I Became a Level -99 Vicious Lord

Chapter 42

Chapter 42

2 hours ago.

Hey. Lets go drink now.



[Ohhh! Youre the best Otto.]

Kairos was thrilled when Otto allowed him to take control of his body (?).

Although his expression is a bit off, like when you have some erotic thoughts.

[Hehehe! Finally, the kid keeps his promise! Hehehehe! Am! Of course! If you owe someone, you have to repay the favor!]

[Come on! Hurry up! Give me your body!]


Otto willingly lets Kairos take control of his body.

It wasnt difficult to give up his body.

When Otto allowed it inside his mind, Kairos soul naturally took control of the body, and Ottos soul clung to the mace.

[Oh my. How did you survive here for hundreds of years?]

The inside of the mace was a space of emptiness.

Nothing existed, and nothing could be seen.

there was only a soul existing in the void-like space

Hehehe Do you understand now? How much I suffered?

[Hmm! I kinda can.]

If you understand, stay quiet until I finish drinking to my hearts content.


As soon as Kairos took control of Ottos body, he left the room.

Young master, where are you going?

Then the captain of the guard blocked Kairos path.

Im going to drink.


Did you stick mushrooms in your ears? I said Im going to drink.

If its alcohol, you can tell the attendants, and theyll bring it to you.

What? Kairos glared.

Are you suggesting that I drink alone in this shabby room, cooped up like a prisoner?

That, thats not what I meant, but

Guide me to the lively streets right now! You have to drink until youre satisfied in a lively atmosphere to truly taste the flavor of alcohol!

Young master, its dangerous right now. The outside is bit

Damn it!

Kairos exclaimed.

How can those guys protect me? No one in this world can protect me but myself!

Cant you even guide me properly?

The captain of the guard was very confused by the sudden change in Ottos attitude.

Whats going on? Why did his tone change suddenly?

At that moment,

Captain of the Imperial Guards.

Camille whispered to the captain.

There is a reason for this, please dont be alarmed and just go along with it.

What do you mean?

Ill explain the reasons later.

Um but there are many who have their sights on the young master.

Its not a situation where we can talk about it now. Please endure just for tonight. I beg you.

If the Knight Camille says then I will do it.

In the end, the captain of the Imperial Guards led Kairos to the city center of Koutachi Kingdom.

To the place where the crowd was most gathered


Going out into the city, Kairos took a seat at an outdoor bar and ordered over ten different dishes, while drinking the strongest alcohol by the bottle and making a raucous scene.

Yeeaaahh!!! This is great!!!

After hundreds of years of solitude in the timeless void thanks to being trapped in the mace.

Kairos was so happy to taste delicious food and drink again.

On the other hand, Otto was anxious.

[Hey, you crazy bastard!]

Otto cursed at Kairos.

[Slow down a bit! Youre already on your fifth bottle!]

Noisy! You dont know anything about drinking! In my heyday, Id sit and drink for three days and nights straight, downing more than a hundred bottles!

[Are you crazy to say that! Thats my body youre talking about!]

But we made a promise! Ill return it to you after enjoying, so dont bother me!

Regardless of what Otto said, Kairos enjoyed the food and drink to his hearts content.

Ill cover the bill for everyones drinks tonight! Eat and drink to your hearts content, my friends!

He was in such a good mood that he even treated the other customers in the store.

Even though he was broke.

Hey! Dont just stand there stiffly, come over here and lets have a drink! Did you say your name was Camille? Youve been working hard! How tired must you be from chasing that rascal around? Hahaha!

Kairos even brought in the guards and Camille to join in the drinking.

Damn! Wow, hes a total social animal.

Otto clicked his tongue at Kairos behavior.

Kairos was a typical atmosphere maker at a drinking party, easily mingling with people he had just met and passionately drinking.

Seeing Kairos like that, Otto couldnt help but be in awe.

No wonder he rose to the position of emperor with that kind of charisma. He must have had many followers.

As the festive atmosphere of the drinking party grew livelier,

A middle-aged man and a group of swordsmen appeared and stirred up a commotion.

Im sorry, but you cant meet Master Otto right now. Please leave.


Kujo glared at the captain of the royal guards.

You dare to block my way?

It is by the command of His Highness the Grand Duke.


Kujo looked incredulous.

Do you think I would openly try to kill that guy?

Of course, you wouldnt, but meeting like this goes against proper etiquette. So please leave for now and meet formally in a more appropriate setting


Kujo slapped the captain of the royal guards across the cheek.




The once pleasant atmosphere froze in an instant.

Kujo was known as the next king of the Koutachi Kingdom.

(TL: One info I forgot to mention that KOUTACHI is a principality (or princedom) monarchical feudatory or a sovereign state, ruled by KOUTACHI generation to current generation Conrad.)

Now, he had just slapped the cheek of the captain of the royal guards, which meant big trouble was sure to follow.

Do you even realize what youve just done?

A sinister smile appeared in the corner of the captains mouth.

He was Conrads most trusted subordinate, a faithful servant among faithful servants.

Kujos actions were nothing less than a blatant disrespect towards Conrad, the king.

Uh, thats.

Finally coming to his senses, Kujo realized the seriousness of the situation.

He had lost his composure due to the thought of losing his position as the heir to the throne to Otto, and it was a grave mistake.

Despite avoiding getting caught up in such situations for years.

Damn it. Its all because of him. I lose my cool.

At that moment,

How dare you ruin the atmosphere of my long-awaited drinking party like this?

Kairos stood up and approached Kujo with firm steps.


Kneel down, Kairos commanded Kujo.

If you ask for forgiveness, I will generously overlook this incident.

What? Kujo was bewildered.

How dare this clueless b**tard speak to the next head of the family like that

That was as far as he got.


Kairos grabbed Kujos face in his hand.


I dont repeat myself.


Youve seriously dampened my moods. Unforgivable sin

With those words, Kairos grabbed Kujos hair, slammed his face into the ground, and


The sickening sound of flesh hitting the floor echoed through the room, as blood spilled out.

My lord!

How dare you!

Kujos guards and swordsmen tried to intervene, but Conrads personal guards prevented them from saving Kujo.

This is a matter between the Koutachi familys direct descendants. No one is to interfere.


You have nerve to


Interrupt my fun time?



Kairos mercilessly beat Kujo.

Kujo tried to counterattack Kairos, drawing his sword in the midst of it all, but it was futile.

Kairos was an absolute tyrant who had dominated a past era.

Even though he was currently borrowing Ottos body, his class hadnt changed.

What? Are you rebelling?


I warned you.

Kairos grabbed Kujo by the hair and growled.

Dont whimper in front of me again.

At that moment,

Ugh, hee-heeeee?!

Kujo, who locked eyes with Kairos, saw a certain illusion.

That illusion was like hell.

A battlefield after the war ended.

Crows were flying in flocks against the setting sun in the red sky.

Piles of corpses and spilled blood formed a sea.

In the middle of that carnage, there was a demon with a spiked mace in his hand, grinning at Kujo like a Demon King.

As if saying, Your turn is next.

This is your last warning. If you dare to disturb my fun time once more I will rip off your arms and legs with my bare hands and throw them away to dogs. Do you understand?

Yes, I understand! I understand! Aaack Aaaahhh!


Kairos chuckled and threw Kujo away as if he were an object.

Clean up.

Then he turned back to his position, spitting out words to Kujos escort swordsmen.

Did you all enjoy the show?

Kairos shouted at the frozen people.

If you had a good show, then lets continue binge drinking! Were drinking all night tonight! Drink until your nose bends! Hahahaha!


One shot!

After downing the alcohol in one gulp, Kairos shook an incredibly large empty glass above his head, upside down.

Camille watched Kairos and tightly closed his eyes, trembling and shaking his head.

This is the worst it could be.

Just dealing with Otto alone was difficult enough, but the thought of having to deal with Kairos recklessness from now on made Camille want to quit his job.


The next afternoon,

Ughughmy headughhhIm gonna dieuuughhhh.

As soon as he woke up, Otto was in tremendous pain.

Thanks to Kairos all-night drinking spree, Otto was the only one with a hangover.

Oh, the alcohol is still*Blarghhhh!*

To the point where he vomited on the floor as soon as he woke up.

Are you okay?

Camille asked as he handed Otto a glass of water.

Do I look okay? Ugheven the water tastes like alcohol.



Meanwhile, as Otto was suffering from a hangover.


Conrad smashed open the door and barged into the room, as if he was going to break it down.

Otto, you b**tard! where are you?

Conrad looked for Otto while screaming with a flushed face.

This b**tard wont come out! Otto!

I, Imhere*Blarghhhh!*



Otto was in a pitiful state in front of Conrad.

Im, Im sorryughhh.


I drank too hard yesterday.

You fool, Otto.

Conrad glared at Otto with a frightening look.

Is it true that you beat up Kujo last night?

Uh well, that

Auto couldnt answer properly, feeling frustrated.

Thanks to this madman causing an accident, my score has dropped like this. Ugh.

At that moment.

Dont dodge the question! Did you beat Kujo last night or not? Answer now!

I-I think so but I drank too much alcohol, so I dont remember well

Otto answered, closing his eyes, expecting to be scolded.

Otto replied with his eyes tightly closed, anticipating a reprimand.

Because it was a sensitive time due to the successor problem, it was not good to stir up trouble unnecessarily.


Well done.


You did very well!


Hahaha! Youre truly my grandson! You took care of Kujo! Well done! You did great! Hahaha~!!!

What? Why is he happy?

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