I Became a Gallery Manager in Another World

Chapter 46: Princess Getting Belly Punched (1)

Chapter 46: Princess Getting Belly Punched (1)

[Gallery inspection in progress!! Scheduled inspection time is April 11th, from 00:00 to 23:59!]

An inaccessible gallery.

But the gallery wasnt what was important right now.

Dont be nervous, just act naturally.

I steeled myself and opened the door to the classroom.

Oh my! Ian.

A chill ran down my spine as I saw Evelyn smiling and striking up a conversation as soon as I sat down.

Hello, Evelyn.

Yeah! Hi! Ian. Here, take this. Someone came by yesterday and left it.


What Evelyn handed over was, of course, a student ID.

Ian. That student ID who do you think gave it to you?

I wonder?

It was none other than Yuris, the candidate for the next saint.

What?! Yuris!! Really? How? Why?

I suddenly stood up, feigning shock.

Huh? Hmm?


The practice I had done in front of the mirror all night had paid off.

Evelyn tilted her head, her expression one of doubt, wondering if my act had been convincing.

Ha Hey, Ian. Be honest. What did you do yesterday that made you skip the academy?

I didnt do anything. I just took a day off because I was tired.

Dont make me laugh. I know you. Are you really the type to skip the academy just because youre tired?

Evelyn narrowed her eyes in suspicion, but it was clear that her doubts had lessened.

Im telling you the truth And it makes sense that Im tired; Ive had a lot of physically demanding tasks to handle lately. You know that, right?


True to her nature, with an attack power of 3000 and defense of 0, Evelyn blushed with even a slight counterattack.

I didnt miss the opportunity to press on.

But Evelyn, theres something Im curious about too.

What is it?

Come closer.

Sigh What nonsense are you going to spout this time.

Despite her annoyance, Evelyn leaned in to listen, which made me smile.

Whisper whisper-

I, I, I!!You crazy!!What are you asking first thing in the morning?!! Did you get, get horny because you didnt do it for just one day?!

Surprisingly, Evelyn shouted in a subdued voice, a rare sight indeed.

So youre not going to tell me?

I wont!!


I said I wont talk!!

Really? Even if I ask like this?

Ah!!Uh!!Aaack!!I dont know!!


Evelyn buried her face in the desk, apparently determined not to divulge anything.

Was it a successful strategy after all?

I was disappointed I couldnt extract an answer, but distracting Evelyn was sufficient.

Just when I thought that

Swoosh- Swoosh-

Still, with her face down, Evelyn traced something on my thigh with her finger.

[2nd, Red]

April 12th

Click-clack, click-clack-

A silver-haired woman, cloaked in a black coat, strode confidently down the hallway.

Despite the corridor teeming with students filtering out of recently concluded classes


A path opened before her as if she were parting a snowy field.

At last, the silver-haired woman halted before her intended destination, Class 2-C.

Excuse me for a moment. Is Ian still here?

Laplace inquired, pushing the classroom door open without a moments hesitation.

Simultaneously, those who remained turned their gaze towards Ian.

The day before yesterday, it had been the saint candidate; today, it was the princess.

What on earth was Ian involved in to attract attention from such high-profile figures?

Naturally, the most astonished of them all was Evelyn.


She could grasp why Yuris might seek out Ian.

Though she had her suspicions given Ians absence

The kind-hearted Yuris might have accidentally found and brought his student ID herself.


Laplace was different.

Lady Laplace wouldnt visit without a significant reason.

Click-clack, click-clack-

So, you are Ian?

The princess, seemingly certain, approached my desk and addressed me.

Yes. What can I do for you?

As I raised my head to reply, I saw her silvery hair, almost white, signifying her royal lineage and her shining red eyes.

The Second Princess, Laplace Mapleflower, chose to be the Disciplinary Head who valued justice over an assured victory in the student council president election due to her overwhelming popularity.

There are a few questions Id like to ask. May I request your temporary company?


Unlike Estelle, the princess seemed emotionless for a different reason.

While Estelles expressionlessness was to hide her emotions, the princess seemed genuinely uninterested in the world.

What kind of questions?

While I was pondering what she could possibly ask me, Evelyn interjected.

JuJust a moment. Lady Laplace.

I am still on official duty. Address me as the Disciplinary Head.

Uhm Disciplinary Head Why are you taking Ian?

Didnt I say? There are a few questions I want to ask. Are you worried I might eat him up?

Its not that.

Relax. It was a joke.

The princess joked without even a flicker in her eyebrows.


If its temporary accompaniment, may I refuse?

This time, Estelle asked.

Of course. Its temporary after all.

Then, please leave for today. Sorry, but Ian has a prior engagement with me.

But if I come back here, it wont be temporary anymore, will it?


Evelyn and Estelle glanced at the princess, who then spoke to me again.

So, once again, I ask, Ian. Will you come with me?

I understand Ill go.

Good choice.


As I stood up, Evelyn and Estelle approached me.



Dont worry too much. What could possibly happen? Ill be back soon.

Though it was said to ease their anxiety, it was sincere.

I had done nothing wrong, so I had nothing to fear.

Then, lets go.

Ian, you had sex in the old school building, didnt you?

The princesss question came abruptly as soon as I sat in the Disciplinary Committees chair.

I dont understand what you mean.

Going to pretend you dont know? Let me be more precise, then. Ian, did you have sex with Evelyn Marigold?

It seems youre under some misconception, Disciplinary Head. Evelyn and I are just childhood friends, nothing more.

Is that so? Yet today, during lunchtime, you both entered the old school building together, didnt you?


My fists clenched tightly at the princesss words.

Dont get involved. Theres no evidence.

Yes, there would be no evidence.

If there was, it wouldnt have been temporary accompaniment but forcible apprehension.

I wont deny entering the old school building. But we only went there to eat lunch.

Is that so?

Yes, if entering a restricted area is a concern


I lost my words the moment I saw the photos the princess pulled out.

[Photo of a condom box in the trash can]

[Photo of a birth control pill bottle in the trash can]

[Photo of a wet blanket in certain parts]

[Photo showing signs of use in the shower room]

While there were no direct photos of sexual intercourse, the evidence was suggestive enough that it had occurred.

No need to show more, right?

The princess continued, waving a camera in front of me.

For your information, I havent even printed the photos taken today.

I consider all these photos evidence of sexual activity What do you think?

Silence after denial? Typical.

Thump- Thump-

I had to keep the conversation going to buy time to think.

Why was it a temporary accompaniment?


With this kind of evidence, couldnt you have just arrested me instead of detaining me temporarily?

Is that statement an admission of sexual activity?

No, its not.

I couldnt possibly admit to it.

Admitting to it would mean the end.

Especially with Laplace, a person thoroughly obsessed with justice.

The reason is simple. If I arrested you forcibly, Id have to do the same to Evelyn Marigold.

Laplace continued, her face still emotionless, twirling a pen.

The Marigold family might not be as powerful as the tri-color families like Redrose, Bluetulip, and Yellowpansy, but its still a formidable house. It wouldnt reflect well if a daughter of such a house were expelled from the Holy Academy due to an unexpected incident.

So, because I lack such a background, you can expel me without any concerns Is that what youre saying?

Think whatever you want.

What do you want from me?

I want nothing from you. I am merely executing justice.


Laplace slid a sheet of paper across the desk to me.

This is a withdrawal form. Its already filled out; you just need to sign it.

If I refuse to sign

Then I will summon both you and Evelyn, publicly announce the violation of the school rules, and proceed with the expulsions.


I couldnt let that happen.

Alone, maybe, but not if it meant dragging Evelyn down with me.

Could you give me some time to think?

One day. Return after tomorrows lectures.


Thud- Thud-

I felt suffocated.

It was as if I were caught in a spiders web, becoming more entangled as I struggled.

I must find a way out.

How could I extricate myself from this web without causing harm to Evelyn?

The only solution I could think of was a desperate one.


I turned toward the voice shouting my name and saw Evelyn waving from an open carriage window.

Evelyn? Were you waiting for me?

Never mind that. Just get in.



As soon as I entered the carriage, Evelyn grabbed my hand with a worried voice.

Tell me honestly. Whats going on? Its nothing serious, right?

Its nothing. She just asked why I was absent the day before yesterday.

Hey! Are you joking? The Disciplinary Head wouldnt personally come for just missing a day!! Do you even realize how many people Laplace has expelled?

No I was surprised, too. Apparently, someone committed a theft yesterday, and they resembled me. But Im innocent, so I was let go.

The lies to Evelyn continued to pile up.

Really? Thats all? Youre not lying?

Of course, thats all.

Sigh Then thats a relief. I was worried for nothing Lets stop by the shopping district; its been a while. Youve been busy with the library club lately.

Sorry. I cant today. I have things to do. The Disciplinary Head asked me to write down what I did the day before yesterday.

Hey Ian.

As I tried to brush it off lightly, I turned at the sound of her trembling voice.

Evelyn looked almost on the verge of tears.

Are you really really okay?

Im fine, really. Dont worry, lets meet up after school on Friday. Here, promise.

Okay, promise. Ill trust you.

As I made a pinky promise with Evelyn, just like we did in our childhood, the carriage arrived in front of the house.

Then, Im off. See you tomorrow, Evelyn.

Yeah See you tomorrow, Ian.

Clip-clop, clip-clop-

After confirming the carriage had fully departed, I made up my mind.

I must find it.

To keep my promise to Evelyn

I absolutely had to find Laplaces weakness.

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