Hundred Times Income Multiplier System

Chapter 605 Taking Control (4)

Chapter 605 Taking Control (4)

"Well, some people only believe that they do have the capital of being arrogant, simply because they were living under a rock. But once they come out, it is time that they realize that they are actually nothing." Jack stated simply, as if what he was saying was actually a fact.

Well, whatever it was that he was saying, it was actually true. While Jeff was only at the first level of the stage that was above the superhuman level, he on the other hand was already at the fourth level.

One had to understand that the difference between levels always increased as a person raised their own power level. The gap that existed between a stage one superhuman and a Stage 2 superhuman level was completely different from difference that existed between level 1 of the stage beyond the superhuman level, and level two of the stage beyond the superhuman level.

It might be true that the gap In between them was just a single level, but that was just in the naming sense. But when it came to the power levels, the gap was completely different, with the one that was beyond the superhuman level being bigger.

There was definitely no way that just anybody who was a level below another could be able to survive under the attack of a person who was a level higher than them in the rank that was about the superhuman level.

"Oh, so you already understand it. It seems that you already know that you have been living under a rock. That is actually the reason why you came over to cause trouble so arrogantly." Jeff did not understand what Jack was trying to imply, so, he thought that Jack was just trying to refer to himself.

"It seems that a person here is not just arrogant, but he is also a fool." Jack stated. He was not the only one who was left a little speechless by the way that Jeff had reacted, because even Kim was kind of surprised.

Although he had interacted with Jeff for a while now, but until today, he had not experienced a situation like this. Ever since Jeff arrived, there was nobody that had ever talked to him the same way that Jack was doing.

But there was another thing that Kim was focusing on. That was, Jack having already possessing the information about the fact that the Ace group was already under the Force organization, he was still talking to Jeff in such a way.

From this, it could be said that either Jack did not understand the power level that Jeff possessed, or, Jack was not afraid of the power level that Jeff possessed. It seems that there was another person that had come over with Jack, but they could not see that person as of yet.

Of course it would not surprise him if that person suddenly appeared in this room. Having already been holding power for a while even before the formation of the ace group, Kim already understood how the stronghold domain worked.

There were people with several superpowers, and special abilities. There were some of them that were actually capable of moving in shadows. (A good example would be James, Alicia's protector and Vincent, Derek's protector.)

It was only after Jack had said those words that finally, Jeff understood that Jack was actually trying to refer to him in such a way. Having already been here for more than 5 years, having already been used to being addressed in a respectful manner, Jeff was a little dumbfounded when someone called him an idiot.

"Are you… Are you talking to me?" Jeff pointed towards his face using his right index finger, while looking at Jack incredulously. He was not believing that I young man like Jack was going to talk to him in such a way.

"Of course I am. Anyway, I don't have time to blubber around with you. I'm here with a single reason, and that is to take over this ace group. I do know that you are from the Force organization, but still, you will have to retreat.

If you don't do so, I don't really mind taking care of you. Not just the background that you are going to depend on that is going to face trouble as long as this information is released, but, just me here, I'll make sure that I cripple you if you try preventing me from doing what I want." Jack stated, this time, his voice was cold.

With the information about the ace group, Jack had already possessed information about Jeff. And, all the activities that Jeff had been carrying out during the time that he was in the Devin Stronghold were things that Jack already understood.

Of course, none of the things that this guy was doing were good. Since he was capable of commanding the entire stronghold, due to his strength, this guy had taken advantage of so many people, killed many others as well.

But, there was nobody that could question him. Whoever it was that tried doing so, they would either disappear, or they had no choice but to back down the moment that they realized that Jeff was stronger than they were.

So in the face of a scum like this, Jack did not really care about etiquette. Other than that, he was not worried about taking care of this person. As for the matter of killing, that was not something that he was going to do.

He was pretty sure that if he killed a person that had already gone beyond the superhuman level, he was definitely going to attract the attention of other people in the stronghold domain. But, that was not something that he wanted to do, at least not now.

"Hahaha! In all my life, there has never been a person who has ever talked to me in such a way. And now, it seems that there is a person that thinks that he is a big shot simply because he can take care of a few superhumans. None of the people that you have taken care of has even reached stage 9 of the superhuman level.

But let me tell you something, I am way above stage 9 of the superhuman level. I am way above the semi-true human level. I am at the first stage of the true human level." Jeff laughed loudly before he spoke in a solemn tone laced with arrogance and pride.

Of course Jack did not want to listen to what Jeff was saying. He was here with only a single reason, and that was to take over the ace group. So, why would he waste his time listening to an idiot blabbering nonsense?

But he was forced to stop taking action by a system prompt that appeared in front of him.

[The person in front of you has reached the first stage of the true human level.]

Jack: "???"

Jack was left a little speechless by the prompt. The system was telling him something that Jeff had already said. Additionally, why was it that the system was only revealing the power level that was beyond the superhuman level right now?

'Hey system, don't tell me that you didn't even know what power level is beyond the superhuman level. You are supposed to be omnipotent, right?' Jack asked sarcastically in his mind.

Of course, although he was being sarcastic, he was actually serious about knowing why the system was only revealing this information to him at this point.

[The host has to understand that after the upgrade of the system authority to the second level, the host is required to start exploring many things by himself. And the power level beyond the superhuman level is something that the host was supposed to know by himself first.]

'Although I doubt what you are trying to say, but I'll give you the benefit of doubt. But really, true human? Are you trying to tell me that all the other humans are fakes or what?' Jack asked in his mind.

At the same time, he noticed that Jeff seemed to be continuing to speak, but he could not even pay attention to what this guy was blabbering.

But, he could not help but frown a little when he realized that Jeff was approaching him. But, Jack realized that Jeff was not giving out any aura, implying that he was not going to attack at this point. But instead, this guy seemed to be playing around still.

[The host cannot question about the ranking system that is used. It was decided that this was going to be the name of this power level, and it is going to be so. All those that have been at that level have always been called that way. This is not a decision made by the system, but instead, it is the civilization of this planet.]

Jack: "…."

Jack did not know what he was supposed to say at this point. But in any case, he decided not to care much about the power level name. To him, what he really cared about was what power level he was in.

Just as Jack finally began focusing on what this idiot was saying, Jeff was already in front of him, stretching his hand to pat his shoulder.

At the same time as he extended his hand forward, Jeff continued speaking. "I know you know that it is difficult for a person to be able to reach this level. And looking at you, I can tell that you are extremely young. You are extremely talented. But don't worry, I can take you in as my student…"


Jeff wanted to continue speaking but was forced to stop and scream in pain. The hand that was about to touch Jack's shoulder was suddenly grabbed then, a lot of force was applied.

Due to the amount of force that was being applied at this moment, Jeff felt the bones in his hand beginning to crack. The amount of pain that he was feeling was intense, something that made him, a person who had not felt pain for a while now, to scream in pain and surprise.

"It seems that I'll have to make a decision on what I'm supposed to do now." Holding Jeff's hand, Jack said with narrowed eyes. Then in the next moment, without waiting for you have to say anything, he applied even more force in the hand that he was using to hold Jeff's hand.

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