Hundred Times Income Multiplier System

Chapter 369 Jasper Ramon

"Huh? That's you?!" The three men were both surprised and looked at Jack suspiciously.

Jack did not reply, but instead, he looked at them with a piercing gaze. When they felt his gaze on them, they were suddenly reminded of the fate of the gate. So, one of them hurriedly took out a communication device and contacted his superior.

After a while, it was as if he had received a command. He looked towards Jack and said, "I have been informed to take you in."

Even though the man said that, he did not try approaching Jack. Instead, he maintained his distance, as he wasn't willing to have the same fate as the gate.

Jack nodded before turning around. Denali and Samantha who were a distance away walked in. When the three men noticed them, they were surprised.

"I… I'm sorry sir. B-but I have been instructed that I have to take you there alone." The man stuttered.

"Lead the way." Jack said in response.

The man was just about to say something when he suddenly noticed the identity of one of the two ladies that had come over. His pupils suddenly shrunk, and in the next moment, like an obedient kid, he led the way.

The group walked towards a group of buildings that was in at the distance, and after arriving in front of one of the majestic looking ones, they entered.

They walked down several hallways, and arrived in front of a door that was about 2m wide. During all this while, Jack had noticed that the level of technology present in this place was actually far higher than the one that was found in any other place that he had been to.

In fact, he had felt that there were several gazes that were directed towards them, but he paid them no heed.

Had it not been for the fact that He didn't know where they had kept Celine, he would have already begun attacking the moment that he arrived.

The man in the lead opened the door, and ushered them in. Jack and the two ladies walked into the room, and saw that there were a few couches that were present inside and a table.

Seated on one of the couches was a man with a medium sized body, wearing a silver mask. He was seated with his right leg placed on top of his left knee, observing those that had entered.

"You came in sooner than I had expected." The man said in a calm deep voice.

"What do you expect from a man when you have taken his wife away?" Jack asked as he proceeded to sit opposite the man.

The man's eyes narrowed when he noticed that. But, he still managed to maintain his composure, and looked towards Denali.

"It is nice to see you again, Althea." The man said, but his voice was quite seductive.

"I am called Denali, and not Althea. Additionally, it is not nice to see you at all." Denali responded in a cold voice. At this moment, her expression was completely different from the one that she showed in front of Jack, Celine and the others that were close to her.

"Hah! Still as cold as ever. But, I like it." The man replied. "Please, have a seat." The man said as he pointed towards the couches.

Denali simply snorted in response, before going and standing behind Jack. It was obvious that she was not going to obey what the man was going to say.

When the man saw that Denali was actually standing behind Jack, his eyes narrowed as he stared at Jack with a chilling gaze. But still, he did not make any move.

As for Jack, he did not care about the gaze that he was receiving from the other party. Instead, he turned around and looked at the two girls and said, you two should take a seat. There's no need for you to be so uptight.

"Yes." Both Samantha and Denali replied, before they went ahead and sat on both sides of Jack.

The man's expression behind the silver mask shifted further. At the same time, jealousy began surfacing on his face as he looked at Jack who was seated between two beautiful ladies.

"So, let us discuss about the real matter that brought you here." The man still maintained his composure as he begun speaking.

"I don't have a lot of time to discuss with you about nonsense. So, you better take her out right now, before you begin suffering losses." Jack said calmly. At the same time, he shot a chilling gaze towards the man in front of him.

The man's body suddenly shuddered. But still, he was able to regain his composure, before looking at Jack with a displeased expression on his face behind the mask.

"You should know that I hold the initiative right now. So, you better behave yourself." The man said arrogantly.

"Let me repeat myself once again. I simply said that you better bring her out, before you start suffering losses that I am sure that you would have avoided if you follow what I have just said." Jack looked at the man in front of him and said calmly again.

"Hehe. How funny. This is actually the first time that someone is talking to me in such a manner. Do you know that even the leader of the organization does not have the ability to command me? Who are you to command me to do something?" The man got to his feet and crossed the distance between him and Jack, and asked.

Since he was already tired of holding the anger that was in his heart, the man decided to teach Jack a small lesson. So, he raised his hand, aiming to break Jack's nose.


But instead of colliding with Jack's nose, his hand suddenly entered someone else's grasp.

The eyes of the man wearing a silver mask dilated. At the same time, he hurriedly shifted his gaze towards the hand that had held his fist.

"You….How is that possible?" The man was surprised when he noticed that the person who had actually stopped his fist was Denali.

"I suggest that you don't do something like this again. You are not my match, and you will definitely die with a single punch from my master." Denali said in a cold tone. In the next moment, she pushed the man backwards.

As he stumbled backwards, the man looked at Denali with an incredulous gaze. "How are you stronger than me? The previous time that we met each other, I was stronger than you." The man exclaimed as he looked at Denali.

At the same time, he felt like cutting Jack into pieces. After all, Denali was the lady that he really loved. He had loved her ever since the time that he met her during the start of her training.

And, that had been the case during the years that Denali had spent here learning fighting, and other things. But, no matter how hard he or how many times he proposed to her, she never agreed to anything.

Her personality was cold and distant. But, that was just how he liked her. The good thing about her personality was the fact that, she actually didn't get close to any man. As such, he had believed that even if it was going to take a long time to conquer her, at least, there was no competition.

In order to make sure that he impressed her, he utilized his background, and managed to take the position of the second in command of the whole organization.

But unlucky for him, the day that he was taking over the position was the same day that Denali was actually leaving the organization. Even though he had tried to stop her from leaving, there was no way that he could.

After all, the period that Denali was supposed to stay in the organization had ended, and so, she was free to leave.

All this while, he had been investigating about where she had gone to. But, several months had gone by, without him getting any important information about her.

But, it was just recently that he received information that Denali was actually working as a businesswoman. This had surprised him, but he simply thought that she was just doing that because she had missed the outside world.

But when he actually received information that she was working for someone, he was angered, especially knowing that it was a man.

Though, he was slightly relieved when he found out that the man that she was working for actually had a fiancée.

With a plan in his mind, he had decided that he wanted to go and bring her back to the organization. After all, it could be considered a waste of her skills if she was not in the organization. But, he was stopped from doing that.

But recently, there was yet another matter that they were dealing with. And this matter was actually related to the person that Denali was working for. Deciding to seize this opportunity, he had decided to send over people to keep an eye on them.

And, when he realized that they had actually come in the same province as the organization, he didn't hesitate to send people to go over and kidnap Celine. Since she was Jack's fiancée, he was sure that he would be able to meet with Jack, and know the reason as to why Denali was willing to work for him.

But unexpectedly, the way that she was addressing Jack was different. Master. That what echoed in his mind again and again, almost sending him to insanity.

Denali did not even bother to respond to him. Instead, she went back to sit next to Jack. At the same time, she kept her eye on the man in front of her.

"Haha! This is so good. I never thought that there was going to be a time where I, Jasper Ramon, would actually be forced into such a situation." As he laughed maniacally, he began walking step by step towards the group in front of him.

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