How a Former Pro Takes Advantage by Doing an Easy Job

Chapter 709

- Gaiden episode 76

Episode 76

The reason she stayed still was because Cressel stopped her.

[Anyway, it's good to have an elf. So stay still.]

“Tch… …

As if she didn't like being treated like a troublemaker, Hetia put on a slightly pouty face.

Meanwhile, the actual story must have started between them.

Right away, Faldera revealed their position and asked for forgiveness.

“… … Does not matter. tell me.”

The head of the harpies obediently allowed me to attend this talk. Even the elves showed no sign of refusal.

More than anything.

“You too. let's say What to do.

Are those horses monsters of the forest?”

Rather, Faldera should have been surprised.

“Do you know what happened there?”

“Our the wings. I'm going anywhere'?”

It seems that the harpies are freely roaming the sky and grasping information without the knowledge of other races.

What do you think, it's normal.

“then… …

“Of course, we are here to discuss that as well… …

One of the elves said as if he was nervous.

“Looks like the Dwarves have similar thoughts. It's surprising that you've come this far.”

He looked alternately at Faldera and at Hetia, who was deliberately silent.

“Let’s talk about what we know first.”

“Right… … Was that monster like that?”

The elves let out a sad moan as if they were embarrassed.

Seeing that, Faldera was surprised.

The elves she knew were a bit more rigid. And it was clogged up.

In other words, I'd have to say it's hard work. At least from the eyes of the dwarves, it just seemed that way.

someone said It's called Kkondae surrounded by green leaves.

Those elves are impatient.

“So that means you're on the same business as us.”

After hearing the elves' explanations, Faldera nodded her head naturally.

It seems that the elves were already keeping an eye on the monster's existence.

“It shouldn’t be in this world.”

“… … huh? Shouldn't it exist?”

Hetia tilted her head as if she couldn't understand, but was there no reason to answer that far? The elves did not give any further information.

[…] … .]

Instead, Cressel groaned deeply.

“Therefore, at the direction of the elders, I am going to ask them for their assistance in dealing with the monster.”

“ah! Then we came for the same business... …

Faldera quickly jumped on board.

The elves nodded in agreement as if they had judged that cooperation was constructive.

“That would be better. Especially if the dwarves have already joined hands with other races, talking together will save you a lot of trouble. … … Any objections?”

“no. objection. does not exist.”

As if the head of the harpies had the same opinion, they were willing to cooperate.

“There's one thing that's for sure.”

“yes? If it's a requirement for cooperation, I'd rather ask our boss than me... …

“No, that's not it. There is no objection to cooperating with the dwarves. but.??…

The target the elf looked at was Hetia.

” me?”

“Who are you?”

borderline gaze. There is no objection to cooperation with other races, but Hetia, whose identity is unknown, is different.

“Ask again. Who are you?”

“huh? me? Don't you know?”

That is Hetia's answer.

Turning around is the answer as it is. I do not know.

“You don’t know? Where are you from?”

“When I first woke up, I was in a strange mountain. It just kept rolling down from there.”

“… … Strange.”

The elf muttered in a low voice.

“Your aura doesn't match anywhere, but it feels similar to any race... …


You act like you're a little bit annoyed.

If you keep talking about your true identity, it's going to be annoying.

“… … nope I don't see any malice towards you. I am sorry if I offended you.”

I decided to cooperate, but I wouldn't be able to cause a problem. Above all, even with the instincts of the elves, who are sensitive to hostility, there is still only a vague sense.

More than anything else, what they fear is not that kid, but that mysterious monster.

“Then let’s talk about it.”

After that, the cooperation system worked smoothly.

Immediately, Hetia took the harpies and elves' messengers to the dwarf city.

Although there was some commotion, a full-fledged negotiation table was immediately set up.

“so… … I'm wondering which one to send.”

Befindil, the head of the Dwarves, asked.

“Aren’t you going to say nonsense that everyone will come and fight?”

Should I send an halfway guy to death?

Even more so, the number of people of the same kind would be precious. No one wants to make a foolish sacrifice.

Everyone was silent, as if troubled.

“Shouldn’t we only pay for the elite?”

The elf's messenger was the first to comment.

“We are sending 30 young warriors. They are warriors that no one can match in the forest.”

They said they would be happy to send a part of the main force protecting the elves' forest.

Of course, other races couldn't spare their words either. I also have my own face. I also know you need it.

“We too. Send 50 people. They are the ones who can fly the fastest among their kind.”

“We and this cow head will send out all those who use some strength. Above all, it is our forest!”

Harpies and Centaurs Even the Minotaur were willing to step out.

Even Befindil couldn't be condescending.

“We'll also send my son and other smart guys. And I'll make some of the weapons you need.”

Like that, one by one, the appearance of a plausible subjugation team was being woven.

“so… … What will you do, little one?”

“uh? Of course you want to go too?”

And Hetia also did not give up her intention to follow.

More than anything else, the reason he insisted on following was because of Cressel's request.

[…] … Hetia. what is that monster

There is something I want to check. Follow me too.]

You can refuse if you don't like it, but I didn't.

Thus, the subjugation party that summoned the troops of each race was completed, and they quickly headed to the forest to subdue the monster.

After the subjugation team first stopped in the vicinity of the forest of courtesy. They are the first... … .

“???? What?”

I had to be surprised.

“Centaurs… … I will ask you one thing.”

...... hmm.

“Was your forest originally like that?”

“How could that be!”

The centaurs and minotaurs, who should have been the original owners of this forest, all showed their anger.

The forest has changed.

White branches were growing in the green forest.

It is as if the existing forest is being pushed out and a new one is being taken.

The forest is dyed white.

“What is that?”

“… … If you don't know, how can you know it's us?”

A phenomenon that even the original residents would be puzzled by.

Last time, there was nothing like that.

“The elders said so… …

That's a sacred branch.”

“Divine? Isn’t that a good thing?”

However, the elves kept their mouth shut for some reason. Contrary to words, it seems that he is afraid of something.

“Not necessarily.”

Excessive divine energy is even more lethal than poison. Just as purified water is more deadly than poison.

If left as it is, those white branches will push away all life in the area, leaving only the purified land behind.

It will become a barren land where not a single blade of grass can grow. The elves were concerned about that.

On top of that, it will gradually expand its territory and eventually wither the entire base of the different races.

“… … We can root everything out and burn it.”

“Don't burn! If you burn the forest, you will be in trouble.”

“I just say it! Anyway, that means let's defeat him with that momentum!”

Each race discusses the strategy while bickering. But it's not that easy.

It's because of the pride that you can't fall behind.

“Our centaur rushes in front.”

“red! Leave the lead to us dwarves.”

“What are you talking about… … First of all we... …

“… … It's all wrong. We harpies first in the sky... …

Heterogeneous tribes insist on their own advantages, and demand that they devise tactics that are advantageous to their respective methods.

Of course opinions can't be right.

After arguing for a while, the decision finally came out =... … .

“do whatever you want!”

In the end, attack at random.

We came to the conclusion that we should attack in a way that does not interfere with each other.

[It's pitiful.]

Seeing that, Cressel sighed that they had fallen a lot too.

Hetia just stared blankly.

“Then what should I do?”

“… … Fight with us in moderation. I will definitely repay you.”

There was no objection to the idea of attacking, so it was when they wanted to advance right away.


“hmm? !”

A heavy sound resounded as if shaking the ground.

“He's coming.”

Apparently, the monster was actively thinking of kicking out those who entered this forest.

What a bummer! The sound of cracking wood grain resounded, and a white tree-like thing was growing nearby.

“… … Is it because he's coming?!”

“Don’t touch that branch!”

As the different races spread out and retreated, Hetia, who had been quietly mingling with them, also withdrew.



The monster that has penetrated the ground and is stealing the home of the different races has appeared.

“… … something like that?”

“A pure white deer?”

“No, it looks like a deer no matter where you look. Did you like the color of your eyes?”

It was a strange being that looked like a huge deer.

However, aside from its size, it is strange that it looks like it.

From the huge white horn, white twigs continue to grow and fall off, and the fallen branches continue to grow and become a pure white tree.

The white monster starts making strange noises.

Woo woo woo woo!

However, the cry wasn't coming from his throat, but rather the sound of his horns quivering.

“… … what. this feeling.”

“Never mind, attack!”

The different races suppressed their agitation and prepared to attack.

Elves and harpies first surrounded him and fired arrows at each other.


It's not an ordinary arrow. An arrow inscribed with the elves' unique spell.

It has the power to pierce even rocks lightly by encircling sharp winds around the arrow itself.

Even if you can't inflict fatal wounds with arrows, if you can keep them in check, this other species will immediately open up an opportunity to attack.

However, their thoughts were wrong from the first move.

The wind, entangled in the flying arrow, suddenly loses its power and vainly collides with the body of the white monster, leaving no power to fall.

“Chit! Those guys screamed loudly!”

“It doesn't matter, charge!”

“Stop! If you charge recklessly, you won't be able to shoot the bow!”

“What do you know! charge!”

Aside from the stunned elves, the other races charged.

Centaur and Minotaur charge first, followed by Dwarf warriors who use strength.

“Stop! that??… Undoubtedly... …

“Noisy. Shut up, you cowardly longling!”

They are not stubborn people who will be advised to pay attention.

And, of course, he's not the kind of person that such mischief will work for.

Before their attack could reach, the monster roared again.

Whoa! A strange resonant sound rang once more, and soon the white monster stamped the floor with its hoof.


“What are you doing? Aagh!”

Without even realizing it, those at the forefront flew away.

Rocks rose from the floor and threw them up there.

“… … Nonsense!”

“It's magic!”

Later, the other warriors were shocked to find out the identity of the phenomenon that had just occurred.

That white monster used magic.

“Then what about that sound?????

“maybe… … It must be his own order.”

“A spell?!”

It was definitely felt through the senses of the elves. When the resonance sounded, mana fluctuated rapidly.

Like chanting a spell, it must be a way to create his own magic formula.

“But monsters are magic… …

“You've never heard of that?”

“What's the point of discussing it now! come!”

Fighting here will only save each other's lives.

On top of that, that white monster doesn't seem to have the heart to calmly let go of the different races that have shown hostility towards it.

Resonance sounds longer. Mana fluctuates rapidly.

An attack is coming.


The complexions of the elves, who are sensitive to mana fluctuations, turned white and each tried to use means for defense.

The warriors pull out their shields and the harpies try to get away, too.

The white monster's magic completed faster. How

a former pro

sucks honey

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