I Became a Level -99 Vicious Lord

Chapter 68:

Chapter 68:

Im not even a dentist.

Otto was taken aback by the dragons request.

But how is life easy to begin with?

-Its easy to die, but Its hard to live.

Yes, Life is truly quite difficult.

Death, no way

Otto did not want to die, so he accepted the dragons offer.


Up close, the dragons molars were severely decayed, and the roots were so inflamed that the gums were already swollen.

The stench was also bad, so it was clear that the tooth decay was very severe.

This must have been quite painful?

Otto was not a dentist, but he was a man with a minimum of common sense.

He nodded his head after seeing how painful it must have been for the dragon due to this decayed tooth.

It seemed that an animal bone was lodged between the gums and molars which caused the inflammation and resulted in a cavity to set.

I have to pull out the bone stuck between the gums first, right?

-Do it.

Itll probably hurt, are you okay with it?

-Ill try to be patient.

Then Ill take it out now.


Lets see

What kind of animal bones are these?

Otto cradled the bone, which was almost that of a pillar in size, in his arms and gave it all his strength in pulling it out.


The bone was then pulled out, and a great amount of pus and blood gushed out.



The dragon screamed in pain.


Otto screamed too


Flames shot from the inside of the dragons throat and passed Otto

and that wasnt all.


The scream that erupted from the dragons vocal chords became a powerful sound wave that hit Otto.

As a result,

[Notice: Durability of the Helmet has reached 0]

[Notice: Helmet Destroyed]

[Notice: Durability of the Gloves has reached 0]

[Notice: Gloves Destroyed]

The durability of all the items he was wearing became 0 and crumbled.

*Drip- drip*

Blood flowed out of his ears.

Fckin shitty life

He got goosebumps when he realized he was close to die.

To be able to inflict such damage by simply screaming.

Oh, Old Dragon!:

Otto hurriedly shouted.

I almost died! Why did you suddenly shoot out a flame breath and screamed a sound wave attack!

-Uhm.. It hurt so much that I couldnt help but scream out in pain..

You have to be patient. I can still stand you screaming, but if you breath fire again, I will be burn to death.

-Mmm.. Im sorry

Even if it hurts, please bear with it please

-I get it

Then Ill continue

-Dont worry

Okay, Will start now Old Dragon

Otto made a promise to the dragon, and took out the animal bone he had pulled out from between its gums and threw it out from the dragons mouth.

Then he said to Camille who was waiting outside.

Go and scrape up all the potions we have.

What are you going to do with it?

Cant you see? Am doing a dental treatment! Dental procedure!

Did you decided to became an alligator bird?

Camille was dumbfounded by Ottos words.

Healing the tooth of a legendary creature known to be extinct.

Bring some numbing herbs, potions or painkillers! Collect everything we have! Because the more the better, If you have something like a clean cloth or cotton, bring it also! Bring a strong alcoholic drink, If you can get a disinfectant, even better!

All right.

Camille first obeyed Ottos order.

Now that the unprecedented situation in history had been resolved in treating a dragons tooth problem, they had no choice but to trust in Ottos words.

* * *

There was not much Otto, an ordinary man without medical knowledge could do.

If Otto, who isnt even a dentist, how advanced can his knowledge be in curing a tooth decay?

Ah, I dont know. I just need to roughly pull it out, clean it, and close the wound.

Otto did his best to cure the dragons cavity with a feeling of doing his best in his own way.

If it were to happen back in his past life, it would have been a dental procedure that would be violating the medical laws, but this is not on Earth, but rather inside the world of a game.

Even if he doesnt have a license, no one will catch him due to malpractice.

I.. Old Dragon, Do you think the molars are so badly rotten that it need to be pulled out?

-Let me see, will you take it out?

Yes, It shakes even with the slightest touch..

-Argh, Stop

As Otto touched his rotten fang, the dragon screamed again.

The cavity was so bad that even the slightest touch made excruciating pain for the dragon.

Please, be patient! Less I die and cant help you

-Oh, I see. Stop because it hurts so much.. okay

Ill pull it out and then apply potions and disinfect it, then you wont get sick.. maybe?

-That, do that

Otto pulled out the dragon molars when the dragon gave him permission.

However, pulling out the dragons rotten tooth wasnt as easy as he thought.

No matter how shaken it was, the molars were still firmly embedded in the gums, and it was impossible to completely extract it with moderate force.

So Otto asked the dwarves for help.

After about 30 minutes.

At the count of three, Well all pull alright? Does everyone get it?

Otto shouted at the dwarves who grabbed the rope.


Then dozens of dwarves pulled the rope at once.


The dragon screamed in agony as the dwarves yanked the ropes hanging from its rotten fang.

Thanks to this, Otto almost died again.


The dragon closed its mouth while Otto was still inside and nearly got split into two.

What kind of dragon asking for help is this!! Being singed from his breath attack, having ones ears damaged due to the sound waves of the screaming dragon and now almost being eaten in half!!

Otto didnt have the courage to speak openly to the dragon, so he screamed inwardly.

Anyways, the results were quite good.


The rotten molar fall out


Red blood mixed with yellow pus gushed out.

Its done! Only a few more things need to do, just be stay still and be patient

-OHH! I see, okay!

Otto scooped the blood and pus from under the dragons tongue with a bucket.

After that, the area where the rotten molar was missing was sterilized with potions and disinfectant and was sewn closed.

Old Dragon, Its finally done

Drenched in his own sweat and the dragons blood and pus, Otto looked up at the dragon and said.

How are you feeling now?

-MMmm!! It hurts a bit, but the toothache is definitely gone!

Is that so?

-Thanks to you, the toothache which Ive endured for the past 200 years is completely gone!

If you can endure the pain for a few days, the throbbing pain will soon go away, maybe?

Otto was not a dentist, so the outcome of this treatment could not be predicted 100%

So he wasnt sure about the outcome.

But for now, this was for the best.

He doesnt have the ability to remove and fill cavities like a dentist, do root treatment, or put in implants so he had no choice but to stitch up the area instead after extracting the tooth.

-Hhmmmm, Thanks to you, I have finally been freed from this pain. Ill forgive you for waking me up 

Okay, Thanks

-I will give you a prize for your help


-In return for helping me, you can have my blood and tooth


-I dont need it anyway, so Ill give it to you as a prize.

Right then.



The dwarves started flocking like crazy

* * *

When the dragon gave Otto his blood and the rotten fang, the dwarves went completely mad.

D-dragon fang!


Edham and Erickson clung to the half-rotten molar as if they were delirious.

That was a very natural reaction.

The body part of a dragon was known to be a very expensive commodity, nothing to throw away.

Blood was the best material in alchemy, bones, fangs, leather and claws were known to be the best materials for making weapons and armor.

Meat was said to be the elixir of immortality, and eyes were known to be the best material for making magic items.

And the heart.. As the focal point of mana, it was said to be an item containing more highly concentrated mana than any other material in the world.

If he had to compare it, it would be likened to a bioreactor.

Of course, the story of making something using a dragons body was over 1,000 years old, so the procedure of it wasnt clear.

However, in ancient documents, how to utilize the dragons body was recorded, so it was not an unreliable story at all.

In the case of items that were famous on the continent right now, it was known that they were made using parts of the dragons body.

So it was natural for the dwarves to run amok.

Making something out of a dragons body part was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

Guess they truly are the stereotype of dwarves

Otto shook his head as he looked at the maddenned dwarves, then bowed down to the dragon again to show his thanks.

Thank you for your gift.

-Heheheh, It isnt much no need to bow

No, I have committed a great rudeness, but you have shown me mercy and even gave me a gift in return. So I dont know how to show my appreciation.

-No, It has been 200 years since the Wyvern bone got stuck in my gums. I was forced to fall asleep because I was in so much pain, but thanks to you, I was freed from it. Thank you very much

I see, It was nothing. I am glad I can relieve you from your pain!



-Who are you?

Ahh, Yes.. I am

When Otto is about to introduce himself to the dragons question.

-How dare you wake me up.


-Do you think youll be okay after what youve done?

No, why are you suddenly doing that when you just gave me a gift as a thank you?

Otto was greatly taken aback by the dragons sudden change of attitude.

-What are you talking about! Why would I, a great dragon, say thank you to an insignificant human!


-You bastard 

at that time.

*Knock! knock! knock!*

The dragon stopped talking and rolled its eyes with a stupid expression.

Why is he suddenly?

Otto tilted his head.


The dragon voices out in Ottos mind.




W-wha- I beg your pardon?


The dragon thrust its huge head at Otto.


Otto screamed and threw himself away.

It was because he didnt know if he did something wrong, he might be crushed to death by the dragons head.


No, why are you doing this to me

Otto was so embarrassed that he was at the point of crying.

Why am I suddenly your father?

-Where have you been, Dad? huh? Me, baby dragon. Im getting lonely while waiting for you dad. Mmm



Please dont do this. Im scared

Right then

I guess this

Kairos voiced out and offered his opinion.

Isnt it dementia?

Hisss.. Dementia?!

He doesnt remember what happened a while ago. Besides, seeing him pampering you like a baby, it cant be explained other than dementia.


Kairos opinion was quite reasonable.

Yes, When one has dementia, your memory deteriorates. He said earlier he doesnt know me or where this is? Then he suddenly acted like a baby. If it gets worse, hell even poop on the spot.

Right at that moment.


The dragon suddenly crouched down and began to exert force.


Ottos face turned black.

The next moment.

Ahh, stop!

An urgent scream escaped Ottos mouth.

It was said to never think of matters worse, because it was a situation where it would possibly happen.

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