I Became a Level -99 Vicious Lord

Chapter 111:

Chapter 111:

The finished excavation site had been transformed into a battle zone.

Kill them all! Do not spare a single one! No mercies will be shown!

Yes, General!

Amukhan and his 2,500 nomadic warriors slaughtered the Emperor Argonnes men with the utmost brutality.

All under Ottos orders to show absolutely no mercy, to let none of them live, and to make sure they were all confirmed to be dead and gone.

Ottos orders were executed brilliantly.

In fact, he didnt even need to give that order.

The brutality of the nomadic warriors was renowned, and even if left unchecked, would have resulted in a terrible death for the men of Argonne.

Very good.

Otto was pleased to see that the nomadic warriors had managed to come.

The proximity of the tomb to the Haver Prairie meant that they were able to quickly deploy additional nomadic warriors.

We must protect the workers! Protect the workers! Its our job to get them out of this hellish place!

Camille commanded 1,500 Lota Kingdom troops, focused on protecting the workers from Argonnes men.

As a noble knight, Camille would do whatever it took to protect those who had been dragged into this living hell after being forced to perform hard physical labor to feed their wives and children on this cold winter day.

And that was Ottos will, too.

The excavation site that had so quickly become a battlefield.

*ROOOOOAAARR!!!* *KKWAaaaaaaaaaa!!*

Otto unleashed his [Barbarians Shout] and [Savage Roar], buffing his allies and slowing his enemies, and began to pummel them into submission.

As he did so.

Your Majesty, over here!

The five magic swordsmen who had brought Ottos equipment surrounded him, keeping a tight perimeter around him.

This is to protect Otto while he donned his armor.

*Click!* *Clang!* *Snap!*

Thanks to their vigilance, Otto was able to put on the [Blazing Fire Armor Set] safely.

The others also donned the equipment their allies had brought them and began to fight in earnest.


Meanwhile, Kairos was busy hunting down the Black Magicians.

Kairos anger towards the necromancer was intense.

The necromancers atrocity of instantly turning dead workers into zombies and putting them back to work excavating was enough to make Kairos seethe with fury.

For Kairos, whose former comrades had wandered this world as wraiths for hundreds of years, the necromancers desecration of the dead was even more outrageous.


Kaiross massive warhammer crushed the fleeing necromancers skull.

The result.



The goblin face of the [Phantom Armor] opened its mouth with a snap and began to suck out the necromancers soul.

No, no, no, please, please let me go, please dont do this!

The necromancers soul struggled, but it proved futile.

The [Phantom Armor] had its jaws wide open, and it sucked the warlocks soul in like a vacuum cleaner.


The eerie sound of the necromancers soul resounded.


The spirit of the necromancer then appeared at Kairos side as a specter mage.

An Eye for an Eye, a Tooth for a Tooth.

Karmic justice.

Causality and retribution.

He had become Kaiross slave, just as he had done to the common laborers.

Let me out, Your Majesty!

I can smell that Argonne bastard on them. Let us go.

Lets beat them up!

Inside the [Phantom Armor], Kaiross former subordinates went berserk.

They were eager to kill the followers of Argonne.


Kairos grinned and unleashed the power of the [Phantom Armor].


From the gaping mouth of the armor, wraith knights burst forth and began slaughtering the men of Emperor Argonne.

The slain enemies souls were sucked back into the armor and released as new slaves of Kairos.

Kairos was now the owner of a one-man army, and the more enemies he slaughtered, the more soldiers he would have.

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Oh, no! What the hell is going on!

Gaius was greatly perplexed by the sudden enemy assault.

This is the western fringe of the Arad Empire.

It was one of the most backwoods areas bordering the Haver Prairie, and was therefore scarcely inhabited, if at all.

At that moment.

*Whooosh!* *Crackle!* *Swiissh!*

A raging inferno of flames.



The half-roasted subordinates of Emperor Argonne screamed and dispersed in all directions.

With their bodies on fire.


Soon enough, Otto, clad in a suit of flame-spewing armor, appeared and began to stalk toward Gaius.

Otto de Scuderia, was it you who did this!

Dont ask knowing that much, you fucking bastard.

B.. Bastard?

Yes, you bastards. All of you.

Otto was pissed off enough that he didnt mind spewing out the profanities.

The atrocities hed seen from the moment hed infiltrated this place had knocked the rational mind out of him.

What kind of people are you if not bastards for kidnapping all these people, forcing them into forced labor, killing them, and even turning them into the undead for the purpose of digging a single grave?

How dare you!

Gaius bellowed.

Such a small sacrifice for something so great! Their lives are nothing to write home about anyway! They should be grateful to be of any use at all!

Yeah, whatever. Theres bound to be some sacrifice no matter the job.

Otto didnt deny it.


Because he was a hard-headed realist, not an idealist.

I dont even think people are all equal but there are lines, certain limits, things you must not cross. And you guys crossed it.

Shut up! What do you think you know? You think you can get away with this? What if your atrocities.

You mean your brother would retaliate if he knew, or should I call him the Great Emperor Argonne?


You would approach an easy-to-exploit monarch, pretend to offer them support, and slowly erode their power. Then you turn them into mere puppets, staging a coup, and seizing hegemony over the continent. Thats your plan, Im sure, just like that Argonne bastard did with Kairos all those years ago.

How can you possibly know that!

Gaius blanched at the realization that Otto knew all the facts.

There are things I dont know. Like whether that bastard is possessed. Or if hes reincarnated, or if hes not dead and is living. Ill have to ask those questions to you, one by one.

You Fuc!

Youre the only one who can get out of here alive, but.

Otto chimed in.

I think that would be more unfortunate than dying here.

No sooner had the words left his lips then Otto sprang forward with terrifying speed and charged at Gaius.

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For Otto, the knights protecting Gaius were not a hindrance.

My My arm! My arm! Arrrrrgh!

Keuk! Cough!

The knights guarding Gaius were unable to resist the [Poison Gaze] and [Eye of Petrification] and succumbed one by one.

Ottos recent explosion in leveling had increased the power of his skills, and even their modest magic resistance was no match for the effects of petrification and poisoning.

Could that be all?

Even if they somehow managed to get close enough to him, all they would find was death.


A knight approached Otto and swung his sword.


Otto spat out the [Vile Death Bead]


The knight fell to the ground, unable to even scream, and never bounced back up.

Ottos [Vile Death Bead] pierced through his helmet and into his skull, killing him instantly.

With that, Otto had killed the knight in the blink of an eye and closed the distance between him and Gaius.

You think you can beat me with that kind of pathetic skill!

Gaius bellowed, as he swung his sword at Otto.

*Clang!* *Bang!*

A direct head-to-head clash between Otto and Gaius.

I can see it.

Otto smiled to himself as he realized that he could clearly see the flow of Gaius attacks.

It was different.

He could definitely feel the effects of Elises tutoring.

Whereas when he had achieved a one-star achievement in <Invincible Swordsmanship>, he was merely swinging his sword at random, now he felt a bit more at ease.

Of course, the difference in strength was relative, but what was clear now was that Ottos skill was superior to that of Gaius.

No way!

Gaius was aghast as his sword technique was completely destroyed by Otto.

He was taken aback by Ottos skill, which was far greater than he had expected.

Gaius paid the price for his flustered reaction.


Ottos sword sliced into Gaius thigh.


Gaius stance collapsed.


Otto instantly kicked Gaiuss wrist, knocking his sword away.


Gaius, who had lost his sword, recoiled in panic.


Ottos kick struck Gaius in the gut this time.


Gaius was knocked off his feet and gasped, struggling to breathe.

He was having trouble breathing because he had been hit so cleanly.

I want to kill you, but I cant.

Otto pulled out his [Poker of Awakening] and walked over to the wheezing Gaius.

He began to beat him, viciously, like he was intent on killing him.

*Bang!* *Smack!* *Wham!* *Bam!* *Smack!*

Ugh! Arghh! Aww! P-Please! Arghhhhh!*

Gaius screamed and thrashed around this way and that, but Otto showed no mercy to him.

He was beating him with the intention of killing him, so the intensity of the violence was different from just plain beating.

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The battle was over in a fraction of an hour.

Not a single enemy escaped alive.

The combined forces of the Lota Kingdom and the nomadic warriors had eliminated everyone in their path, from the vigilant sentries on the perimeter down to the smallest living rat or bird, using a thorough encirclement and extermination tactic.

Your Majesty, congratulations on the victory.

Camille bowed to Otto on one knee.

Good work, now focus on getting the workers home, they wont be able to get there unless we help them.

Yes, Your Majesty.

At this point, the workers were utterly drained and unable to make it out of the area.

Even if they were in good physical condition, traveling such a long distance on this cold night would be enough to cause them to succumb to the weather, and in their state of exhaustion, they would surely die before the day was out.

We need to keep our identity a secret, so pay attention to security. Escort them to a safe place and then come back. Perhaps we can drop them off in the nearest town or city.

Yes, I understand.

And this.

Otto opened his inventory and pulled out a check.

Its a laundered check, so itll be hard to find out where it came from, so use it with confidence. Itll take some extra money to feed and house that many people, and the rest will be distributed to them.

You certainly are wise.

Camille smiled at Ottos meticulousness and thoughtfulness.

Now, lets see.

After giving Camille instructions, Otto grabbed the fallen Gaius by the hair and dragged him over.

Theres someone I need you to meet, and I think you know him.



Otto yanked Gaius by the hair, forcing his head up.

Youre telling me youre a descendant of that Argonne bastard, huh?

Wh, Who.

Who do you think I am?

Kairos laughed like a devil.

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