Hundred Times Income Multiplier System

Chapter 477 Phoebe

Chapter 477 Phoebe

And at this moment, there was a lady who was busy with something. As if she had realized that they were approaching, she looked up and asked, "You have already completed the mission? That was kind of fast."

The expressions of the two ladies shifted when they heard that. Although it was a compliment from the lady in front of them, there was no joy in her eyes as she look at them. Instead, there was complete indifference.

This was the vice leader of the Butterfly organization. She was a person with a cold personality, just like how Sylvia was. It was just that, the personality that Sylvia showed in front of everyone was way more cold as compared to the lady in front of them.

The lady in front of them was a middle aged one, possessing long green hair that was cascading on her back. She did not put on any makeup, but still, she could be considered quite a beauty.

Just like them, she was also putting on an armor that was blue in color with a mixture of white and orange. On her left chest, there was an insignia of a Butterfly, an indication of the Butterfly organization.

Other than that, there are 10 stars just below the insignia, implying that she was a ten-star ordinary human. She was at the same level as Anthony when it came to strength.

The two ladies dropped their heads after being stared at by the lady in front of them. Then, the lady who had previously intended to attack managed to squeeze a few words out of her mouth.

"We failed. Samantha came over, but she came over with another group. There was a lady amongst them that prevented us from taking Samantha away." She stated as she remembered how she had been blown backwards by an invisible force. She could not help but feel her body trembling a little, now that her rage had gone down.

When the lady who was behind a desk heard that, she could not help but frown a little. Of course, she knew that Samantha came over with a group. But instead of coming back to the Butterfly organization, she went towards the Panthers organization.

They could not help but be a little suspicious that perhaps Samantha had decided to betray the Butterfly organization. But, it was not long after they had sent over a group to the Panthers organization that they received the information that Samantha's group had left the Panthers organization.

Since that was the case, the group that had been sent over intercepted them. And immediately after the information returned through the communication devices that they had already intercepted Samantha's group, the lady stopped paying attention to this.

Anyway, it was not as if Samantha was going to be capable of resisting two guardians at the same time. As for the rest of the group, those were going to be dealt with that seven-star ladies. They did not think much about the group that had come over with Samantha.

After all, how strong could they be? And even if they were from another stronghold, they would definitely not interfere with the matters concerning different organizations, from another stronghold, unless they wanted to fall out with them.

As for weather that group actually came from the big stronghold, that thought was immediately discarded. After all, how was it possible for Samantha to be capable of contacting a person from the big stronghold? That was impossible.

But now that she had received the information that they had failed, and they had actually been defeated by another lady, and not Samantha, she could not help but reevaluate the group once again.

After a moment of hesitation, the lady looked at the two ladies in front of her and said, "That's enough. You can go back and do your own thing. Let Samantha be for now, I will go and talk to the leader."

After the two ladies heard that, they were relieved. At least, they were not punished for failing to get Samantha over. Anyway, it was not as if it was their fault, it was just that the other party was stronger than them.

After the two ladies left, the lady who was sitting behind the desk stood up. After that, she headed towards the elevator, a different one from the one that the two ladies had used.

Then, she went ahead and pressed the button of the 25th floor. That was where the leader of the organization was stationed.

As a matter of fact, this entire building was just like an office building back in the normal world. Although it was true that there was no battle that was ongoing, the members of the organization had to take care of many things.

So, at a moment like this, they were no different from office workers. They had to make sure that the distribution of resources was as they required, the recruitment went on as it was supposed to be, and, they had to monitor the most of the other organizations present inside this stronghold.

As for where they lived, each and every one of them had their own villas or mansions. Some of them even had their own families that they went back to, but still, they were within the Butterfly organization.

After the lady arrived on the 25th floor, she moved towards the eastern part familiarly. The layout of the floor was no different from the one that she was in. It was just that, there was an extra room where the leader of the organization always relaxed.

Other than that, there was yet another room that was used for training. It was filled with advanced training equipment, which provided the leader of the organization chances of training from time to time.

Since she was not behind the desk, it was obvious that the leader was either training or relaxing after an intense training period. But as for now, since it was still ten in the morning, it was obvious that the leader was in the training room.

She always trained during the early stages of the day. As for the other half of the day, she relaxed from the training, before dealing with the other issues concerning the organization.

After arriving in front of a door, the lady knocked on it twice and said, "Leader, we have an important issue. Samantha is back, but still, there is a problem with the group that she came over with."

A few seconds after she had said that, a voice sounded from inside the room. "Come in."

The vice leader of The Butterfly organization pushed the door open. There was no handle that was used in opening and closing of the door. Rather, just by pushing it, she was able to open it as long as the leader allowed her to. As she entered the room, the door behind her automatically closed.

Inside this room, there was a pod that was filled with green liquid. It was stationed in one corner of the room, that place completely isolated from any other equipment.

As for the remaining parts of the room, there were treadmills, weights, and other equipment that could be found inside a normal gym. It was just that, the level of the equipment here was several times higher as compared to the ones that were found inside a normal gym.

On the treadmill, there was a lady who was wearing her training outfit, currently sweating as she moved at a rapid speed. Unlike the treadmill in the normal world, the treadmill here was moving several times faster, that if a normal person stepped on it, they would be immediately thrown backwards.

The vice leader of the Butterfly organization stood at the side, waiting for the other party to finish. As she stood there, she could not help but admire the lady who was training.

She had already reached the superhuman level, but, her dedication when it came to training was so intense as compared to other low-level members of the organization. In fact, she was even more dedicated than herself, who was dreaming about becoming a superhuman.

The lady possessed short raven hair that was currently shining due to the sweat. Although the appearance of the lady could not be seen clearly from behind, but still, it was clear that she had beauty of a high level just from her physical features.

After about 20 minutes, the lady finally stopped the treadmill, ending the session. After that, as she used the towel that was placed not far from where she was to wipe away the switch that was trickling down her face, she looked at the vice leader with curiosity in her eyes.

Just as expected of a superhuman, the level of beauty that she possessed was of course of a high level as well. In fact, she was even more beautiful as compared to Sylvia. But, the difference was not that much, unless a person paid much attention.

Other than that, she possessed brown eyes that were filled with nonchalance, something that was mirrored by the expression on her face. It was obvious that she did not care much about what was happening around her.

After she was done wiping away the sweat, she looked at the lady who had come over and asked, "Maybe you can tell me the reason why you failed to bring over Samantha?"

After asking that question, she moved towards the direction where the weights were. It was obvious that although she was speaking to the vice leader of the organization, she did not intend to stop training.

The leader of the Butterfly organization was known as Phoebe. She, unlike Sylvia who always put up a cold personality, Phoebe was an aggressive one. Although most of the time she did not care about what others did or said, but, if one crossed her line, she was going to turn into a tigress.

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