I Became a Gallery Manager in Another World

Chapter 74: The Princess Becomes A Fleshlight, It's Common Sense (1)

Chapter 74: The Princess Becomes A Fleshlight, It's Common Sense (1)

Hehe! An A is guaranteed!

Evelyn laughed cutely after hearing the professors evaluation of her presentation.

It was expected, if anything.

Half of the presentations effectiveness came from the presenters confidence and voice.

Not just because she was my childhood friend, but objectively speaking, Evelyn had a talent for drawing peoples attention.

With Estelle, the second-ranked student in the year, creating the presentation materials, receiving high praise from the professor was a natural outcome.


I diligently managed the gallery for world peace, so I was given due consideration.

Hmm! How about we go out for a drink after this is over?

Sorry. I cant. Sorry.

Is that so? Then, theres nothing we can do. Ian, it looks like its just you and me.

When Estelle gently declined, Evelyn didnt want to impose further and stopped insisting.

Sorry, but I cant today either, Evelyn.

What? Why not?

I have a prior engagement with the discipline chairperson.

Today marked the third day since my last meeting with Laplace.

In other words, it was time for another round of belly-bumping.

Why does Lady Laplace keep summoning you?

Because Im the Special Inspector?

Siigh I knew it. What? A position with rights but no responsibilities? Geez, such nonsense. You really took on such a role.

Well, what can I do? I cant quit now.

At Evelyns grumbling, I shrugged my shoulders in response.

The truth is, Ive been enjoying rights without any real responsibilities

I designated the old school building as my exclusive patrol area to keep everyone away, and sometimes, I would report that I resolved cases that Laplace actually did, thereby building up my achievements.

If things continued this way, I wouldnt have to worry about employment just based on the achievements of being a Special Inspector.

You jerk Thats why I told you not to do it. Why do you always not listen to me and end up at a loss?

I seem to have suffered losses by listening as well


Never mind. How about going next Sunday?

Hmph! You refuse the gathering, but now youre asking for a date?

Yeah, its a date request. Theres something important I want to talk about.

Huh? What, what? Important talk?

Evelyns eyes widened in surprise.

What, what, what?Why, whywhy so suddenly proactive?

You dont like dating?

Who, who said I dont? Then, when are you going to church?

No, I wont go to church next week.

I had thought about it seriously over the past few days and made a decision.

Before Elises Day comes, I decided to reveal my Harem Plan to Evelyn.

Evelyn will feel betrayed.

She might even cry.

No, she will almost certainly cry

But it was a step that had to be taken eventually.

Leaving Yurisleaving Laplace was impossible for me.

Of course, convincing Evelyn would not be easy.

It would be unacceptable to me if the situations were reversed.

But still.

I had to succeed.

Kneeling, bowing my head, licking feet, begging over and over again.

I will definitely obtain Evelyns permission.

I couldnt even imagine a life without Evelyn.

HehhehesniffSomethingseems fishy? Ian isnt usually like this?

Ian. Evelyn.

Yeah, Estelle.

My bodys not feeling well, so Ill go to the infirmary for a bit.

Huh? Are you okay? Can you go by yourself? Should I accompany you?

No, its not that serious. Ill go by myself

When I initiated the conversation, Estelle once again shook her head and declined.

And once again, thank you both for allowing me to join the group.

Weve said it before. Theres no need for permission among friends. We just do it together. Right, Evelyn?



Ah? Yeah. Wellright. We would have struggled without you, Estelle. Ian almost didnt make the presentation materials until the very last minute.

Thanks for saying that. Then, Ill be off.

Estelle left with a small smile, pulling her wheelchair along.



When I called her name, Evelyn narrowed her eyes and sighed heavily, glaring at me.

Ah, this clueless idiot.

Why the sudden cursing Where are you going, Evelyn?

You dont need to know! Dont follow me, you jerk!

No. Even if you go, at least the lunch

I dont care! Theres nothing for you today, so figure it out yourself!!


I had no idea what had upset Evelyn so much, but she stormed off, even taking my lunch with her.


This is bad.

I hadnt brought my lunch, thinking I would eat the one Evelyn packed, and I didnt have any money either.


After a brief moment of contemplation on how to resolve this situation, I found a solution.

In this case, Ill go to the student council room!

Gaur and Kuolli would share their food with me, a hungry soul.

Their way of speaking might be odd, but they were kind-hearted once you got to know them.

On the contrary, Anyas way of speaking was relatively normal, but her personality was nasty.

Step- Step-



While walking to the student council room, I heard a scream from outside the window.

To my relief, it wasnt an incident; it was just a moment from a girls basketball game.


Most were faces I didnt recognize, perhaps from a different grade, but the lime green twin tails fluttering around were unmistakably Elfridas.

Thump- Thump- Swish-!

Elfrida, who was seriously aiming for the basket, suddenly bypassed the opposing defender and moved forward

-The left hand is just for support.

For some reason, I felt like I could hear Elfridas voice, which shouldnt have been audible from that distance.

Swoosh-! Thud-! Beep-! Beep-!

Aaaaah!!! We won! We did it!!!

At that moment, once again, with joyful screams, the teammates rushed towards Elfrida.

From what I could tell, it seemed Elfrida had made a jump shot right before the game ended, resulting in a comeback.

Really impressive

Whether it was due to her innate affinity for spirits, among the Elves, there was no such thing as a Blessed One.

However, just from observing Elfridas movements as she dodged the defenders, one could be convinced she was a physical enhancement type of Blessed One.


Then, suddenly, Elfrida turned her head towards me and slightly opened her mouth.

-You saw, didnt you?


It felt like facing a giant eyeball in the depths of the ocean, sending a chill down my spine.


How could she notice my gaze from this distance and pinpoint my location instantly?

-Are you coming now?

I have to run!

Even if Elfrida was a genius young spirit mage, it would take her some time to reach up here!

I tried to pretend I hadnt seen anything and escape, but

Tap-! Tap-! Tap-! Tap-!


Surprisingly, Elfrida just stepped through the air towards me.

Its been a while! Ian sunbae

Yeah, it has been a while, Elfrida.

Tehehe~ If I had known Ian sunbae was watching, I would have tried harder! So, how was your cute juniors performance?

Uhit was remarkable.

Aing~! Im embarrassed when you compliment me like that. But, where are you going, sunbae?

Ah, that to have lunch.

Then, Elfridas eyes sparkled like a leopard that had found its prey.

Oh my~! What a coincidence!! I was about to have lunch too! If its okay with you, maybe we can together

Sorry, I didnt bring my lunchbox or money today, so its going to be difficult to eat together.

Thats okay! Ill buy you lunch! But next time, youll have to

No, I cant do that. A sunbae getting a meal from a junior thats something that shouldnt exist in this world. Its trash that must be eliminated. I dont want to become that kind of trash.

Uh? Is it really that bad to get a meal?

Its my principle. Lets have a meal together another time. Ill pay then.

Oh? Really? When?

Hmm. Ill contact you when I have time.

Ah! Okay! Ill be waiting.

Yeah, yeah. See you next time.

Of course, I had no way to contact Elfrida.

I could do it through the gallery, but since thats unlikely to happen, it was correct to say I didnt know how.

Uh? But how will sunbae contact

Elfrida seemed to realize this belatedly, murmuring behind me just as I opened the door to the student council room.


Oh~ Whos opening the door so roughly~ Its Ian~

Ho-ho Look who it is, the Special Inspector. Finally showing yourself.


As expected, Gaur and Kuolli were having lunch

Whats up? Ian.

Instead of Anya, Laplace was there too.

Ah, that I forgot my lunchbox. Can I sit here for a bit?



As I sat down next to her, Laplace slightly shivered.

Ho-ho~ So, Ian, you came to ask Lord Gaur~ to share his lunchbox~?

Yeah, Ill definitely repay you next time.

Ho-ho-ho~ Alright~ Well share~ But remember it as a debt~.

Then, I will also share a bit. For the Special Inspector to accumulate debt This is precious.

Swoosh- Swoosh-

Gaur and Kuolli scooped some of their lunchbox contents onto a lid and handed it over to me.

Thanks. Ill enjoy it.


Laplace seemed hesitant, as if debating whether to share her lunchbox too.

It seemed more out of concern about acting presumptuously and possibly getting scolded by me than not wanting to share.


Dont forget next time.

But eventually, perhaps thinking that not sharing would lead to more trouble, she opened her lunchbox and shared.

Thank you.

Honestly, I had expected the princesss lunchbox to be incredibly luxurious

But, although it was plentiful, it felt quite homely.

Could it be homemade?

The idea of Laplace cooking was hard to imagine.

By the way, where did Anya go? I dont see her around.

Munch munch Anya said she couldnt come because of severe menstrual cramps.

Again? She took a break for that reason not too long ago.

Huh? Really? Does Anya have her period twice a month? Gasp! Could it be that Anya isnt an ordinary human?

Stop talking nonsense and just eat, Kuolli.

Oops, I got scolded Alright. Munch munch

This is delicious, Gaur.

Ho-ho~ Everything Gaur makes is delicious~


After finishing our meal amid casual conversation

Special Inspector. Can I see you for a moment?

Laplace stood up from her seat and spoke to me.

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