Hunter of Immortals

Chapter 422: Lone General

Chapter 422: Lone General

A perplexed look appeared on Oni-faced Dragon as he suddenly found himself rooted to the spot.

According to the information provided to him by the southern congress, Adam did seem to have some type of immobilization ability, but he hadn't thought anything of it.

Generally speaking, these types of abilities were only effective on opponents of the same level or lower than oneself, and in Oni-faced Dragon's eyes, Adam was far from reaching his level, so there was no way that this ability would've been able to work on him.

In fact, at the time, he had only taken a brief glance at the information on Adam before tossing it aside.

Never did he think that there would be such a huge disparity between the provided information and what Adam was actually capable of.

How is this possible?

Under the effects of Distortion's Spiritual Shackles, Oni-faced Dragon was feeling slightly dazed, and this was the moment that Adam had been waiting for this entire time.

In the blink of an eye, he invoked all of his anomalies at once.

Camera and Horse Face, Adam's two most offensively inclined anomalies, instantly attacked Oni-faced Dragon in unison.

Horse Face's emotion-based attacks prolonged the dazed state that Oni-faced Dragon was in, while Camera sliced his entire body into two.

However, there was no way that an adapter of his caliber would perish to such an attack, and the two anomalies immediately sprang back in retreat.


Adam had already achieved half of his objective in landing such a heavy blow on Oni-faced Dragon, and the other half of his objective was to kill the four Onis all in one go.

He was quite evenly matched with Oni-faced Dragon, so if the four Onis were constantly harassing him, he was definitely going to be at a disadvantage, Hence, the best course of action was to have all of them killed.

The first one to be targeted was the giant bear, whose fortes were his strength and destructive capabilities.

In the face of Sludge, which had suddenly swelled to 20 meters in height, it was made to resemble a toddler, and there was simply a vast gulf in power and size between them. First, the giant bear was stomped into the ground by Sludge, following which Sludge stomped down over and over again until its opponent was dead.

At the same time, Hellhound pounced onto the wolf-like Oni for a dogfight.

Having already become a level six anomaly, Hellhound was able to completely dominate its opponent both in terms of strength and speed, but it was still a little difficult for it to kill its opponent in a short time.

However, this was never a one-on-one battle.

While the wolf-like Oni was being occupied by Hellhound, Nun plunged its claws straight through his abdomen before tearing his body apart. In the next instant, Hellhound bit down onto the Oni's head with incredible force.

With the two level six anomalies working together, the Oni stood no chance.

Even though the two Onis had perished in rapid succession, the monk Oni was quite far away, so he had some time to react. He was just about to flee when a seven-headed monster reached him in the blink of an eye before decapitating his bald head.

The one that survived the longest was the samurai Oni.

However, he, too, eventually fell. First, he was ensnared by Mummy's bandages, following which Clown thrust the barrel of its gun straight into his mouth before unleashing a barrage of bullets.

Having also evolved into a level six anomaly, Clown's offensive prowess had improved even further, and amid the sound of its deranged laughter and repeated gunshots, the samurai's body was reduced to a piece of holey swiss cheese.

All of a sudden, the sound of applause rang out.

The applause had come from the two severed halves of Oni-faced Dragon's body.

Black mist was permeating out of the two halves of its body before transforming into a pair of completely different people.

One of them was Oni-faced Dragon's original body, and that was the one doing the applauding.

However, even though he was applauding Adam, his face was twisted with fury.

As for the other half of his body, it had transformed into a demonic being with black hair and red skin. Adam carefully scrutinized the being for a moment before finally realizing what it was supposed to be.

"Shuten-douji? That's your visualization subject?"

Shuten-douji was an extremely well-known demon in Japanese mythology.

It was said to possess immense power, and just like Oni-faced Dragon, it was an extremely cruel and ruthless being.

Shuten-douji enjoyed drinking wine and feasting on the flesh of women and children. It also liked to seduce young human women into sexual relations.

It was said that Shuten-douji had two faces, and whenever it was seducing women, it would adopt its human face, which was quite handsome.

However, normally, it was always in its demonic appearance.

Now that both faces had appeared at the same time, Adam knew that his opponent was about to get serious.

"I truly didn't think that you had already reached this level."

Oni-faced Dragon continued to applaud while inspecting his surroundings, which had been completely filled by Adam's anomalic army.

The anomalies leading the pack were all level six or level seven anomalies, and it was clear just from their physical appearance alone that they were not to be messed with.

A serious look finally appeared in Oni-faced Dragon's eyes upon seeing this.

"No wonder you were able to cause so much trouble for the southern congress. It looks like you've been hiding a lot of your power."

"I told you that I'm going to make the Oni Organization disappear today. Did you think I was joking? Six of the eight Onis are now dead, and the Tigers can't take on any important missions, so you're basically just a lone general now, right?" Adam was in quite a good mood after killing the four Onis. "I suppose that partially avenges my friends. After I kill you, my vengeance will be halfway exacted."

"You want to kill me? You're free to come and try!"

Adam's constant provocation had finally completely enraged Oni-faced Dragon.

All of a sudden, he arrived directly in front of Adam in a flash. After splitting up into his two forms, Oni-faced Dragon had become even faster than before, displaying superior speed to even Hebi no Miko. Before Adam had a chance to react, his eyes had already been taken.

After losing his vision, he hurriedly called upon his invoked entities to protect him, but at the same time, he had already received around a dozen heavy blows in succession.

Furthermore, all of the attacks had targeted the same spot on his body, almost snapping him in half in the process.

Looks like a level six anomaly won't be enough to deal with him.

Sludge quickly swooped down out of the heavens at Adam's behest, enveloping the entire battlefield with its enormous body, and Adam quickly transitioned from one anomaly to another, detaching himself from Mummy before fusing with Sludge.

By the time he stood up again, he had already fused as one with Sludge, and he was ready for the next stage of the battle.

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