How a Former Pro Takes Advantage by Doing an Easy Job

Chapter 700

- Gaiden Episode 67

Gaiden Episode 67

The trainer never revealed his real name or himself.

They ask or listen, but they don't talk about themselves.

No, I guess I hate to say it.

At least I think I have that kind of notice.

Even if it looks like this, there are things I have seen as a child of an aristocratic family.

However, even after noticing such a suspicious side, the reason he dared to follow the trainer's words was because of one thing.

For some reason, I felt a sense of unity.

It's like an attitude to understand something of yourself.

No one has ever said anything like that. Everyone just treated him as if he was a genie or treated him as something dangerous. There was no reverse.

That's why I decided to try it once.

And whether the belief was right or not will soon be known as the result.

After a lot of hard work, the time has finally come to see the conclusion.

“You worked hard until today.”

The trainer proudly spoke to Kells.

A proud attitude, as if a teacher admits to his student that it is okay to be independent now.

“You know… … is it starting now? I'm afraid to say it as if it's already over.”

“Anyway, only results remain.”

It's really extreme lameness.

“Once I did everything I was told… …

As instructed, I honed my skills and pushed my knowledge as quickly as possible.

Besides that, we also secured a place to open a circus.

The initial plan was to open a theatrical company in Pahilia, but it seems that there were some circumstances during the negotiations.

Instead of Pahilia, he moved to Etelpaina, a sea resort.

well that's not too bad

It seems that tourists are flocking there lately.

He tamed the monsters enough and taught them tricks.

In addition to that, we also hired staff.

“By the way, I got quite a lot of loans… …

Are you really okay with this?”

“Let’s get started!”

“Are you ignoring my concerns? Did you intentionally ignore it?”

The trainer told Kels to be confident.

“I tried hard enough. So there must be consequences.”

“… … Do you say something unexpectedly nice?”

“… … What did you think of me?”

In any case, now is the time to open the curtain in earnest.

“To let everyone know about our existence.”

Let everyone know that he is not an ominous and odious monster, but an existence that can be admired by everyone.

Monster Circus.

Its opening itself was surprisingly well received by people.

“… … To be honest, I thought it was surprising.”

“What do you mean?”

“No, I thought people would just be afraid and oppose it.”

Kels admired as he surveyed the packed audience as if to surprise him.

If there are people who don't know anything and come to see it just out of curiosity.

There are not a few people who really understand what they are doing and come to enjoy it.

The fact that the tickets on the first day were sold as if they had sprouted wings is probably proof of that.

Of course, it's up to them what happens after that.

“This is my first time… … Seeing my expectant gaze.”

“… … Everything depends on how you use it.”

The trainer quietly glanced at him and said in a low voice.

“They know nothing. And I'm not interested.”

sharp speech.

It was no different than usual, but her speech was quieter than usual.

“That's why we have to use it even more.”

Kels made a face that said he had something to say, but for now he kept his mouth shut.

Anyway, for now, getting results comes first.

That's how the curtain rises for the first performance.

Before starting the full-scale performance, the head of the theater company… … To be exact, Kells, who had been given the title almost half-kicked, stepped forward as if embarrassed.

He greeted the audience before starting the performance.

“First of all, our performance… … I would also like to express my sincere gratitude to those who came to the first performance like this.”

It's sincerity, not pretending.

Even if it wasn't, there would be many other things to see here, so I came here.

Whether it's curiosity or other reasons, just buying a ticket makes you want to bow your head a few times.

“But at length, it will only bore you. After all, you probably didn’t come to see me.”

Moderately light. However, be careful not to be too frivolous.

It's not that simple. What a young man says naturally lacks respect.

Even so, it must be the effect of learning basic etiquette and conversation skills.

“Then, let me tell you a simple caution before this performance.”

In fact, the reason he personally greeted me right now is not because of a useless pretense, but because there is something that needs to be done.

Due to the nature of the performance they are about to do, it is something that must be mentioned.

“As those of you who know our Monster Circus already know, we show off the talents of the monsters we have tamed.”

Some know, and those who bought tickets out of curiosity seem quite puzzled.

So it had to be mentioned.

“By the way, monsters are not metaphors, they are really living monsters themselves.”

It's good to show it once.

As he beckoned, a monster with a leash on a leash came out prowling from inside the stage.

A wolf-like monster with glossy fur in five different colors.

The audience roared as if in amazement.

“As you can see, this guy is quiet. Most of all, they listen to our commands thoroughly because we trained them with our own special secret method.”

Appeal that you have been thoroughly educated by directly stroking or boldly holding a snack and putting your hand up to your mouth.

The trainer said it would be necessary for a while to explain this beforehand.

To avoid confusion, what else was said?

Where are the measures to prevent litigation? Did you also say

I understood the purpose.

When the explanation was completed with sincerity and sincerity, the audience seemed to understand the characteristics of the main performance to some extent.

“Then, I hope you will enjoy our performances from now on.”

Anyway, this is the start.

Performances at Monster Circus are basically divided into three characteristics.

The first one might look normal, but turn on the music and have the monster dance or do some tricks to it.

Make it the first topic to show, and gradually raise the hurdles from the second.


It makes use of the talents of those with strong characteristics, including monsters that can emit fire or ice particles.

For example, the embers spewed out by monsters with flame pockets inside their bodies now fly through the air and draw various shapes.

Scary looking monsters show off colorful art. It will be enough to arouse the curiosity of the viewer.

However, if there is no stimulation, there will be no reaction.

Scary monsters become even more powerful. Things that are easy to attract people with their looks are even more beautiful.

It was thanks to the training of trainers that they were selected to make such distinctions possible and instructed to organize the contents of the performance.

It's not just about teaching tricks.

How you present them is important.

Still, it would be worthwhile to give such tenacious advice.

The audience watching the performance showed no signs of dissatisfaction.

At least there was no one to complain on the spot.

It brought great relief to Kels, who was still watching the audience's reaction nervously from behind the scenes.

We can expect results.

It certainly wouldn't be enough to think that way.

Speaking of the results first, it would not be a fuss even if I said it was a great success.

“No, I’m excited.”

“What are you talking about! It's sure to be a big hit!”

With the exception of the only trainer who was pouting as if he was missing something, everyone else was excited.

“I thought it would be a bit more successful.”

“… … How high have you set the hurdles? Was it already full?”

“There should have been a lot of people outside the performance tent.”

“No, you can’t see the performance there anyway.”

He is a strict kid in a strange place.

“I want to aim for a social boom in the end.”

“That makes the most sense.”

He's smart, but he's surprisingly stupid.

“It’s done. It's a huge success for us.”

In any case, the seats were sold out and there were already people asking to buy tickets for the next performance.

To wish for greater success than this would sound like a luxury.

“So, in commemoration of today, let me buy it!”

He shouted that he would give a treat for the members who gave their strength today.

Naturally, everyone cheered and showed enthusiastic response.

drink for them.

He also told the resting monsters to give them special nutritious snacks.

Anyway, the biggest contributor is the monsters.

“ruler! Because I already made a reservation for a good store! Let's hurry up!”

After that, I took the members and held a dinner party to praise their hard work to the fullest all night.

In the middle of the night, Kells goes alone to the place where the monsters are resting and is tidying up the place.

It was pitiful to lock them in a cold cage, so they split the money they didn't have at the time, rented a building, demolished the entire interior, and created a place for monsters to freely graze.

“Yeah, you did a good job too. Now, eat a lot and get some rest.”

Basically, it's his job to manage these guys.

“Knowledge. After teaching basic tricks, basic management can be done by other humans.”

“Even if you say so… … I brought these guys, so of course it's my duty to do it myself.”

“That's what it means to be knowledgeable.”

“… … Who is talking about who.”

“… … red.”

The reason the trainer didn't say it was probably because he was stung.

Gently, she secretly places something behind her. Looking closely, it's the same package he brought.

“Even if you don't tell me, I'm taking care of these guys properly now.”

“Hung… … I brought it because I was afraid it would be insufficient.”

words do not support

Kels has recently gotten a bit of a feel for the kid.

Pretending to be indifferent. Even if you pretend to be sharp. Surprisingly, I am not good at looking away.

“… … Unexpectedly, he is a meddler.”

” what?”

“no. They said that these guys are energetic today.”

If I told him, I would have frowned arrogantly.

And even now, this guy just pretends not to know while fiddling with the monsters in moderation, expressionless.

“If you have something to say, do it.”

“Is that so? Then let me do it without hesitation.”

it serves him right. Aren't eyes good?

He was silent for a moment, as if to catch his breath.

“thank you for helping.”

He bowed his head towards her and said. Short but perfect sincerity.

“It is not an empty word. If it hadn't been for your advice, I would have been on the street by now.”

“And I would have starved to death.”

“No, that much… …

“Snowy roadside. cold corpse.

And kicking the ball... …

“stop! Ugh! Is it really possible?”

It's really embarrassing that that's the case.

“Well, it’s true that I got help anyway.”

I'm just talking.”

However, she struck it as if it was nothing special, as if she was trying to calmly dismiss the fact.

” hmm'?”

“Actually, I was just giving instructions. Everything else is the result of your creation. So there is no need to say again.”

“But thanks to you, my thoughts have changed.”

At that moment, the trainer looked back with a questioning look.

I expected all the other reactions, but it felt like I hadn't even thought of what I just said.

“I thought I wouldn’t be understood by others.”

childhood. By the time he realized his own heterogeneity, he did not know it.

It wasn't until the hateful gazes of others came into his eyes that he realized.

“I thought I was someone who could only be hated by someone.”

In fact, wandering around with monsters like an obsessive might be surprisingly immature rebellion.

If it is simply for the purpose of living, it is enough to learn even moderate skills.

In the first place, his heterogeneity is not revealed on the surface, so he can do anything to hide it.

“But I didn’t feel like doing it. Even if it was only to come, I showed up and went around.”

“But I never thought I would be admired by someone.”

After the performance, I heard a child talking.

amazing! That bro is great!

Up until now, only contempt had been spoken about him, which he feared or feared.

I realized that sometimes the opposite can also happen.

“Perhaps you wanted to tell me that.”

” what'?”

“… … did you say Then you understand.”

On the contrary, the trainer who looks bewildered as if to say something.

“That doesn’t mean… … Opposite.”

Eventually, as if giving up on something, she starts talking about something.

“… … Once upon a time there was a certain foolish child.”

” A long ago?”

“Yeah. A long time ago that could not be counted.” How

a former pro

sucks honey

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