I Am The Game's Villain

Chapter 183 [Event] [Enigma Red Dungeon] [43] Two Edward

"I'll make sure to give you all a taste of hell once more."

Everyone around me remained frozen as the hooded figure lowered his hood, revealing a face that looked exactly like mine.

Miranda, Kleah, Carla, and Elona stared at him in utter shock before their gaze shifted to me, confusion evident in their eyes. They couldn't make sense of the situation.

"E-Edward...?" Milleia's voice trembled as she spoke. "W-What are you doing here? And why are you acting so strangely?"

The figure, now identified as 'Edward,' shifted his heterochromia eyes to Milleia, causing her to shudder under his gaze.

"He's not Edward!" Jayden suddenly shouted. "Milleia, he's not Edward!"

"J-Jayden...?" Milleia looked at Jayden, searching for answers.

Jayden nodded, his expression filled with a mix of sadness and determination. "He may look like Edward and have a similar presence, but he is not the Edward we know. He is not our friend."

Hearing Jayden's words, I felt a small sense of relief. At least I wasn't the only one who sensed that something was off.

"Y-Yes! He's not my brother!" Elona chimed in, her voice laced with anger as she glared at 'Edward.'

"And who exactly are you?" Kleah demanded, impatience evident in her voice.

'Edward' smirked slightly and replied, "I am Edward Falkrona."

"Liar!" Elona yelled, her voice filled with anguish. "You're not my brother—"

"Oh, Elona? Can't even recognize your own brother?" 'Edward' interrupted, a taunting edge in his voice. "It saddens me, little sister. Mom wanted us to help each other remember, remember? You were supposed to prevent me from doing bad things, right?"

"N-No... You..." Elona glanced back at me, her face drained of color. This was something only she and I knew.

"Don't believe him, guys!" Jayden insisted, his voice filled with determination.

"Oh?" 'Edward' turned his gaze toward Jayden, a smile forming on his face. "Jayden Rayena, or should I say, Reinhart Eginfer. You haven't changed even in this world. You spent all your time trying to find a way to kill me because I killed Aurora. You almost succeeded with Victor and those fuckers from Sancta Vedelia, but as always, you ended up failing. Ahahahaha!"

"A-Aurora...?" Miranda stammered, her face pale. "Y-You killed Aurora?"

"Aurora is alive," I interjected, stopping Miranda's despair from consuming her. "I met her on the 45th floor. She's alive, don't worry."

Miranda nodded, relief washing over her.

'Edward' shifted his gaze to me, a wicked grin spreading across his face. He didn't say a word, but his lips twisted with amusement as he observed me.

What is happening here?

My thoughts raced as I tried to make sense of the situation. At first, I thought he might be impersonating me or wearing a mask, but his behavior and knowledge were too eerily similar to mine.

"What do you want?" Kleah demanded, her voice laced with defiance.

"I want many things," 'Edward' replied, beckoning with his hand. Kleah was abruptly pulled toward him, and before we could react, he sealed her lips with his own.


We were all frozen in shock, unable to move or intervene.

"Leave her alone!" Miranda struggled against her restrained state, but it was futile, as it was for the rest of us.

"Kleah! Damn it!" I cursed through gritted teeth, my fists clenched in frustration. "Move!"

Ignoring our pleas, 'Edward' continued to hold Kleah captive, his free hand drawing something in the air. Kleah's struggles ceased as he placed his palm on her stomach and opened his mouth. "Come forth and unleash your hidden wrath."

"Ahhhhhhhh!" Kleah's agonized scream pierced the air as several red circles materialized around them, forming a swirling sphere before contracting and entering Kleah's body.

"Kleah! Let her go-!"

Before I could finish, a streak of lightning crackled near me. It was Jayden.

With incredible speed, he delivered a powerful punch towards 'Edward.'

"As expected of the Apostle," 'Edward' murmured, vanishing in the blink of an eye, releasing his hold on Kleah. Jayden swiftly caught her, bringing her back to our side.

"Please, help us!" Milleia pleaded, tears streaming down her face. A pinkish-blue light enveloped us, restoring our ability to move.

"Kleah!" Miranda rushed to Kleah's unconscious form, and I hurriedly followed in her footsteps, our hearts filled with concern.

"Kleah," I called out softly, gently shaking her in an attempt to awaken her, but her eyelids remained closed. Although relief washed over me knowing she was still breathing, the tears welling up in her eyes ignited a burning anger within me.

"Come at me," 'Edward' taunted, a malevolent grin spreading across his face as he took pleasure in our cold, piercing stares. "Try to kill me, just like before."

In an instant, Jayden's body emitted a radiant blue glow as he invoked his Awakening. "Zeus' Thundering Sword!" he shouted, swinging his crackling sword with unparalleled might.

But 'Edward' effortlessly caught the lightning-infused blade in his bare hand, causing shock and disbelief to wash over Jayden's face. With a clenched fist, 'Edward' struck Jayden's stomach, the impact crushing him and hurtling him through the air until he violently collided with the wall, leaving us all stunned.

"J-JAYDEN!" Milleia shouted worriedly.

"Watch out!"

Reacting swiftly, Carla stepped forward, positioning herself between 'Edward' and Milleia, attempting to parry his oncoming fist. However, her valiant efforts were in vain as 'Edward's' strike shattered her sword and sent her and Milleia sprawling backward. Carla, bearing the brunt of the shockwave on her face, succumbed to unconsciousness.

"Is this all? Only three of you remain?" 'Edward' sneered, his eyes scanning over me, Miranda and Elona.

It's futile.

He possesses power at least on the level of a DemiGod...

"Don't go, Miranda!" I urgently warned, but she had already assumed her awakened form and rushed headlong towards 'Edward'.

With disconcerting ease, 'Edward' evaded the onslaught of countless arrows unleashed by Miranda, effortlessly vanishing from sight.

How can we possibly defeat him?

I lack sufficient mana, and even if I recover, my attacks won't reach him.

A sudden realization struck me, a glimmer of hope amidst the hopelessness.I think you should take a look at

"Trinity Nihil," I muttered under my breath, the words carrying determination.

A thunderous explosion resounded as I activated the power of Trinity Nihil, unleashing its overwhelming force.

"Agh!" I caught Miranda's body as she was sent hurtling through the air, her broken arm a testament to the merciless blow she had suffered.

"Are you alright?" I asked with concern, observing her injuries all over body. 

What the hell…

"...Edward," Miranda uttered my name, her tangerine eyes gazing into mine, seeking confirmation. "He is not you, right?"

"...," My heart ached witnessing Miranda's teary eyes, searching for the truth. I struggled to find the words as I positioned her against the wall, beside Kleah. "I am Edward, Myra," I spoke, my voice tinged with uncertainty. Nevertheless, I managed a faint smile and gently patted her head, trying to offer reassurance.

Miranda's tangerine eyes flickered a little before she lost consciousness.

Crackling energy filled the air as Jayden appeared beside me, carrying Carla's unconscious form in his arms. He carefully placed her next to Miranda, his gaze burning with anger. 

Jayden turned to face me, determination etched on his face. "Can you help me?" he asked, a flicker of hope in his eyes.

"If you mean aiding you in defeating him, then yes," I affirmed, retrieving Trinity Nihil.

"B-Brother…" Next to me, Elona mumbled as she looked at me.

"Elona…don't try anything dangerous, it would be better if you stay behin-"

"I won't hide like a coward," Elona shook her head and glanced behind her. "After what he had done to Myra and Carla, I can't-!"


Elona's voice trailed off as blood spilled from her mouth. My eyes dropped to her stomach, where a deep wound gaped, and a sword protruded, causing her agony.

"E-Elona!" I caught her crumbling form in my arms as she continued to cough up blood.

Her body convulsed, a few feeble movements, until finally, her entire being lay still, her once vibrant gray eyes devoid of life.

"Elona!" Milleia hurried over, desperate to help, but it was too late. Elona was gone.

Silence enveloped us, heavy with grief, until a miraculous gray light burst forth from her body, enveloping her entirely and restoring color to her face.

Her Wings Krona.

I frantically checked for a pulse, and to my astonishment, Elona's breath persisted. She was alive.

"Thank you," I whispered, a muffled expression of gratitude to the capricious god responsible, before pushing off the ground, fueled by a surge of anger.


"Oh? Are you angry?" 'Edward' taunted, expertly deflecting the blows of Trinity Nihil with his sinister black sword.

"Shut the fuck up," I retorted icily, infusing Ruah into my blade.

"So, you resorted to using Trinity Nihil to kill me because your other abilities proved useless? A clever choice. But even Eden's Hallow holds no sway against me, for I am..." 'Edward' paused for a moment before smirking. "Because we are no longer under his influence."


"AGH!" I grunted as his foot connected squarely with my stomach, knocking the breath out of me and forcing me to my knees.

"You're pathetically weak. It's embarrassing," 'Edward' sneered, raising his leg once more.

"Barrier!" I summoned a hexagonal blue barrier in front of me, but it shattered almost instantly. However, I managed to roll away, gaining a momentary respite.

"Zeus' Thundering Fury!!!"


"It's futile, Jayden!" 'Edward' intercepted Jayden's fist, tightening his grip.

"AGHHH!" Jayden screamed in agony as his right wrist snapped under 'Edward's' relentless pressure.

"Should you wish to spare your Apostle's life, Zeus, you ought to join me!" 'Edward' taunted, delivering a bone-crushing punch to Jayden's cheek, sending him hurtling through the air.

"J-Jayden!" Milleia raced towards Jayden, but just as she neared, 'Edward' swung his sword.

"You're as vexing as ever, Milleia!"

I intervened, pushing Milleia away and parrying 'Edward's' blade with Trinity Nihil, my gaze burning with defiance. "Who are you, you bastard?"

'Edward's' eyes narrowed as he seized me by the collar. "I've already told you, Nyr."


He slammed me onto the ground, drawing his face close. "I've told you before," his twisted smile grew wider with each passing second.  "Hate me and this hate world or you will keep losing."



"Show me your true face, Nyr."

He slammed my face again, breaking my mask.

I didn't react as my eyes remained open wide.

'Hate me and this hate world or you will keep losing.'

Only one person ever said that to me.

"Y-You are…"

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