I Became a Level -99 Vicious Lord

Chapter 43-1

Chapter 43-1

Are you not going to scold me?

Why would I scold you?

Conrad replied to Ottos question as if he didnt understand what he meant.

My grandson took care of that guy Kujo, you know?



It seemed that Conrad hated Kujo.

However, he couldnt touch Javier and Kujo because there was no successor.

Now that you have taken care of Kujo, this old man is very happy!

Hahaha Hahaha

You did very well!

Thank you for your kind words Hehehe.

Thats right! Well then, Ill leave now, so take care of your hangover properly. Dont throw up, you rascal.


Drink moderately from now on!

Conrad glanced at the vomit Otto had thrown up, chuckled, and then left.

Thank goodness. Camille said to Otto.

I thought he would give you a tongue-lashing, but it went smoothly.

Yes, I didnt expect that as well.

By the way, what are you going to do now?

You mean?

Javier and Kujo wont stay quiet.

I guess so. Otto nodded.

They must be trembling with anger by now. Furious?

You stirred up a hornets nest Can you handle the consequences?

Did I stir it up? It was that b**tard Kairos who did it.

Well, that may be true but

It doesnt matter.

Otto cut him off.

We have to deal with the consequences anyway. An unexpected accident happened, but we need to respond well.

You need to be careful.

Of course. Lets put that aside for now and go for a duel.

Again today? You seem to be suffering from a hangover, maybe you should rest for today

I have to. there was an unexpected accident, but I have to respond well.

If I rest just because my stomach feels bad, when will I become stronger?

Well, thats true, but

Be honest with me.

Otto narrowed his eyes and stared at Camille.

Youre letting me rest so you can train alone and catch up to me, arent you?


Camille felt embarrassed inwardly, but tried to act as if it wasnt true.

I admit that Your Highness has become stronger in a short period of time. But you still have a long way to go to catch up to me.

Is that so?

I assure you. I will show you the difference between Your Highness and me.


So, despite his lingering hangover in fact, he was still halfway drunk Otto overcame it and reluctantly went to the training grounds to spar with Camille.

If I want to get stronger quickly, I have to grit my teeth and work hard.

The key is to improve the proficiency of the Invincible sword technique.

There was no time to waste, especially with a great sparring partner like Camille.


Whenever you are.

And so the sparring begins.




After only 10 minutes into the spar.

Auto vomited heavily, and collapsed on the training ground, his insides turned upside down as a result of vigorous movements while struggling with his hangover.

[Tsk tsk tsk. Such a weakling.]

What the hell you say?!

[Back in my day, I used to train all night, sleep for only an hour, and then go to the battlefield!]

Dont act like an old geezer and just shut up! Its all because of you! Ugh!

Otto vowed to never let Kairos make him drink again, twice.


Meanwhile, Javiers eyes were burning with anger due to the incident that happened last night.

How dare that b**tard my son!!!

Kujo, who came in after being beaten, was in a terrible state.

Half of his facial bones were broken, his nose was completely crushed, and over 10 teeth were broken.

That is also to The guy who doesnt know where he came from who threatens the successors position.

Oh, father.

Kujo, with bandages wrapped around his face, weakly spoke to Javier.

That guy hes a demon a demon.


I saw it a demon standing in the middle of hell heh heeheehee!!!

Kujo had a seizure like a mentally ill person, still unable to come to his senses due to being overwhelmed by the horror of Emperor Kairos illusion.

Snap out of it! You! Snap out of it!

Eek! Aaaahhhh!

Damn it!

Javier exploded in anger as Kujo suffered from PTSD.

Just how strong is he?

At the same time, I also had doubts.

Kujo was a skilled magic swordsman, as he had been designated as the next successor of the Koutachi family.

Although he was evaluated as the weakest among previous successors, he was never someone who could be easily subdued by a rootless bumpkin.

Well thats right theres no way a useless guy could have opened the sanctuary. Ill give that but thats it. Do you think the one who made my son like this will get away with it?

Javier muttered to himself and immediately went down to the basement.

The basement of Javiers mansion had a very secretive research facility where all sorts of terrible magic and biological experiments were carried out.

Javier went to the place where he kept the most dangerous and terrible objects in the laboratory and took out a black lamp.

<Oh, one who is darker than darkness one who descend with the twilight.>

Javier recited a spell.


A black mist spewed out of the lamp and formed into one shape.

-Did you call me?

Kruger the specter of assassination.

-Whoever wishes for someones death Who did you want me to kill?

Kill a man named Otto de Scuderia.

-Tonight your wish will come true.

The black mist named Kruger spoke these words and disappeared from the experiment lab through a ventilation duct.

Hehehe youre dead dog.

Javier smirked with a sinister smile.

The price for touching my son can only be death Hahahaha!

Javier had no doubt that the assassination of Otto would be successful.

Kruger, the specter of death, was the one Javier had prepared to assassinate Conrad.

Conrad, as the head of the household, had been spared due to the slim chance of success, but Otto was a different story.

He thought. As an inexperienced rookie, Otto was deemed capable of being assassinated by Kruger.

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