I Became a Level -99 Vicious Lord

Chapter 101:

Chapter 101:

Chapter 101

The frostbite flower is a plant and monster native only to the North, beyond the Wall.

It was a giant flower the size of a bull, walking on all fours, and capable of swallowing a man in a single gulp! It was a terrifying thing to behold.

It was also incredibly voracious, wandering around like a man who hadnt eaten in days, devouring anything that was alive.

It wasnt called a monkfish for nothing.

The pollen of the frostbite flower was imbued with tremendous energy, and when ingested, it had the effect of enhancing human potential.

[Frost Elixir]

Description: A pill made from the pollen of the Frostbite Flower, which was then dried.

An extremely rare elixir, its value is immense.

Type: Consumable (Pill)

Durability: 1/1


+30 level when ingested (only for those below level 300)

This elixir is only found in the north, beyond the Wall, so its surprising that someone would toss it to him like its candy.

Are you sure I can have it?

Otto asked Elise curiously.

Is the gift too small?

Oh, no, absolutely not, I just wanted to know if I could accept it because you gave me something I dont deserve!

If thats the case, dont worry about it. Im just giving you the leftovers.

Haha hahaha.

Ill bring you something better next time.

T-Thank you!

Otto shouted back, looking like a private standing in front of a division commander.

Indeed, Otto was truly afraid of Elise.

If she hates me, shell kill me. Ill keep my mind sharp.

Elise was more terrifying than he could have imagined.

For example, one of her scenarios had her killing her husband with her own hands when the war threatened to destroy her family.

To summarize the scene, it went something like this

Defeat is a foregone conclusion. This will be my last battle.


After the final battle, the survivors will either die or be enslaved to live a miserable life. It is better to die quickly now than to be disgraced alive. This is my last gift to you.

H Honey what are ugh!

Ill be with you soon.

Like General Gyebaek, who killed his wife and children with his own hands before going to war, Elise killed her husband and then went into the final battle, dying a spectacular death.

Even though she was the strongest in the world, she lacked the eyes to see the situation, and she was unable to overcome the huge disparity in numbers.

It was like a lion surrounded and hunted by hyenas.

Eat first.

D-Do you mean now?

Its better to eat something while its fresh.

Ill eat it now!

Otto immediately picked up the pouch on the ground and popped the blue pill inside into his mouth.

The result.

[Alert: Youve leveled up!]

[Alert: Level 151 achieved!]

[Alert: Level 152 achieved!]




[Alert: Level 180 reached!]

He actually gained 30 levels at once.

Do you feel a little stronger?

Yes, thank you very much!

Otto chirped. He gave Elise a navel bow.

Im glad you like it.

Sure, Is there a choice?

Oh, and.

Elise added.

If you dont want to marry me.


Be stronger than me.


If you beat me, then I will divorce you in a clean way.

That day.

Ottos biggest goal in life became neither marriage nor a breakup, but a <divorce>.

Of course, survival would come first before that

* * * /SchattenTranslations * * *

Follow me.


Otto followed Elise back to the party.

Wait a minute, Im going to change.


I didnt realize there was a party going on and didnt get dressed. Ill be right back.

You look good enough as it is.

In fact, for Elise, the most beautiful woman on the continent, it didnt matter what she wore.

No matter what she wore, she was the most beautiful woman on the continent, so she didnt need to worry about her outfit.

After all, they say the face completes the look.

Certainly, Elise proved that saying to be true.

Im comfortable in a military uniform. But it doesnt look quite right for a party.

All right, see you later.

Otto, unable to argue with the safety of his own mind, gave Elise time to change and return.

An hour later.


Otto gasped in amazement when he saw Elise back in her dress.

Can she be that pretty?

Elises beauty in a dress instead of a military uniform was enough to make even Otto lose his cool.

The problem was her stride.


Elise wobbled badly.

She hadnt worn heels in a long time, and she couldnt even walk properly in them, since she usually only wore boots, army boots, or the steel boots attached to her armor.


Otto scrambled to her aid.

Are you okay?

Im fine.

Elise picked herself up as if it were a minor incident.

I just lost my balance for a second because Im not used to the footwear.

Of course, you didnt fall, I was just worried.

Even Otto knew she couldnt fall, not when she wielded a sword of light as an Aura Knight and sliced up barbarians on the other side of the Wall.

Can you help me up, I dont think Ill be able to walk on my own until I get used to my shoes.

Of course I can.

Otto took Elises hand to help her center herself.

What the hell, why are they so rough and hard?

Elises hand was rough.

There was no place on her palm that wasnt callused, her skin was very dry, and the roughness was like sandpaper.

Ottos hands were also rough from his daily sword training.

But Elises hands were in such bad shape that even Ottos hands felt like they were made of cotton wool.

I know. Not a day goes by that she does not grab her sword and fight. Beyond the Wall, its cold and harsh enough to make her skin crack.

He wondered how she managed to keep her lustrous hair and blemish-free skin so tight and glowing when her hands were in such bad shape.

Wait a minute.

What is it?

Your hands are too rough, just hold them out for a second.

Otto said and took the cream from his pocket.

He held it out to Elise, not to impress her, but because he felt sorry for the young ladys hands, which were ruined as if they belonged to an old man.

Its a cream, I hope you dont mind if I put it on, I thought you might need to moisturize.


Hold on.

Otto squeezed the cream onto Elises palm, then applied it himself.


Elise shuddered slightly.


Otto was so surprised by Elises reaction that he almost ran away.

He was so surprised by her reaction that he thought she was going to draw a sword.

In reality, Elise hadnt felt a human hand or body heat in so long, she was just freaking out because she wasnt used to it.

After only holding things like swords and armor on the other side of the cold wall, the softness of a human hand was unfamiliar.

Your hands are soft.

They are, arent they, hahaha.

Can I ask you to do it in the future?

Of course! Whether you want to or not, just say the word and Ill apply it anytime, hehehehe!

Lets go now.


With that, Otto escorted Elise by the hand to help her find her center in the heels, which she wasnt used to, and together they entered the party.

* * *




When Otto and Elise appeared at the party, people were so stunned that they were at a loss for words.

The visual of the Otto-Elise pair was shocking.

Otto, the most handsome man on the continent.

Elise, the most beautiful woman on the continent.

When they walked into the party holding hands, the visual effect was staggering.

Not only did they prove why there was such a thing as good men and good women, but they also had the power to turn all but a few of the handsome men into squid.

Where are you looking?


At one point, a high-ranking officer gazed mesmerized at Elise until his wife pinched him, forcing him to grit his teeth and stifle a scream.

Can we talk later?

No, honey, not that.

Of course its not, you wretch, I can hear your eyes rolling all the way here!

 Having been caught in the act, the officer had the honor of suffering from a terrible case of the bug for a while.

He was not the only one.

How can I beat that woman?

I give up.

Im just a goblin compared to her.

The noblewomen, who had been eagerly awaiting the opportunity to approach Otto, were completely turned off by the sight of Elise.

Her height, she is tall.

Her figure, a curvy figure.

Her face, too.

None of them were better than Elise, and they lost their confidence.

That wasnt all.

Ugh! I look at Lord Otto and then I look at this guys face and Im stressed out!

If I had married a handsome man like him, I wouldnt have been upset What could I possibly have thought of marrying this man for?

The married women looked at their husbands faces and sighed heavily, lamenting their situation.

Otto and Elise tried to sit down, unaware that they were producing casualties in real time.


The music changed, signaling the start of the ball.

This drew attention to the two of them.

Would you like to dance?


As the ballroom music began, they paired up and started dancing.


Elise stood there, unsure of what to do.

She had held a sword since she was a child and lived in constant war since she became a knight, so she had no idea what to do at a social party like this.

She certainly didnt know how to dance.

My fianc.


I dont know what to do. I dont know how to dance.

If you dont want to dance, you dont have to. If Elise doesnt want to dance, whos to say? If youre uncomfortable, you can go to.

Otto glanced at the musicians in the distance, who were still playing hard, and then turned to Elise.

Do you want me to round up all the musicians and then bury them so neither the mice nor the birds will know?

What kind of tyrant do you think I am?

Eliezer frowned slightly.

You mean bury the musicians for some kind of sin?


Im just not used to balls. Dancing is foreign to me. I have never danced in my life.

Why dont you make yourself comfortable and take a seat, and Ill escort you.



I will dance.


Im not going to shy away just because Ive never danced before. Im not afraid to dance.

Well, what can I do for you.

Have you ever danced before?

Elise asked Otto.

Yes, Ive danced a few times.

Actually, it wasnt him who danced, but the real Otto.

Then lead me.


I will give it a try.

Elise said to Otto with a determined look on her face.

Whats that look?

No Dont act like youre going to war for a single dance.

Its scary.

** ** **


1. Anglerfish(Monkfish) are known to be voracious eaters. They have a large mouth with sharp teeth and a very expandable stomach, allowing them to consume prey that is often larger than their own size. They are opportunistic predators and feed on a variety of prey, including fish, crustaceans, and even other anglerfish.

2. In 660, Gyebaek reportedly killed his wife and children to prevent them from being enslaved if he lost. Gyebaek was recognized by historians and scholars as exemplifying the Confucian ideals of patriotism and devotion to his king, Uija, and praised as such.

3. Name of this bow came from the fact that the hands are clasped together and placed in the navel. 

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