Hunter of Immortals

Chapter 373: Golden Mummy

Chapter 373: Golden Mummy

"Looks like the tables have turned."

A terrifying voice rang out overhead, sounding as if it were reverberating within the depths of hell.

The man looked up to see a row of three terrifying wolf heads above him, all of which had mouths that were filled with teeth as sharp as daggers. Drool was dripping down from the tips of those sharp fangs, and it was clear that they could tear through flesh and bone with ease.

"C... Can you spare me?"

The man's envy and brutality had instantly turned to horror.

"What do you think?"


At this point, the man knew that there was no way he would be spared. He was silent for a moment, then said, "Before I die, could you at least tell me how you got that transmitter? How were you able to get an electronic weapon into the prison without the help of the wardens?"

"You want to know how?"

Adam responded as if he were going to answer the question, only to suddenly chomp down onto the man's head, putting a swift end to his life.

"You're up, old friend. Long time no see!"

As Adam was speaking, he invoked an anomaly that hadn't seen battle in a very long time, Mummy.

Mummy had also undergone multiple evolutions from Adam's psychic deviant hunting spree, and it was now a level five anomaly.

At this level, its appearance had undergone some massive changes. All of its bandages had taken on a golden color, and there were some crimson cyberglyphs that resembled ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs inscribed onto its back and its forehead.

Just from its appearance alone, it was already beginning to look like a high-level anomaly.

As soon as it appeared, Mummy immediately sent its golden bandages sweeping through the air, and the bandages sliced all of the people in its path in half at the waist.

In the blink of an eye, the 30 Desert Gang members and some bystanders who were watching from outside the cell had all been slain by Mummy and Hellhound.

The power of level five anomalies was nothing to be scoffed at.

In the outside world, level five anomalies were already more powerful than first-rate hitmen like Oni no Hanzou, and even in Shadow City, an anomaly of this caliber would've been considered to be quite formidable even among S tier combatants.

None of Adam's assailants here were true psychic deviants, so even if there were anomalies in their hearts, those anomalies were concealed somewhere in their psychic worlds, and they stood no chance against such a formidable pair of anomalies.

Thus, the battle concluded in the blink of an eye as soon as the psychic world became the battlefield.

Thank heavens for this neuron transmitter.

Upon emerging from the psychic world, Adam picked up the flashlight before shining it around the cell.

At this moment, there were dozens of bodies laying all over the cell, and each of them was holding a knife. If it weren't for this neuron transmitter, even 10 Adams wouldn't have stood any chance against them.

After stowing the neuron transmitter away, Adam picked up a few knives from the ground and set off to find Adam and Armadillo.

He was the Desert Gang's main target, so if he were to be caught on his own by the Desert Gang's main forces, then his chances of survival would be very slim, even with the miniature neuron transmitter at his disposal.

After all, the effective range of the neuron transmitter was quite limited, and he would only be able to use it on a small group of people at a time.

If it weren't for the fact that he had managed to lure that previous group of Desert Gang members into a confined cell, he wouldn't have been able to deal with them.

If he were to go up against even more people at once, they would be able to easily kill him just by hurling their weapons at him from a safe distance.

Furthermore, Adam wasn't seeking out Mole and Armadillo for his own sake. At the same time, he was concerned for their safety as well. It was most likely the case that they were currently in the Survival of the Fittest faction's territory, and that was most definitely going to be the main target of the Desert Gang's attack.

Thanks to the flashlight, Adam was quickly able to navigate his way out of the cell in the darkness. He proceeded cautiously through the prison, and as he approached the territory of the Survival of the Fittest faction, he began to hear sounds of fighting and yelling.

He carefully flashed his flashlight in that direction to find that a fierce battle was taking place, and overall, it appeared that the Survival of the Fittest faction was in bad shape.

The members of the faction were more physically powerful, and they had a private stash of weapons as well, but compared with the weapons in the possession of the Desert Gang, their weapons were far more crude and far fewer in number.

A weapon could significantly enhance one's combat prowess, and thanks to their weaponry advantage, the Desert Gang was able to secure a clear advantage over their opponents.

However, Adam couldn't tell exactly how significant this advantage was for now. Given that he was all on his own, he didn't dare to shine the flashlight at the unfolding battle for too long for fear of drawing attention to himself.

Thus, he switched off the flashlight, then used the machete in his hand to slice up his own prison uniform, turning it into a makeshift mask. After that, he arrived on the battlefield with his face concealed.

The outskirts of the battlefield was riddled with Desert Gang members, but his arrival didn't attract much attention. Due to the power outage, the entire prison had been plunged into complete darkness, and his face was concealed. Furthermore, he was wielding a standard machete handed out to all Desert Gang members, so it was automatically assumed that he was also a Desert Gang member.

At this moment, Adam was feeling rather hesitant about how to proceed. If he were to force his way into the fray, then his fate would no longer be in his hands.

Right as Adam was hesitating about how to proceed, he suddenly felt something through his telegnosis. He turned in a certain direction to find that someone was sneaking furtive glances at him. The man was being very discrete about it, but Adam was still able to sense his gaze.


With the little light that was available, Adam was able to identify the man based on his height, build, and the outlines of his face.

Ross was the first person in Darvaza Prison who had tried to kill him, but he wasn't a cruel or vicious person. In fact, his personality didn't really fit in with the other inmates of Darvaza Prison. Ross was a man with a great deal of street smarts and a strong desire for survival.

He knew that his own life was more important than anything else, and his desire for survival governed all of his actions.

Adam had used him once before, and now, he was going to use him a second time.

Upon spotting Ross, Adam squeezed his way through the crowd to arrive beside him, then bumped him on the shoulder as he jibed in a voice that was audible only to the two of them, "As expected of you to be standing back like this. Are you too scared to go in?"

"Who're you?" Ross asked as he turned to Adam with a bewildered expression.

"Quit pretending. We've met several times before, I'm sure you've already figured out who I am. Help me out, tell me about the situation in there?"


"I'm standing beside you right now, and we're in complete darkness. If I invade your psychic world and kill you, no one will notice anytime soon. I know you're a man who values his life, and I'm going to give you three seconds to make a decision. 1... 2..."

"Alright, alright, you're the boss." Adam knew exactly what Ross feared, so it was a simple matter for him to make Ross do his bidding. "The battle is very intense right now, and we were able to kill many of the opposing faction's members thanks to our weapons advantage, but they've since formed a defensive line that's proven to be quite difficult to break through in a short time. However, they're constantly losing more and more members, so it's only a matter of time before we break through their defenses."

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