I Became a Gallery Manager in Another World

Chapter 59: The Guidance Department Is Not A Masturbation Toy Club! (2)

Chapter 59: The Guidance Department Is Not A Masturbation Toy Club! (2)

Huff huff

Laplace had seemingly run hard to get here, taking long breaths to steady herself.

Sniff!HaOver hereI smell something?

How focused she was.

Despite the loud noise, Anya appeared not to hear.

Senior please, stop now.

Ah!! Wait! Stop..!! Huff!! Stay! I told you!! Huff! If you keepinterrupting Ill really arrest!!

Anya? What are you doing?

Kyah?!Chief?!..When did you? No, no!!Welcome!!

Only after Laplace called her name did Anya stop tracking the scent of the flowers.

Hehe~ youve come~ Chief~

Ho Have all the actors finally gathered in one place? The stage is set to begin.

Yeah, sorry for interrupting everyones lunchtime.

No, no!! Its okay!

Gaur is fine too~ Ah~! Chief~ Want some fried chicken?

Thank you, but no. I have something to discuss with the Special Inspector

After saying this, Laplace glanced at me and tilted her chin toward the chiefs office.

Well, I should go too. Gaur, the fried chicken was delicious. Really good.

Hehe~ Glad you liked it~

Be careful, Suitable One. Even for you, meeting with the chief wont be easy.

Kek!If only I had stayed a bit longerI could have found the source of the scent!!

What is the Special Inspector doing? Hurry and follow.

After saying this, Laplace entered the chiefs office

Ah! Yes, Im on my way.

I followed and closed the door to the chiefs office behind me.



Suddenly, the confident demeanor of Laplace vanished as if it were a facade.

Merely by locking the door, Laplace quivered like a newborn fawn.


Hic!Sosorrysorry Ill Ill undress now..!

As I pondered how to begin the conversation, touching my chin, Laplace began to undress in a flustered apology.

I just planned to make her clean since its lunchtime

But since she offered to undress herself, I didnt stop her.

Seeing the naked body of a beautiful girl like Laplace was always a sight to behold.

Huhuk! ImundressedIan

In an instant, Laplace was completely naked and neatly folded her clothes.

Even the way she turned her panties inside out to display the part that touched her was meticulous.

Now, do you recognize me as your master?

Hic!Sorry! I neverthoughtIan woulduse the galleryhuk

Is that so? But arent you curious about how I knew?

No, no!I Im not curious! OnaholeI dont need to know!.. Illjustobey!

That was a relief.

If she asked, I was prepared to scold her for insolence, but things went smoothly.

Swish Swish

Now youre acting more like an Onahole.

AhgulpYesthank you

Toilet (Laplace) and Bitch (Yuris)

Although they were similar in status, their reactions when I patted their heads were entirely different.

Every time I stroked Yuriss hair, she pressed it against my hand and smiled brightly

Laplace, however, managed a strained smile while trying to suppress her trembling body.


Hic..!..gulp! Yes Yes Ian

What did I say you should do first if you wish to serve?

Ah! Uh! Thathat is Ah.gulphukjust a moment II cant remembergulphwa

Laplace, pondering my question and biting her nails, eventually burst into tears.

Huk! Im sosorry I dont knowgulp sorryhuuk..!

Youve forgotten my command?

..Hue!..Hue!.Sorry, sorryI was wronghuk!.. Please forgive me!

Laplace breathed heavily, almost causing me to worry she might hyperventilate.

I wanted to let it go, but

If I did, the authority of the ruler would erode, so I had no choice.

Haa Why do I always have to give a punishment? Right? I could just let it go nicely

gulp Huk! Yes sorry!..gulp St stupid Onahole sorry

Stop crying and stand up.

Uh hup haa Yes


Laplace now covered her lower abdomen instead of her chest and genitals.

Put your hands behind your waist.

gulp! huu! gulp! Huk..!

Following my order, Laplace, now in an at ease position, trembled and fixed her gaze on my fist.

You know youre being punished for your mistakes, right?

Haa huk! Yes Yehe I I know so sorry

Right, you should be sorry for bothering the master.

Yes so sorry


Hiiik!?!! Khe huk!!.. hueuk!!

Haa Onahole. Why do you make the master into a bad person? Huh? Didnt the master always say to use Judgment before serving?

gulp! Huek Hue! huk! He gulp!

See, if you dont use Judgment, you break easily, right? If the Onahole breaks quickly, the master will be sad, wont he?

Huk! Hue!

Hey not answering?


It really hurt my heart, but

I had no choice but to step on Laplaces head, still holding my stomach, and ask again while she exhaled.


Would the master be happy if the Onahole breaks?

Kek!..gulp! No not!

Right? So next time, use Judgment as soon as you come in?

gulp Yes Yeh! I I will


Hearing Laplaces response, I lifted my foot off her head.

It hurt my heart, but the belly punch and stepping on the head were all lashes of love, all in the hopes that Laplace wouldnt get hurt.

gulp! Hue Tha thank you! for educating stupid Onahole gulp

Right, then turn on Judgment and kneel again.

Huk Yes Belief unshaken, justice will not fail!


With the chant, a halo appeared above Laplaces head.

This is not easy.

Honestly, I thought this would be enough

But it seemed that a belly punch and stepping on the head werent enough to satisfy Laplace, as the halos color was not completely black.

What are you doing? We dont have time, so hurry up and take off my pants.

gulp! Yes Yes!.. I Ill take off the pants



As Laplace obediently lowered the pants following the command, her eyes suddenly widened.

There was no need to ask why.

When the pants came down, a pungent night flower scent filled the chiefs office, surprising even me.

Ugh! huk uk! huk!

Does the master have to order everything one by one? Take off the underwear and clean.

Ah! uk gulp! Yes I Ian

Swish Swoosh

Laplaces speed, hesitant to remove my underwear, was noticeably slower than when she had lowered the pants.

gulp h uk!! huk!

But she couldnt stay frozen forever.

As Laplace, with her eyes tightly shut, lowered my underwear, a semen-covered penis sprang out.

Doesnt the masters penis look tasty.

Uk h! huk! gulp! Yes Yeh! It It looks tasty huk thank you for letting the Onahole clean your penis with her throat huk thank you baa-

The moment Laplaces tongue was about to touch the penis after finishing her thanks,


I slapped Laplaces cheek.

hukhuk!! h.. hue! so sorry..!.. Im sorry..!!.. I was wrong!!.. Do.. dont hit me..! huk

Hey, when are you going to come to your senses? What did I always say you should do before sucking my penis?

gulp Thathat is reporting ah! sorry gulp! I should kiss the glans first huk!.. sorry

Haa See? You know it and you still tried to skip it? Why? Dont want to kiss? Think the masters penis is dirty?

Snap! Snap! Snap!

hukhuk!!.. No, no!!.. uk! sorry!!.. huk!,.. I.. I want to.. kiss.. the penis!! Please.. let the Onahole kiss your penis huk!!

Haa Damn. Are you going to do it properly? If you act like that, Ill rape all the girls outside.

Of course, I never really intended to touch them.

It was merely a line to heighten the atmosphere.


Crackle! Crackle Crackle-!!


Suddenly, Laplaces halo vibrated violently and then turned completely black.

hukhut!! No no! Please the members! Instead Ill do anything! Dont dont touch them..!!


I felt like I was beginning to understand Laplace a bit more.

It was similar to the sister rice bowl or the mother and daughter rice bowl.

Given that the halo, which was unaffected by belly punches and slaps, turned completely black with just a word

It seemed that Laplace took pleasure in seeing others defiled like herself.

What about doing it together with Yuris?

The mere thought of the most luxurious threesome with a princess and a saint made my penis twitch.

Ha, youll do it instead? You think youre that valuable, Onahole? Is your pussy worth more than those three?

hukhuk! Please! I Ian Ill serve you really well from now on! I wont make mistakes again Ill practice a lot and tighten my pussy! Anya, Gaur, Kuolli, they are all nice and pure! Im different a dirty Onahole

Laplace pleaded with tears, more desperate than ever before.

Please huk If youre stressed you can use my body as a punching bag or call me for semen disposal like now its okay! huk Ill serve as an Onahole for life gyaahuk!!

How can I believe that?

As I growled, clutching her hair, Laplace managed to speak between sobs.

Hehe.. huk ah huk a tattoo


I Ill engrave a tattoo on my body huk Laplace Mapleflower is Ians Onahole as evidence Ill engrave a lifelong, indelible tattoo in my womb gulp so please be satisfied with me huk

If others saw this, they might have seen a tragic scene where the blond thug tormented the body of the Guidance Department President to protect the Guidance Department members.

But I knew.

Sexual Fetish: ...Body Graffiti LV, Womb Tattoo LV MAX....

At that moment, Laplace used the members as an excuse to satisfy her own sexual fetishes.

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