How a Former Pro Takes Advantage by Doing an Easy Job

Chapter 697

- Episode 64 Episode 64

Episode 64

If you want to deny it, you have to make a good excuse here.

An asshole is an asshole.


“Simple. Basically, the signals to this child are not uniform at all.”

She is also an expert, so she noticed a sense of incongruity at once.

“If you're going to wear a camouflage, you'd better study more.”

In the first place, music, gestures, everything they do is fake.

“The ability to communicate with monsters.”

I didn't even ask, I decided.

Kells shut his mouth wide in surprise, then reached out his hand toward the white fox eating his share at his feet.

It's not a special gesture, but the white fox reacts right away and rubs its head as if responding to it.

At that moment, the trainer saw clearly. A special mental wavelength emitted from him.

“It's an innate ability.”

Even if you look at it roughly, it's probably a talent that will come out in one or two people every 200 years.

“Depending on the region, this ability is called Mangyetsu (M界通). It is a very rare ability, so it will be difficult to find related data.”

“hmm. What an odd name. But if it's precious, is that good?”

can't speak

If you compare it with other talents, it can be said to be a truly miserable specialty.

“A talent that is difficult to be recognized by humans more than anything else.”

“… … miss. How far do you know?”

“At least I know better than you.”

The trainer explained the ability in a calm manner and really casually.

Since birth, he communicates with monsters. Of course, that doesn't mean that the words are fluent.

It is a feeling that the thoughts are conveyed and the condition of the monster comes naturally.

To put it bluntly, it can be said that it is a talent that is compatible with the upper level of other heart pain.

At the point of awakening to this ability without much practice, the potential is much higher this way.

However, despite such a powerful ability, the trainer said this about it.

“As far as I know, no human being was born with it and had a good ending.

In a good way, it is a power that has the potential to communicate with non-human beings.

But to put it another way?

“The Power of Tragedy.”


In the eyes of other human beings, how would a person with that specialty be considered?

It's obvious.

“He who talks to monsters is a monster.”

...... Ugh.

“A truly savage prejudice. It is man's worst weakness.”

She murmured as if fed up.

Those born with such a special ability in history do not have a good ending.

Depending on the era, there were cases in which entire villages were burned down as persecution targets just because humans with such abilities were born.

“I can roughly guess your life.”

The trainer said confidently.

In fact, even when he was listening to the circumstances just a moment ago, Kels was hiding that fact from the city as well.

He introduced himself as a tourist who made a living by taming monsters with ordinary skills.

“No one hides their identity without reason.”

“???? indeed.”

As if he had nothing else to say, Kels lowered his head slightly in agreement.

Then, as if in surrender, he slightly raised his hand.

“I have nothing more to argue about.”

It's embarrassing when you get caught, but you must have felt relieved at the fact that the trainer's reaction just treated it as if it was really nothing.

“It is as you said. I was born with a talent that few others can.”

So he quietly started talking about himself.

“Originally, I was the child of a concubine of a local aristocrat.”

The son of a concubine of an aristocrat who is not particularly famous in the region.

“Kells relpenforald.”

That is the young man's real name.

“Relfenforald. It's a name I don't know.”

“Because it’s just a common idiot.”

That's why, even when I travel to other places, no one really notices about it.

“It was before I took the railroad that I realized that I was different from others.”

At first, it was simply thought that the horses or livestock in the stable were obedient.

At that time, no one was so suspicious.

The decisive blow was when he communicated with a monster that had accidentally flowed into him.

He caressed an ordinary stray cat or puppy as if he were petting them. The monsters also gave in easily.

“That’s when I met this guy.”

Kels said while fiddling with the white fox that had finished eating.

A sight that is not particularly dangerous.

However, it would not have been so in the eyes of other human beings.

“Because the servant at work saw it.”

The trainer said nothing else. But his eyes trembled slightly.

I must have guessed what you were going to say.

“Somehow, being in that mansion was annoying, so I left the house.”

He deliberately exaggeratedly explained it as if it were nothing special, but in reality it would not be that simple.

Probably a lot of frustration and despair.

and betrayal of humanity.

But the trainer didn't bother asking about it.

Anything beyond that is a far cry, and above all, it is in the past. It must mean that there is nothing to say.

“By the way, the little lady is also a very strange person.”

“What does it mean?”

“No, usually when I talk about this, they usually ignore it. Or they look like they don’t know why.”

But that little boy reacted a little differently than others.

“You look like you understand.”

“… … It is an illusion.”

She casually denied it.

“Hmm… … Anyway, I didn't mean to say anything gloomy. Where should I eat something?”

Watching the young man energetically looking around the menu board, the trainer tried to look away.

“But do you have any money?”

“Don’t belittle me. I have that much money.

… … Well, really little.”

That's a really lame answer.

“If it's not enough, I'll pay even if I do the dishes.”

In addition, the way you speak enough to know how you've been. The trainer sighed and shook his head.

Well, I just have to listen to a few words and leave.

She is also not in a particularly idle position.

And after a while... … .

The table, which had been filled with silence just a moment ago, had become a strange place where the two voices went back and forth nonstop in just a few tens of minutes.

“So does that make sense? Seeing people as monsters just because their specialty is a bit eccentric!”

“huh. huh.”

Kels talking while drunk. And the trainer also pretends to nod quietly.

“People don’t understand us in the first place.”

“that's right. that's right.”

The cause, of course, is alcohol.

Alcohol is really critical for people who are under a bit of stress.

And it seems that he gets more talkative when he gets drunk.

and trainer.

“I agree very much.”

She nods quietly, but her eyes are slightly open. Originally, alcohol was not given, but when he forcibly took half of it from Kells, who was slightly defenseless, and drank it, the two people who were drunk in the end were talking about their own difficulties, forgetting each other's position.

“In the first place, there’s no way you can become a monster lover just because you can communicate with monsters!”

“Right! That's right!”

“Anyway, you don’t know much about human women, do you? If you say that, the country will also be hurt.”

“I want to date too?!”

“It doesn't matter anyway.”

We ended up telling each other everything we couldn't say.

“It is best to ignore insignificant idiots.”

chin! The trainer put a hand on Kells' shoulder and said.

Due to the difference in height, I unintentionally became a patter, but I don't care now.

“Ordinary human beings will never understand our feelings.”

Uh ”

W ?

“It's enough for us to do as we like.”

“Ha ha ha ha ha… …

Hearing that, Kels let out a slightly weak laugh.

“I never thought I would come to a place like this and hear something like this. Even for a kid like this.”

“I’ll say it again, I’m far older than you in life.”

“Yes, yes.”

I'm not sure I'm listening properly.

“Anyway, for one reason or another, it came to Fahilia. Compared to other places, it's embarrassing to compare here.”

The inhabitants of Fahilia are more tolerant than those elsewhere.

Because he had often seen bizarre things, he was okay with humans walking around teaching monsters some tricks.

“Well, if I could live on a little more, I wouldn’t wish for anything, but it seems like you don’t understand my talent.”


At that time, the trainer is Chin! He slammed the table with his two small arms and shouted.


“It’s not that people don’t understand.

It was wrong in the first place!”

I have to say something. The trainer pointed out fiercely and ferociously.

“Emotions were wrong in the first place! Most of all, you have a good sense of playing!”


Since it is a sincere criticism, it sometimes hurts my heart.

“Wait a minute? little girl? So, if you are a young lady, are you saying that something is different?”

“Different! Very different!”

Chin trainer! Get up from your chair and put one foot on the table! up and said confidently.

“My skill at handling monsters is tens of thousands of times better than a kid like you!”

“OK! I told you! Teach me then!”

Kells also shouted as if half-provoked.

This was the beginning of a disaster caused by two drunkards without thinking.

and a few hours later.

“… … Why did I say such nonsense?”

The trainer, who later became clear-headed, recalled the memory of that time in his accommodation and rolled around.

Even reincarnated people sometimes make mistakes because of alcohol.

Unwillingly, she must have proved it.

Even if it was said while drunk, it would not be possible to say that the words once uttered were not there.

Besides, if you take it off and he says something else for no reason and it gets into Arele Ernesia's ears, it's annoying.

It's already automatically imagined in my head.

(Wow? I heard there's an idiot who can't keep his word? Hahahahahahaha! Is that you! Hahahahahahaha!)

For some reason, I can hear Allel's laughter, as if laughing and laughing, like an auditory hallucination.

If that's the case, it'll actually stay that way.

I'm sure. you can bet

‘huh! If you take it off, stop!'

I don't remember anything, but I don't think you need to keep your promise.

That sounds like a more naive idea, but so what?

and the next day.

Likewise, I went to his place at the same time as usual... … .

“ah… … Are you here?”

“… … ha.”

nothing to ask I remember it.

“I keep my promise.”

“huh? It's not really what I want from the little girl... …

I remember it, but it seems that I thought it was a child's bravado.

That, in its own way, is a self-defeating reaction.

“Just watch.”

The trainer's eyes widened and he confidently declared that he would help him once more.

“I will lend you my wisdom so that you can settle down here properly.”

“… … Um, please?”

Kells nodded his head in disbelief at first, but he didn't believe it very much.

That would be a common reaction.

“red. Just look.”

It makes no sense to say it now.

If you show the results properly and then make them lie down, that's it.

Let's see if I can make such a fierce face after that.

As if being pushed by a strange mistake, the trainer sincerely wanted to come out like this.

“Anyway, just think of it as being on a giant iceberg.”

“Doesn’t that melt eventually?”

“… … noisiness.”

Trust me anyway.

It seems that a strange dignity and confidence overflow from that small body.

Kels stopped nodding his head involuntarily.

First of all, it was decided to review his plan from the beginning.

“The idea itself isn’t too bad.”

Make the monster perform tricks to attract attention and get a share through it.

“But the way I appealed was wrong.”

“Is it like that?”

“If you try your hand at metallurgy on a street like this, no one will pay attention.”

The trainer's point was extremely realistic and callous.

It must have been a painful remark, but Kels grabbed the back of his neck and averted his gaze as if he was embarrassed.

“Nothing… … I'm not trying to make excuses. There was no other way.”

Fortunately, this place has also received permission from the city side.

In that respect, Fahilia is a place where you can communicate more fully than other places.

“In the first place, you can't even get permission in other cities.”

“It's not really that kind of story. However, if you do, it is recommended to increase the scale more.”


You put on a face that doesn't know what you're talking about.

“If possible, the bigger the stage, the better.

You just need to increase the spectacle and attract enough audience.”

The larger the scale, the more people gather. I pointed out that first.

“in short… … Are you trying to make something like a theater company?”

“That’s it.”

A circus troupe using monsters.

That's what she claims. How

a former pro

sucks honey

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