I Became a Crazy Swordsmanship Instructor in the Game

Chapter 42:

Chapter 42:

“Then, is there no way for her to regain her strength?” Philip asked, his voice filled with concern.

In response, Privia narrowed her eyes and grumbled, “Do I have any reason to tell you that? You’re truly insufferable. What do you even think of me? Just because you’re supposed to be the heir of the Moonlight Sword doesn’t mean you can always expect my favor.”

Her scolding was stern, but Philip was taken aback as he sensed Privia’s words echoing in his mind.

‘It’s not up to you. The foolish fairy girl must accept her true nature for this to be possible. Her fate and soul are already bound to you, and if she doesn’t obey and remain loyal to you, she’ll be forever powerless.’

He didn’t fully understand what she had done, but it was an extraordinary ability. Privia smirked and then looked intently at the fairy.

“… Well, if she lacks power, she can be of use in other ways. That girl’s body is like splendid material in itself. By purifying her blood, I can create potions with effects comparable to elixirs. And by using her flesh and teeth, I can create potent concoctions for dragons. The heart, eyes, hair, nails… nothing will go to waste. If you give her to me, make sure you take your share without regret.”

Philip felt that she was partly serious about her disturbing proposal.

“H-How can the mediator dragon say such a thing? How can you utter something so horrible…!”

The Lake Fairy stared at Privia, and unlike with most dragons, she had a decent relationship with them.

“That’s only when you were meekly clinging to that lake. Since you abandoned your duty because of greed, you have no right to talk to me.”

Even the Lake Fairy, who had effortlessly defeated the Manticore, couldn’t say a word in front of Privia.

“If that arrogant fairy girl bothers you, you can always talk to me. I don’t think she’ll be of much help to you. It would be better if she doesn’t try to take advantage of you.”

‘Why is this dragon sister acting so sweet today?’

Philip raised an eyebrow. He hadn’t expected Privia to show such a friendly attitude. He had come here thinking it would be a stroke of luck if she didn’t get angry.

“Leave me alone now and go. I can’t resist the temptation when I see a lost fairy.”

As the oracle ended, Philip had no choice but to leave the faculty dormitory with the Lake Fairy Yuna.

Once Philip was completely out of sight, Privia immediately lay down on her bed and buried her face in the pillow.

“Ahahah! Kyahaha!”

She burst into the loudest laughter of her life.

She lost her former composure and pounded the bed with her fist, laughing as if her stomach was about to burst, and wiped away tears that had gathered in her eyes with her fingers.

“After living for so long… *sniffle*…”

In human society, fairies like her, who could have a significant impact on the ecosystem of a certain region, were revered like land deities.

Long ago, there were cases where individuals became kings simply because they received the blessings of fairies, surpassing their siblings in the succession line.

Even the Lake Fairy, who had lived for over a thousand years, must have been treated similarly in the past.

However, now she found herself in the position of a human’s dependent, having to be as cautious as a pet dog. How absurd it must have been for her.

* * *

Philip brought the Lake Fairy Yuna to the villa.

‘… What should I do with her?’

The pitiful Lake Fairy was trembling like a young bird facing a cat, carefully watching Philip’s reactions.

‘Why did it turn out like this?’

The situation had completely deviated from the original plan, and Philip couldn’t find a straightforward solution. Seeing the weariness in Philip’s eyes, the Lake Fairy’s expression turned pale, and she began to plead.

“Please don’t abandon me. You’re the one who gave me a name…”

It seemed like she realized that her life was now in Philip’s hands. In her current state, she didn’t even have the ability to protect herself, so she had to stick with Philip no matter what.

“I don’t have any intention of just abandoning you. At least for now, stay here.”

Philip couldn’t afford to pay much attention to her right now.

There were just too many other things to take care of.

Still, he couldn’t help but feel sorry for her, so he instructed to keep the bathtub filled with water for her at all times.

Considering her background as a fairy from the lake, he thought she would be more comfortable in a place with plenty of water.

That evening, after finishing his sword training with Lua, Philip was sweating profusely and went to the bath. The bath in the villa was quite spacious, as big as a mansion in its own right.

It could accommodate about nine people together if needed, which was only natural, as it was built for high-ranking nobles to bathe with their maids in attendance.

Using a towel to cover his lower body, Philip entered the bathroom and immediately spotted Yuna sitting in the hot water, squatting up to her thighs.

“… What are you doing there?”

The Lake Fairy Yuna lowered her head with a lonely expression. Her water-like hair floated on the surface, as if torn sea plants, and swayed gently.

“I was just… thinking about why I ended up like this.”

“But if you keep doing that, I can’t take a bath.”

“Please, don’t worry about someone like me.”

The Lake Fairy spoke in a hauntingly melancholic voice. Yet, being of lake origin, she seemed capable of projecting her voice even underwater.

Philip decided to ignore his worries and immersed himself in the steaming hot tub. The heat enveloped him, and with it, something else seemed to seep into his body.


This sensation, coursing through his veins and muscles, was undoubtedly the feeling of mana in motion. Startled, Philip closed his eyes and focused his mind.

“This is even more fundamental than mana…”

He sensed a much more primal energy.

It was what mages and scholars referred to as “mana.” As it had never manifested before, Philip could only conclude that this happened because the fairy had spent so long in the tub.

‘So, the reason she call her a ‘living elixir’ makes sense now.’

He finally fully grasped what Privia had meant.

The mana emanating from the fairy transformed into aura and began to accumulate in Philip’s body. The quantity was quite substantial, leaving Philip in awe.

Though the absorption eventually stopped after some time, if this continued for a few more years, Philip believed he would accumulate more than double the aura he had gathered throughout his lifetime.

“There must be a way. You won’t remain weak forever.”

Feeling unexpectedly comforted by the fairy, Philip sought to encourage her.


“It may be challenging for now, but later, I’ll ask the Dragon Lord again. So, don’t be too disheartened; spend time with Lua if you’re bored. She’s a kind and cheerful girl; she might become a good companion for conversation.”

The Lake Fairy raised her head above the water’s surface. Philip was initially taken aback by her watery appearance, but he quickly composed himself.

‘I should build a swimming pool. There’s no better way to cultivate flexibility, muscular endurance, and cardiovascular fitness than swimming. Plus, I can accumulate mana in the process. It’s a win-win situation.’

Yuna would also prefer a larger body of water than this cramped bathtub.

After drying off the fairy, Philip promptly contacted Lisriel. She arrived at the villa riding a carriage just thirty minutes after receiving the letter through a maid.

Taking her to the reception room, Philip explained his plan.

“What? A swimming pool? What’s that?”

Hearing Philip’s intentions, she burst into surprised laughter. If he wanted to swim, he could simply go to a lake, river, or the sea.

However, the idea of constructing a facility solely for that purpose was beyond her comprehension.

“There’s no need to explain it in words.”

Philip rolled up his sleeves and extended his arm towards Lisriel.

“Try touching this.”


Lisriel blushed and coughed nervously. Phillip’s proactive approach caught her off guard, but she didn’t try to conceal her desires.

“Well, excuse me….”

With a delicate touch, she placed her hand on Phillip’s forearm as if caressing an exquisite sculpture.

‘Why does his skin feel so much better than mine?’

The sensation under her palm was unlike anything she had imagined, a harmonious blend of smoothness and elasticity from a man’s flesh.

Deep in her chest, jealousy reared its head.

“Lis, I found a fairy. She used to live near a lake not far from here. After bathing in the water she inhabited, my skin transformed like this. If we build a swimming pool, you can experience it too.”

“I’ll arrange for a technician to come tomorrow. While it might take some time to create the water pool, I assure you it will be ready within a few weeks. We’ll send the most skilled person in the area.”

Changing her demeanor, Lisriel spoke with newfound resolve. Phillip understood her feelings and nodded without a word.

“But why is there a fairy here in the first place? Encountering one in a lifetime must be extraordinarily rare.”

“It’s a long story. Oh, and when do you plan to reveal the Golden Seal? I have many tasks ahead, so I need to know in advance to align my plans.”

Lisriel deliberated for a moment before reluctantly parting her lips.

“Well, I was going to tell you soon anyway. Next month, we have a trade deal scheduled with the dwarves. I’ll be competing with my sister over it, and she’ll undoubtedly set traps I can never escape from. But I have a trick up my sleeve to turn the tables, and those traps will become her downfall. Will you help me?”

Phillip nodded with confidence.

“Of course. As I’ve said before, I want you to become the owner of the Joseph Association.”

“I thought you’d say that. Ah, if it’s not yet time for dinner, would you like to go together?”

“Sure. Can we bring Lua along?”

Lisriel forced a smile and nodded.

“Y-yes, of course.”


Note:- Sorry for the delay. I will compensate the lost chapters now.

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