Hunter of Immortals

Chapter 427: Secret Infiltration

Chapter 427: Secret Infiltration

Inside the operating room viewing gallery of the clinic, Doctor Edwards had his arms crossed as he peered through the glass with sharp, hawk-like eyes, overseeing the tense yet orderly operation. A transparent display screen on his left flashed a couple of times, following which an anxious face appeared.

"Sir, we've received news from the security room and someone's trying to impede our organ transportation."

Doctor Edward's brows furrowed slightly upon hearing this, seemingly very displeased at being interrupted at a time like this.

"Take them down no matter why they are. Remember that the reputation of the clinic is paramount."

"Yes, Sir!" the face on the screen hurriedly replied, following which the screen turned dark again.

Doctor Edwards pulled out his communicator before making a call as he ordered, "Send the backup organ, and make sure it arrives within half an hour."

He then ended the call before the person on the other side of the line had a chance to reply, and this entire time, his expression hadn't changed in the slightest, indicating that he was in complete control of the situation.

Outside the clinic, Adam stopped in his footsteps once again, and Shae was just about to ask him why he had stopped when he held up a hand, gesturing for her to be quiet. He then pointed two fingers to the side, and Shae wasn't able to notice anything amiss due to her lackluster telegnosis, but Diana immediately detected that there was a large group of people approaching the clinic in a very fast and stealthy manner.

These Chaos Raisers have adapted to become smarter as well. No wonder they haven't been caught even though there have been so many attacks recently.

Adam switched on the AI detection enhancement module on his helmet, revealing to him at least eight figures that had bypassed the inner protection network. They were clearly equipped with some type of technology that was able to disrupt the wireless cameras and surveillance automatons, allowing them to sneak to the sentry in front of the clinic before taking out the security guards with stun guns. After that, they were able to infiltrate the complex and were heading straight for the main building.

This was a development that spared Adam a great deal of trouble, and he snuck past the now unmanned sentry with Shae and Diana, being careful not to set off the three sets of booby traps and alarms systems along the way.

Meanwhile, two of the infiltrators split off from the group up ahead, making their way to the top of the building to sever the wired communication system and set up disruptive arrays, thereby completely isolating the clinic.

Another two went to the surveillance room to take out the security guards there and shut off all of the entrances and exits of the main building, while the rest headed straight to the operating room. Judging from their efficiency and allocation of duties, they had clearly done their homework in advance and were extremely familiar with the layout of the entire clinic.

Adam's trio followed the infiltrators into the main hall, where they spotted the security guards and the receptionist, all of whom had been knocked unconscious by stun guns.

It's clear that these people are aware that all of the workers here have vital sign sensors in their bodies, so if any of them were to die unexpectedly, the building's internal defense system would instantly be activated.

In contrast with the Chaos Raisers that Adam had encountered in the past, these ones were far better prepared and more efficient. As expected of one of the best teams under Succubus Beth's control.

According to the information provided by Raven, the leader of this group was Succubus Beth's most trusted subordinate, Butcher, whose real name was Raymond. He was one of Raven's strongest adversaries, so it would've definitely benefited Raven to have Butcher taken out of the equation.

Adam indicated for Shae and Diana to hide in a blind spot for the surveillance cameras while listening to the screams that were ringing out in the corridor from those being struck by stun guns. A steel roller gate descended from above the entrance to completely shut off the building, following which all of the lights in the hall were snuffed out.

A second later, the backup power supply kicked in, and all of the lights were turned on once again, but to the lowest level of brightness in order to minimize energy expenditure.

The surveillance room had been taken over, the internal communication channel had been jammed, the electronic locks on all of the offices had been activated, while the windows were all fitted with panes of bulletproof glass. The entire building had turned into a cage that even a fly wouldn't have been able to escape from.

Inside the viewing gallery, Doctor Edwards took a glance up at the light above his head, and he could hear the sound of beeping from the electronic lock on his door. A cold look appeared on his face, while the transparent display screen beside flickered momentarily before lighting up again, displaying a face wearing a Jason mask, scrutinizing him in silence.

"Regardless of who you are, you shouldn't have interrupted my operation. This will be the final mistake that you ever make."

Doctor Edwards lowered his crossed arms before taking off his scrubs, revealing the custom mechanical prosthetic limb system underneath, which could both assist him during surgery and be converted into extremely powerful weapons at any time..

"Oho, would you look at that? You've finally got yourself a set of prosthetics," the masked man on the screen jeered.

The perspective of the image was then turned to display a pair of attackers setting up a laser cutter in preparation to cut through the alloy doors of the operating room by force.

According to the rules set by Doctor Edwards, no one was allowed to come in without his permission once an operation commenced.

"I can take down all of you before you manage to break through the door."

Doctor Edwards pressed down on the neuron transmistter on his arm as he spoke, and that should've activated all of the cell sites in the entire building to drag everyone into his psychic world, but that didn't happen.

The masked man flashed his forearm at Doctor Edwards on camera, and it was displaying a message that stated that all of the cell sites in the building had been successfully disrupted.

"Looks like I'll have to switch to a different supplier," Doctor Edwards remarked in a calm voice as he watched the Chaos Raisers burn a small hole into the alloy doors using their laser cutter before expanding the hole to the size of a bowl.

The operation was still in progress inside, and the masked man pulled out a hand grenade around the same thickness of a human arm before waving it at the screen as he said, "Once I detonate this, all of the equipment inside will be disabled, and the esteemed Congressman Johnson will die. Your immaculate record of successful surgeries will come to an end."

He was intentionally pulling the pin out of the grenade very slowly, trying to gauge Doctor Edwards's reaction as he did so, searching for any hint of anxiety, rage, or panic, but he saw none of that.

"You won't get what you want. The Edwards Clinic has never failed a single operation, and that will continue to hold true."

Doctor Edwards's voice remained as calm as ever as he took two steps forward, then spread his left hand open and pressed his palm against the glass.

The laser cutter outside began to move even faster, quickly cutting out a hole that a person could fit through, and the masked man stepped into the operating room, preparing to pull out the pin before tossing out the grenade in his hand.

Meanwhile, arc light emerged from the palm of Doctor Edwards's hand as a sharp screeching sound reverberated throughout the viewing gallery, causing the panel of glass before him to vibrate at a high frequency. All of a sudden, a figure rushed into the operating room like lightning, propelled by a rocket booster on his back.

A man who appeared to have been clad in a suit of full-body armor had flown into the operating room before the masked man and Doctor Edwards, and the man pressed a palm down onto the anesthetized patient's head as he said, "We can't let Congressman Johnson die, he's still far from outliving his usefulness."

A demonic smile had appeared on Adam's face behind his helmet.

At the same time, a strong neuron transmitter signal proliferated throughout the entire building, dragging everyone into the patient's psychic world.

As soon as Adam entered the psychic world, he was immediately struck by a rush of dizziness and inebriation. He shook his head vigorously to snap himself back to his senses, and he discovered that he was situated in a vibrant garden. Upon closer inspection, it appeared that every plant and rock in the garden was made from chocolate, and there was even a strong aroma of sweetness in the air.

I didn't think that such a deplorable politician's psychic world would look so much like a fairytale setting.

Adam released Ogress to fly up into the air before concealing itself within the sweet and gentle breeze, while Adam himself quickly fused as one with Mummy, inspecting the entire area through Ogress's point of view.

They were situated on a small island, at the very center of which was a castle. A portly elderly man with a hook nose was seated on a golden throne that was embellished with gems, and he was holding a deck of spread-out playing cards in his left hand while yelling at the intruders of the psychic world, "Take your cards, the game will begin soon."

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