Hundred Times Income Multiplier System

Chapter 587 Beyond the Superhuman Level, Waking Up

Chapter 587 Beyond the Superhuman Level, Waking Up

Inside the room that he had taken inside the inn, Jack looked at the small pellet in his hand. It was crystalline white, and it shone under the illumination of the light in the room, although the brightness that it emitted was not that much.

This small pill was what the system called the evolution pill. Jack did not need a lot of information to be able to know what this pill was going to do after it was taken.

The thing that attracted Jack's attention the most was definitely the fact that the ranking of this pill was actually a 10 star. According to what he knew, there was only the ranking that reached the 9 star level. But how was it possible that currently, he was possessing a pill that was at the 10 star level?

For a moment, Jack almost thought that the pill that he had received from the system was actually a fake one. But, knowing that there was no way that the system was going to give him a fake pill, he agreed that the pill was originally, but could it be that there was a problem with the ranking?

[The host should not doubt the system. The ranking system that the host is using is the one that belongs to the humans, and not the system. For the system, the 10-star ranking actually exists, but it is very rare to be able to gain an item that is ranked at the 10-star level.]

'Do you mind giving me more explanation than that?' Jack asked in his mind. Although it was true that the system had given him information about the possibility of there being a 10-star rank, but still, that was not enough information for him to be able to process the reason why there was actually a 10-star rank.

[For the host to know the capabilities of the pill that has been granted to him, he will have to take it first.]

Jack: "…."

Although he was expecting something like this, the was still some hope that the system was actually going to give him some response after the first explanation that it had given.

Nevertheless, Jack simply shook his head. There was no need for him to focus on something like this, when the ranking did not even matter for the time being.

So, he simply focused on the pellet in his hand. The system acted immediately and information about the evolution pill that he had received was displayed in front of his eyes.

[Evolution pill: 10-stars; enables a superhuman who has reached the very limit of the superhuman level to evolve and reach the next level of human evolution.]

Jack: "???"

This time, Jack's mind was filled with several question marks. Of course he had already guessed that this evolution pill was something that was capable of helping him to reach the next level after the superhuman level, although the system had also mentioned something about it.

But still, why was it that the description about the pill was still the same at the one that he had received from the system before he could even see the information about the pill?

'Whatever!' Jack thought in his mind. Immediately after that, he asked the system, 'What am I supposed to do before I take this pill, and, is there anything that is going to happen that might be capable of affecting me in a way other than positively?'

[The host can simply take the pill normally. As for the effects of taking the pill, it doesn't have much of a side-effect on the host since the pill is from the system. The only effect that it is going to have on the host is to increase his strength drastically, allowing him to reach the next level of being a human.]

Jack shook his head. It was useless even if he decided to ask the system. So, after taking a deep breath, Jack popped the pill into his mouth.

The moment that the pill touched his tongue, it melted, before he swallowed it. And the moment that it entered his throat, Jack suddenly felt that the temperatures in his body had began increasing drastically.

The heat began spreading in his body slowly but drastically. And in no time at all, Jack suddenly felt that his body was on fire. He began sweating although it was currently cold.

Left with no choice, Jack took off his shirt, exposing his fit body. As soon as he began observing his body, he realized that his body had become red, rather, his skin had turned red.

Just as he was about to complain to the system about it saying that there was nothing that was going to affect him, the heat that he was feeling suddenly disappeared. In its place, what appeared was a sudden decrease in temperature.

For a moment, although Jack was a superhuman, he was forced to shiver. He felt like he was actually dropped inside an ice cavern.

Just like before, after about a minute, the temperatures finally began returning to normal. And as the temperatures began going back to normal, Jack suddenly felt that his body was undergoing several changes.

Even though it was not something that he could observe, he just felt that he had grown taller, although he was seated. Additionally, he felt that his body mass had been increased slightly.

The evolution that Jack could not see was that, currently, his internal organs were being strengthened. They were not the only ones considering that the changes that were occurring on Jack's body were occurring at a cellular level.

At this moment, the strength that Jack possessed increased, and it did not just double, but instead, it was more like tripling. But of course, that was just something that could be seen from the very start, but in fact, the strength that had increased was definitely way more than that. It was just a matter of how well could Jack control it.

At this moment, other than the genetic structure that was being improved, there was yet another part that was finally unlocked.

At this moment, just as the changes were undergoing inside Jack's body, finally for the system began revealing information about the level that he had reached.

This was something that surprised Jack considering that the system never did the same thing during the time that he had reached the superhuman level. The information that he received at that time was superficial.

But this time, the information that he was receiving from the system was deeper. It explained to him almost everything that he needed to know for the initial stage of the level that he had reached.

According to the information that he had received from the system, at this level, the changes that were going to occur one no longer going to be related to the genes only, but instead, the brain was also going to be affected.

A normal human was only capable of using 10% of the brain. But at this stage, they would be able to unlock the other parts of the brain, enabling them to be able to gain more abilities.

Of course there was always an improvement in almost every aspect of the body. But the one that saw the most improvement was definitely the thinking capacity of a person, their memory, and how far they could remember in the past.

At the superhuman level, the one that they were focusing on was genetic optimization. By unlocking the genetic locks, they would be able to enhance the functions of the gene and its strengths.

But in this new level that he had not received the name as of yet, the brain was being unlocked. As for how much the brain could be unlocked, that depended on a person.

While Jack was processing all the information that he was receiving from the system, the changes that were occurring in his finally stopped. And at this moment, Jack had not only improved in terms of strength, but even when it came to appearance, he had improved.

Had It not been for the fact that Jack was previously handsome, the changes that had occurred right now would have definitely been noticed the moment that he stepped out of the room.

What Jack did not know was the fact that the moment that he managed to unlock another part of his brain, exceeding the 10% capacity that was being used by normal, ordinary, and superhumans, something else occurred.

Azima, Kartu city, secret laboratory…

The scientists kept on trying to make sure that the lady that was in a coma woke up. But no matter how much they tried during the past few weeks, there was no change that occurred.

Although they could tell that the lady was alive, but no matter what kind of stimulation they gave her, nothing changed at all. That was something that was making them very frustrated.

They had already been informed that if they did not succeed in making this lady wake up, they would definitely be killed. It was good enough that they had been given additional time, or otherwise, they would have been dead by now.

But of course, for the time to be extended, each and every one of them lost a finger. And according to the president, if they did not succeed, they were going to lose a hand next.

Currently, inside a room that was surrounded by several glass walls, a scientist was looking at the lady on the bed who was being supported by several machines. He was frowning as he looked at the lady, trying to think of any method that they could use, that they had not used.

Beep! Beep! Beep!

Just as he was wondering, suddenly, beeping sounds came from the machines. And in the next moment, the lady who had been closing her eyes for several years finally opened them. And at this moment, those eyes were actually shining with a blue light.

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