I Became a Crazy Swordsmanship Instructor in the Game

Chapter 64:

Chapter 64:

During the journey to the Elphenia Forest, no significant events occurred. Other than the fact that Cynthia Morrela’s horse was a bit tired from carrying an adult man and woman on her back.

“Do you see over there? The endless expanse of the forest. That’s Elphenia Forest. It’s called the Forest of the Elves because it’s where the elves live, but they usually just refer to it as the Great Forest.”

Lisriel explained about the forest like a guide.

Phillip, in truth, didn’t need the explanation.

‘I spent several hours in there.’

He was someone who knew secretive places, the enchantment, and hidden treasures that not even the elves living in that forest knew about.

“Now it’s about time for the elven scouts to come out to greet us…”

At the entrance of the forest, which could be considered a path, Lisriel gave instructions to the porters and mercenaries.

“If you go a little to the east, you’ll find a campsite. Set up camp there and wait for us to come out. It’ll take a day or two at most to finish our business, so rest comfortably.”

“Yes, miss. Everyone, did you hear that? Get ready!”

The representative porter cheerfully urged the other porters with a smile. He knew that the campsite Lisriel mentioned was quite comfortable and cozy.

“Oh, Captain Bottom. Just a moment.”

As the mercenaries were about to follow the porters, Phillip called the leader of the mercenaries, Captain Bottom, and handed him a note.

“W-What’s this?”

“It’s nothing much. Just hold onto it.”

“No, what am I supposed to do with this…”

Even though Captain Burton said that, he obediently took the note from Phillip. He wasn’t foolish enough to rebel against Phillip’s words.

As the mercenaries and porters moved away, several human figures appeared from deep within the forest, swiftly moving between the trees.

Soon, elves dressed in green attire emerged in front of the group. Seeing them holding bows, they seemed to be combatants, and there was no other visible armament.

“Joseph family never breaks promises. Welcome to our land. Lisriel Joseph.”

A blond elf who appeared to be their representative stepped forward. The embroidery on her clothing resembled interwoven hair, seemingly indicative of her rank.

“Long time no see. Sentinel Urcil.”

Lisriel bowed politely with a courteous attitude.

‘… She’s really pretty.’

Janice looked at the appearing elves and involuntarily opened her mouth wide. She considered herself pretty, but compared to the elves, she didn’t seem to stand out that much.

Seeing their extraordinarily beautiful appearance, it felt as if something inside her was being awed.

“The promised items are all loaded onto the carriage. We prepared them as top-quality goods.”

“Since you’ve prepared them, of course. Lisriel. But it seems like you have quite a number of guests today? Be careful not to lose your way on the road.”

Sentinel Urcil’s attitude was as if she didn’t mind whether a few or many people came to the forest. Phillip knew the reason for this.

Elves were quite lenient toward groups brought by trustworthy individuals. That was usually the case unless it involved a race like dwarves who came from the earth.

Sentinel Urcil, the elven scout leader, approached the horses tied to the carriage and patted their backs. The horses responded by snorting or wagging their tails, clearly enjoying her touch.

“Alright, move. Come on, little ones. If you work a little hard, I’ll give you sweet carrots as a reward. Everyone, follow me. Looks like you did a good job stocking up on fruit juice.”

‘That’s why I sent everyone back, even the carriage’s drivers.’

As if understanding her words, the horses started moving on their own.

The group followed Sentinel Urcil, heading deeper into the Elphenia Forest.

* * *

The Elphenia Forest was peaceful and beautiful.

Animals, both small and large, didn’t seem to be wary of the group. Occasionally, curious creatures like fawns or foxes approached them closely.

The elves were somewhat friendly.

It wasn’t as comfortable as treating very close friends, but they were welcoming enough to not be unwelcoming.

Phillip observed the group’s reactions. Lisriel, who had been there a few times before, seemed at ease, while Janice and Lua seemed to exchange whispered comments with a sparkle in their eyes.

Privia looked around the forest with a chubby expression. For her, a dragon, a forest where elves lived wasn’t much different from a neighborhood with many cats.

“… I’ve traveled around the continent quite a bit, but it feels like my first time actually entering the Elphenia Forest. My love, how do you find it?”

“It’s my first time too. But I must say, that elf lady Urcil is really pretty.”

“In my eyes, you’re more beautiful.”

“… Really?”

Listening to the voices of Castler and Cynthia, Phillip let out a quiet sigh. He was well aware of the charms of the Castler couple, but hearing such things right next to him made him feel a bit awkward.

After continuing deeper into the forest for about two hours, the group soon reached the heart of the forest, which was filled with tall and large trees. It was literally a collection of trees resembling houses.

The elves seemed to live in the holes in the massive trees or in houses made by connecting leaves and dead branches.

“Please come this way. The elder wishes to meet the guests.”

Following Urcil’s guidance, they went a bit further in, and. Phillip soon saw a distant tree standing tall and high.

‘That must be the World Tree.’

A tree boasting grandeur like a landmark of a nation. It grew so tall that it seemed to touch the clouds; it undoubtedly looked like a World Tree to anyone who saw it.

The branches of the World Tree extended throughout the Elphenia Forest. The roots were the same, looking as if they were intertwined like the structure of a house, which was quite fascinating.

It looked like a hotel made from a cluster of trees.

From one of the natural houses, an elf woman dressed in rather elegant white attire stepped out.

“You may rest now.”

“Yes, Sentinel.”

When she appeared, Sentinel Urcil sent the other elves away and approached the elf in white robes, bowing her head.

“The guests have arrived, Grandmother.”

The elf woman in white robes, who seemed to have a familial connection with Urcil, greeted the group with a gentle smile.

“You’ve come from far away, so you must be tired. We’ve prepared a place to rest. Please start unpacking your belongings.”

Her tone seemed subtly instructive. Philip nodded absentmindedly, but Privia couldn’t hold back her discomfort.

Seeing her uneasy demeanor, the elf in white robes sensed something amiss and scrutinized Privia with surprise.

She soon sensed the predatory aura surrounding Privia and staggered back, clearly affected.

“Grandmother, are you alright?”

“Hm? Oh, I’m fine. My dear, when you grow old, your body sometimes doesn’t listen.”

The elf in white robes, as an elder elf who had lived for a long time, was even more perceptive than humans. She wiped off a cold sweat and reassured Urcil.

“Welcome to Elphenia Forest. Please make yourselves at home. Urcil, go and help the guests unpack and rest comfortably.”

Her sudden extreme politeness was puzzling, but no one among the group, including Philip and Privia, noticed the implication.

Privia took off her robe’s hood and stepped forward.

“Elder Elf, may I have a moment to speak?”

Sentinel Urcil reacted defensively to her slightly ambiguous tone.

“Just a moment, speaking so impolitely to an elder?”

The Elder Elf scolded Urcil in shock.

“Urcil, stay still. Of course, you can speak. Guests, may I show you to my room for a conversation?”

“Sure thing. Young one, come along.”

Privia flicked her finger at Philip.

“We must treat our guests well. Urcil, do you understand?”

The Elder Elf nudged Urcil awkwardly. Sensing the unfamiliarity of her attitude, Urcil nodded with a plump expression.

* * *

“To, to think that His Grace and a noble would visit this humble place…”

Guided to what seemed to be the elder’s private room, Privia looked at the Elder Elf, who was lying flat on the floor, and clicked her tongue in slight discomfort.

Seeing a relatively well-lived elf in such a state was disconcerting.

“It seems she’s lived almost a thousand years, yet she lacks all sense. The elders of past generations were not like this. Do they treat even deficient girls like you as elders these days?”

Privia nudged the Elder Elf’s buttocks with the tip of her shoe.

“What a fragile state she’s in. Seriously.”

“I apologize… I apologize…”

Elves, as a race, were naturally wary of dragons. Well, most races were, but elves had an inherent fear of dragons that ran deep in their genes.

“Isn’t it enough? Stop tormenting her, would you?”

“Hmph! You’re too tender-hearted, that’s your flaw. If you’re too kind, you’ll end up with bad habits.”

When Philip cautiously inquired, Privia snorted and then instructed the Elder Elf.



The Elder Elf sprang to her feet like a well-trained recruit, assuming a rigid stance.

“If you were a four-year-old elf, I might have forgiven your audacity, but at almost a thousand years old, shouldn’t you be more aware? How dare you act so arrogantly before me. Do you want to live so long that you become insufferable?”

As Privia growled, the Elder Elf  trembled and lowered her head.

“Oh, no, it’s not that. It’s been so long since I last met esteemed individuals. I must have lost my senses for a moment.”

“I am a benevolent dragon, so I shall forgive you. Yes. Is Alves awake now?”

Only now did the Elder Elf understand the dragon’s purpose for coming here. It seemed they had come to meet Green Dragon Alves, the forest’s guardian dragon.

“Lord Alves entered his slumber four years ago…”

“… Is that so?”

Knowing she couldn’t interfere with another dragon’s slumber, Privia nodded.

“I desire three leaves and two fruits from the World Tree. Can you deliver that within four years?”

At that request, the elder’s complexion turned significantly darker. Philip was quite surprised by how pale the elf’s skin, reminiscent of white jade, could become.

“That… that’s… of course, I should provide them, but… there’s a problem… a problem.”

Tears welled up in the Elder Elf’s eyes as she knelt down.

“A problem?”

As Privia’s expression grew stern, the Elder Elf seemed utterly aggrieved.

“I can offer you up to a hundred leaves! But… there’s a problem… Our Queen cannot approach the fruits of the World Tree, as they are solemnly guarded by a divine being residing within Elphenia Forest.”

At those words, Privia raised an eyebrow.

“A divine being? Does such a thing live in this forest? Even if it does, why would that creature guard the fruits of the World Tree?”

“We don’t know either… but it’s not a lie. Please, believe me.”

Neither Philip nor Privia had suspected the Elder Elf  of lying from the start. She seemed far too terrified to conjure falsehoods in such a state.

Philip pressed his temples to refresh a memory. Soon, a specific event flashed through his mind.

“… If we’re talking about a divine being, are you referring to that large wolf with horns on its head?”

“Well, yes. The one brought by the noble one.”

As the Elder Elf answered, Philip nodded and turned his gaze towards Privia.

“But why are you looking for the fruit of the World Tree? Didn’t you say we only needed leaves to make the potion?”

“Are you a fool? The effect is much stronger when the fruit is included. And most importantly, the fruit of the World Tree is incredibly delicious. You can extract the juice to make a drink, or brew it into tea.”

“Then we definitely need to find it. I can handle it.”


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