Hunter of Immortals

Chapter 431: Adjudication of Justice

Chapter 431: Adjudication of Justice

A massive bowl-shaped crater that was over 10 meters deep had been blasted into the ground at the epicenter of the explosion. Magma was flowing down the sides of the crater, and at the very bottom, Jason was shielding Succubus Beth with his own body, preventing the latter from being directly struck by the explosion.

However, this had come at a cost. His body had shrunk down from five meters to only two meters in height, giving him the stature of an ordinary person. If it were to be assumed that his stature was a direct indication of his combat prowess, then he had to have been extremely feeble right now, and his machete had also shortened significantly.

However, what had come as quite a surprise to Adam was that the machete was currently plunged into Succubus Beth's chest.

"Why?" Succubus Beth asked in an incredulous voice, and her voice had become extremely shrill and unpleasantly high-pitched from shock.

He pushed Jason away in a furious manner, doing so with such immense power that Jason's body exploded into pieces in mid-air, but before those pieces had even fallen onto the ground, they came together again to form a smaller Jason, while his machete had shrunk down to only half a meter in length.

Jason descended onto the edge of the crater, then removed his mask as he glowered at Succubus Beth with a furious expression. "I hate it when people deceive me!"

Adam invoked Ogress, and through its perspective, he was able to see the exchange taking place between Jason and Succubus Beth.

Jason's psychic body was one that was severely mutated, much like the people suffering from radiation sickness. He would've undoubtedly been ostracized and mocked in the real world, perhaps even bullied and abused, so it was no surprise that he had become a psychic deviant.

Even though he had received a new body from the director, his soul still remained his own, so his personality was still as extreme as ever. It seemed that in his eyes, being cast under Succubus Beth's spell was a form of deception, and that was unacceptable to him.

Succubus Beth didn't know much about her subordinates at all. In his eyes, they were all just pawns that could be discarded at any time, and never had he anticipated that they would turn on him someday.

His continued success had inflated his confidence to the point that he was blinded to the fact that he wasn't actually invincible, and now, his arrogance was coming back to bite him.

In a way, Jason was like a child who had never grown up, and his mind was completely taken over by the urge to kill this person who had deceived him.

He paid no heed to the fact that he was currently in an extremely feeble state as he raised his machete from afar before slashing it through the air with all his might. A faint mark appeared on Succubus Beth's face, and not even her skin had been split open by the attack, but she let loose another furious screech.

This puppet of his, this piece of lowly trash that he had always had complete control over was no daring to attack him!

This was unforgivable!

Succubus Beth raised her whip, and with just a single strike, she was able to split Jason's body into pieces. Those pieces reformed, only to be destroyed again, and the process was repeated several times.

At this point, Jason had been reduced to no more than a foot in height, and the machete in his hand was resembling a toothpick, presenting a rather comical sight to behold.

Succubus Beth was panting heavily, more so from fury than exertion, causing her voluptuous chest to heave violently.

"Let's end this."

Adam had no interest in watching any longer, and he called upon Shae and Diana before rushing over to the edge of the crater.

Looking at Succubus Beth up close, he was able to notice some extremely faint red lines on his seemingly flawless face, immediately tipping him off to the fact that Succubus Beth had previously undergone cosmetic surgery.

No wonder Doctor Edwards had stated so bluntly that he wasn't perfect. Thanks to his intuition as a top-tier surgeon, he had seen right through Succubus Beth's flawless facade.

Shae and Diana possessed outstanding eyesight too, and they quickly noticed this detail as well.

Following the process of disenchantment, all of the mystique surrounding Succubus Beth had faded, and in the face of the scrutiny from Adam's trio, horrific memories of Succubus Beth's past instantly flooded into his mind.

"Why are you all looking at me like that? Get away from me!" Succubus Beth screeched.

In her previous life, Succubus Beth had been a woman. In order to seek out the fame and fortune that she so desired, she was willing to do anything, stooping to the lowest of lows.

However, she discovered that there were countless other women in the industry also willing to do the same thing, so she had no advantage. All of those bastards who had coaxed her into giving up her body, her pride, and her aspirations had lied to her.

That was why she sought out revenge against them and this twisted society. She underwent cosmetic surgery, using her looks as a weapon to lure in those who had wronged her before putting an end to their lives.

She was blinded by bloodlust, intoxicated by desire, twisted by the joy of exacting vengeance, and driven insane by the destructive path she had gone down. In the end, she became a fugitive and was forced to flee to Shadow City for refuge.

The director had given her a new life and a new purpose.

She became even more powerful and deranged, reveling in the process of sowing chaos in the world, and everything was supposed to have continued to progress in an upward trajectory, but unfortunately for her, it was time to wake up from this dream.

She didn't want to relinquish this dream, and she screeched in desperation and defiance, lashing out with her whip with all her might, but she wasn't able to land the final blow on Jason.

Instead, it was Mummy that stomped Jason into the ground, putting an end to his life. It then grabbed onto Succubus Beth's whip before ensnaring her body in its runed bandages and plunging its carving knife into her lower abdomen without any mercy.

Succubus Beth struggled and writhed frantically as her face began to morph and shift, as if she were trying to find an appearance that would make Adam take pity on her and show mercy so she could buy herself the time to escape, but it was all to no avail.

Adam pulled out his carving knife before plunging it into Succubus Beth's body over and over again, slicing her into pieces, but those pieces were held tightly together by his bandages.

In the end, Diana and Shae each blasted a burst of flames out of their mouths in unison, incinerating Succubus Beth and the bandages into ashes.

Black anomalic power rose up into the air like smoke and mist, and Adam allowed Mummy to have the first serving before invoking Camera to join in as well. In the end, the anomalic power was jointly consumed by Mummy, Camera, and Hellhound, it wasn't enough to trigger an evolution in any of them.

The anomalic power released by Succubus Beth was far inferior to that of the Angel of Death, so this was no surprise. With that, the battle was over, and the entire process had been recorded for later use.

Doctor Edwards reappeared, and his expression remained as cold and aloof as ever, as if none of this had anything to do with him.

"I know who you are. I thought you were no different from those charlatans that call themselves politicians."

His voice was as sharp and scathing as a blade.

"What do you think of me now?" Adam asked.

Doctor Edwards offered no response, instead offering a box that resembled a hard drive to Adam.

"At the very least, you're doing the right thing. These are the secrets that Congressman Johnson has been hiding, I've already procured them for you."

Adam accepted the box, and it only took a brief glance at its contents for Adam to determine that this was the real deal.

"Where's your part? I vowed to unearth all of the darkness and filth in this world, and that includes everything you've done as well."

"All in due time," Doctor Edwards replied as he turned and departed, abruptly vanishing from the spot.

Both Shae and Diana were quite startled by this.

"How does he keep doing that? You're the one who established this psychic connection!"

Adam paid no heed to them as he looked at the box in his hand while a twisted smile appeared on his face.

"Don't forget that we're in his clinic. There's no way that someone as cautious and meticulous as him wouldn't have made preparations for something like this."

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