How a Former Pro Takes Advantage by Doing an Easy Job

Chapter 719

- Episode 86 Episode 86

Episode 86

Well, now I have no choice but to watch.

Of course I know what Ilya is trying to do and I know it's definitely useful.

‘It will be fine.'

Feeling slightly anxious, Pena waited for Ilya's turn.

And finally the time has come.

Finally, Ilya came up to the podium.

There is only silence.

It sounds obvious, but it didn't get as much attention as I thought.

“home… … Is it Ilya?”

“You must be a simple student.”

“She seems to be Professor Lanfelst's daughter, but she doesn't seem to stand out very much.”

“Then, is it just a young lady’s hobby?”

I can't just say that those who gossip like that are savage.

It is possible only in a delusion that a person who has not yet revealed their performance is expected from the beginning.

Above all, subverting their perceptions would also be of great interest.

Ilya calmly stated the subject of the theory he was about to present.

“What I am researching is spiritism.”

I thought it was an unexpected topic, but I heard faint whispers from inside the room.

“… … Elemental magic?”

“… … why do it?”

I don't mean to underestimate spiritism.

It is admittedly that powerful elemental magic is a force comparable to that of quite a few wizards.

But isn't it ambiguous to use as a research topic?

Elemental magic is the realm of talent.

No matter how much research is done, there is an ambiguous corner to make it into a performance. That's public opinion.

Magic is recognized for its wide inclusiveness of magical tools and techniques.

Martial arts, including swordsmanship, are representative of the armed forces to protect money.

But elemental magic is ambiguous.

“No matter how much spirit magic you do, no matter how great it is… …

“It’s just that the individual is proud.”

“The value of science is… … hmm.”

Above all, making money is ambiguous.

They are well aware of that fact, so they show a cold reaction.

Of course Ilya knows that too. kept his composure.

“First of all, I will tell you the basic theory of spiritism.”

Calmly proceed with your presentation in the order you have decided.

“Spiritual art is the communication between humans and spirits. It can be said to be a way to bring out their power by binding them in the form of a contract.”

Explaining the theory, she summoned the spirit she contracted with.

But the response is cold.

“This is the general manifestation process of spiritism, and there are no exceptions. … … but.”

This is the original topic from now on.

“Is it really possible to use spirit magic only after making a contract? Haven't you ever asked that question?”

“?… “


“What do you mean?”

no one answers Every now and then, I see people who frown at what sophistry they make.

And Ilia's father, Chelford, too... … I'm just watching without the slightest movement on my face.

after. With a light laugh and a deliberate leeway, she explained her theory.

“A contract between a spirit and a spirit is similar to a contract between humans in a way.”

I will give you this price, so I hope you use this much power.

To sum it up, it's spiritism.

“I will liken it to magic. Magic, too, was not universal in the past. This is because only those who have mastered the complex magic formula can use that magic.”

However, in recent years, it has been simplified to the extent that if you have a certain level of qualifications, you can use one class with just one month of practice.

No, there is a simpler way.

A fundamental revolution in the commercial success of magic.

“Magic tools, for example.”

Ilya took out the simple magic tool he brought as an example. A magic tool to light a fire.

However, in order to use magic like this, you need the ability of about 1 class.

“But those of us who use this conveniently don’t have that capability.”

The main topic is from here.

“Then, what about spiritism?

Is it really impossible for elemental magic to be as convenient as magic?”

It was only then that those who realized what the subject she was about to say frowned.

Some groan and some say “Impossible... … .” he muttered.

“The generalization of spiritism. That was the problem I was thinking about.”

Some are startled.

It must have been something I noticed from her way of speaking.

“Animism can only be activated with a contractor. And that contract takes a lot of talent and hard work.

The amount of time it takes is also unspeakable.”

That's why Spiritual Art is powerful, but it is treated as an intractable nuisance.

But that common sense continues to this day.

Ilya pulled out another device he had prepared.

A clunky tool that looks like a fist-sized crystal ball with several devices attached to it.

It's still in the testing phase, so it's a bit uncool, but the effect is certain.

“If you put magic into this… …

Ilya muttered and put only pure magical power into it.

Then the crystal ball glowed faintly.

A small amount of the summoned water spirit sprinkled water.

“… … What?! A spirit?!”

someone shouted I looked up and saw that it was Ilya's father.

Ilya smiled softly.

As if you wanted that response.

It's the same summon, but why am I shocked this time? what's different Perhaps her father realized.

“yes. If you put pure magic into this, you can summon spirits for a limited time and activate elemental magic.”

In short, it can be said to be a device that receives the help of spirits without contract procedures.

Questions and ideas came to Ilya while learning about spiritism.

“Can I borrow the power of the spirit only if I make a contract?”

With the help of Pena, I refined the theory again and reached the beginning stage.

The amount of power Ilya possesses is small, and her mental strength may be weak.

However, the ability to think and design specific goals was excellent.

This is the result of her talent.

The hall becomes quiet.

It's obviously a different silence than before.

This time, I am having trouble and expectations.

“I think that the generalization of spiritism, which was a weakness, can be achieved with this.”

Witchcraft is commercially successful because it has magic tools.

However, spiritism can also do something similar.

There is no way you can't calculate its value.

“how… … if… …

“Is it really possible?”

Hearing those vaguely muttered words, Ilya grinned as if it were natural.

“There is no lie in the device I demonstrated. How much more would I have the guts to do that?”

Of course.

You should have notified the academy and received verification.

Above all, if you tell a lie, even if you do well at this point, you will definitely be caught later.

The girl in front of him didn't seem to have the guts to do so.

“I can explain a more detailed theory if you wish.”

There's no way anyone would want to end this announcement right here.

Naturally, Ilya's explanation continued.

As Ilya's presentation became heated, naturally, she was becoming the main character of this place.

Certainly, that child's announcement may change the future era.

In original presentations, it is common to leave naturally after the allotted time has elapsed.

however… … .

“Uh… … For now, I think I should end the explanation here.”

“It doesn’t matter, do it.”

Opinions came out saying that the exit time should not be bothered.

It also came from the mouths of some powerful people, not just the lower nobility.

“I don’t want to wait until later.

… … Is everyone against it?”

“no. I am not against it.”

“There is no specific time, isn’t it?”

It's really cruel to stop talking. Most of all, the listener is bound to tantalize.

The academy didn't seem to have anything else to say, and Ilya's explanation continued naturally.

“Then I will continue to explain.”

Of course, there are those who are against this situation.

Like Ilia, those who have been waiting for the day to announce their theories.

Of course, most of them listen in amazement, but not everyone can be so generous.

“shit… … A kid who lived less than half my age... …

A man who appears to be in his mid-30s is clenching his fists and suppressing his temper as if he is angry.

Calpelle. He is also a scholar whose research is supported by the academy.

In other words, he could be called an ordinary scholar, or in other words, a man who does not see the light of day.

“shit… … This is my chance... …

It's a long-awaited academic festival... …

prepared for the past 10 years.

It takes a considerable amount of time for a scholar to organize what he has studied and present it to the public.

And I saw today as an opportunity for my hard work to shine.

Will he ever get that chance?

No, can it produce results that will meet the expectations of the aristocrats who have already seen it before?

” shit??????

I know it myself.

What should be announced after that, of course, will not meet expectations.

“Something… … We have to find a way.”

An eye-catching tool... … . Come to think of it, wasn't there something left in the warehouse?

Feeling anxious, he hurried to the warehouse. At least something that can attract attention is enough.

I know it's bullshit.

But if you don't do this, jealousy will blind you.

You have to wait for your turn while doing useless things.

“Should I wait for the next one?”

I have something prepared for now, so even after 4 years, I will be able to do something.

However, the heart of a person who can't help but feel sorry for. Even more so, delaying it for four years means that you have to be prepared for that much loss.

As he wandered around the warehouse in disappointment, he found something strange.

There were artifacts in the corner of the warehouse that I hadn't seen before.


never heard of Having lived in the academy for a long time, you've heard or touched quite a few things here, haven't you?

Of course, there are things he doesn't know.

Especially things like artifacts stored here hundreds of years ago... … .

As far as he knew, before the Royal Academy was built, this place was originally a facility for researching magic in the Kingdom of Ernesia.

Afterwards, as additional magic towers were established, power shifted there, but remnants of that time still remain.

“Could it be something from that time… …

The fact that there is quite a bit of dust seems to indicate that a considerable number of years have passed.

Wouldn't it have been stuck in the warehouse if it hadn't been cleaned up recently by Arel?

He picked it up reflexively, without much expectation. Once the dust is wiped off with a cloth, a plausible shape is revealed.


It is presumed to be an artifact, but its purpose is unknown. If you analyze it closely, you won't know something, but it will be difficult right now.

“I don’t know if it would be better to categorize it first and leave it to the analysis… …

His words did not follow through.


A strange vibration echoed from the artifact.


I had a premonition of something ominous and tried to deal with it right away, but it was too late.

Like a lazy person who wakes up from an overslept, the artifact trembles slowly and emits a faint light.

Ironically, as if responding to something.

And at the presentation venue, Ilya is again demonstrating the tool he developed.

Could it be that it was a coincidence?

No one knows the true intention, at least at this point.

Finally, the artifact emits a fierce light as if it had entered a complete awakening stage.


When he reached the point where he couldn't handle it anymore, he reflexively threw the artifact.

But that alone won't stop it from working. Eventually, when the light faded, the artifact was in the hands of beings with strange phenomena.

“What is it… … you guys... …

It is not an ordinary creature. An existence similar to a ghost that emits faint light.

“no way… … That artifact... …

Guessing his identity belatedly, he murmured, but it was too late. Those summoned by it nodded their heads while looking at him… … .


With his short scream, the inside of the warehouse soon became quiet as if nothing had happened. How

a former pro

sucks honey

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