation.

But he immediately regretted that decision.

He shouldnt have looked back.

No, waking up was an obvious mistake.

It would have been easier to just pass out.

Kyaaak! Kyaaak!



Wyverns, wyverns, and more wyverns.

Dozens and dozens of wyverns were chirping with a metallic, piercing sound.

They werent the only ones.


Chirp, chirp, chirp!

Tiny, tiny, tiny wyverns, unable to fly yet, began to flap their wings and stumble toward him.

Their feet were littered with broken eggs.

He didnt know exactly what had happened, but Qasim realized a few things with great certainty.

First, he wasnt dead.

Two, this was a wyverns nest.

And three, he was about to be eaten by baby wyverns.


Qasim muttered to himself in despair as he watched the wyvern hatchlings stagger toward him, gaping at him.

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